Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 215: Take advantage and run away

Wanlong didn't listen at all, and continued: "Hehe, let's go, our small temple really can't hold your big Buddha, you follow Wang Qianchen, there will definitely be a future in the future, don't go back to Qingcheng Mountain."

"Wanlong, I didn't mean that..."

"Fuck you out, did you hear me!" Zhang Quan suddenly burst out and cursed fiercely.

Needles could be heard in the bedroom, and everyone looked at He Jun disdainfully, and some of them even let out a faint sneer.

In theory, Wan Long is just a disciple, and he certainly cannot stop He Jun from returning to the mountain, but he is different from other disciples. The connoisseur's respect and favor, if you say something casually after returning, He Jun's dismissal is a certainty.

He Jun wanted to climb Wang Qianchen, but he didn't want to give up his status as a disciple of Mount Qingcheng.

But now in this situation, everyone is urging him to leave, how can he stay?

"I know, because I replaced Xiao Luan, that's why you can't get along with me... But I can't help it, if I can, I want to change back... Alas, I won't say it, and when you're all relieved, I'll Come on, we are all brothers and sisters from the same sect, there is nothing we can't talk about!" Xiao Luan, the one who was replaced by He Jun's "ability" before, is also a good friend of Wan Long, Zhang Quan and others who get along day and night.

After saying this, He Jun turned around and left.

"Fuck away, I'll be annoyed when I see you!" Zhang Quan cursed again.

He Jun opened the door of the dormitory and was confronted by Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua who had rushed over.

"They beat you?" Wang Qianchen sniffed He Jun's scent all the way to come here, saw the bright red fingerprints on his face, and immediately became angry.

"No..." He Jun quickly covered his face.

"It's nothing, do you think I'm blind?" Wang Qianchen was in a rage, and they were all brothers from a sect. As for bullying people like this?

Wang Qianchen dragged He Jun into the bedroom, followed by Wei Zihua.

"Who beat you?" Wang Qianchen swept the crowd viciously.

"It's really okay..." He Jun's head was big, and he wanted to drag Wang Qianchen out.

"I hit, what's wrong?" Zhang Quan jumped up immediately, and everyone in the dormitory stood up one after another. After all, they were only in their early twenties, and they were just at the age of vigor and vitality. The matter, everyone didn't say anything because of Wanlong's obstruction, but now Wang Qianchen has come to the door, then they must not be ostriches!

"Wang Qianchen, what do you want to do?" Wan Long didn't stand up in a room full of people, but he looked at him like a knife.

"Don't do anything, give me some justice for this buddy!" Of course Wang Qianchen knew that Wanlong was a stone realm, but he didn't have any fear. Surrounded by the Qingcheng Mountain disciples, he still pointed at Zhang Quan and said, "You beat me. Is he right, then I'll let you taste what it's like to be beaten too!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Qianchen slapped him fiercely.

Zhang Quan's response was also very fast, he pulled out a sword and stabbed him. Qingcheng Mountain is most famous for swordsmanship. All the disciples are experts in swordsmanship. Skill, and much more powerful than Qingcheng Mountain's swordsmanship, Wang Qianchen easily avoided the sword, but still slapped him in the face.


Five bright red fingerprints appeared on Zhang Quan's face.

Zhang Quan was so angry that he wanted to raise his sword and stab again, but was kicked to the side by Wang Qianchen.

"Wang Qianchen, don't go too far!" Wan Long shouted angrily and rushed towards him.

The other disciples also drew their swords and rushed forward.

"Give me a **** stop!" Wei Zihua quickly waved his hands, condensing an air grenade in his left and right hands, and pointed at the people on the left and right in front of Wang Qianchen, looking quite domineering.

"Stop!" Wan Long shouted immediately, he was not afraid of the air grenade in Wei Zihua's hand, but worried that if the other party really threw it, half of the dormitory might collapse, and Song Cepeng would be furious. fired them all.

The other party is crazy, he can't go crazy with it.

"Don't fight... Really don't fight..." He Jun said weakly, but unfortunately he couldn't stop it.

"You two want to play, right? Okay, let's change the place, we can't do it in the dormitory building, why don't we go to the rooftop?" Wan Long said solemnly, he had already observed it, and there were only a few places in the entire training camp that were not monitored. , the roof of the dormitory building is one of them, and he heard from the disciples who participated in the training camp before that sometimes private conflicts between recruits will be resolved on the roof.

"Crazy, who wants to go to the rooftop with you..." After fighting Zhang Quan, Wang Qianchen was satisfied and pulled He Jun to leave.

"That's right, what are you doing on the rooftop, I don't want to eat barbecue..." Wei Zihua still held two air grenades and walked backwards slowly behind Wang Qianchen.

Both of them had the same idea, they hurried to take advantage of it, and they went to the rooftop because they were sick.

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