Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 219: he's mine

Seeing that Du Hong also stepped in, Wang Qianchen's head was big, and he couldn't help but say, "Can you talk about martial arts? After I fight with Wanlong and the others, can we talk about our business?"

"You want to fight with Wanlong and the others?" Du Hong looked at the disciples in Qingcheng Mountain in surprise. Although he had no friends, he wouldn't block his eyes and ears, and he was born in a famous school like Putuo Mountain. Naturally, he knew Wanlong. The strength of these people immediately said in doubt: "How can you possibly beat it?"

"What's your business?" Wang Qianchen thought that Du Hong was gloating at the misfortune, and said angrily.

"Why is it none of my business, we are... Wait! Wait!" Du Hong remembered something, and immediately took out his mobile phone and looked down to check: "How to treat friends' enemies?"

It is clearly written on the Internet: "Since it is your friend, then your friend's enemy is naturally your enemy. It is your responsibility to help your friend defeat the enemy together..."

"So it is!" Du Hong nodded, with a look of sudden realization, then his feet a little, his body jumped over the Qingcheng Mountain crowd and flew to Wang Qianchen.

"What are you doing..." Wang Qianchen was shocked and instinctively held the brick in his hand.

"Help you, what else can you do?" Du Hong laughed, then turned around and said to Wan Long in a cold voice, "Come on, let's fight!"

Du Hong's actions naturally confused a group of people, Wang Qianchen, Wei Zihua, and He Jun naturally looked at him in confusion, and the disciples in Qingcheng Mountain were also puzzled, Wan Long said blankly, "Du Hong, what are you doing? "

"Stop talking nonsense, you are my enemy!" Du Hong stared at him coldly.

"When are we enemies?!" Wan Long's face was full of disbelief. First, he did not have any gap with Du Hong. Second, Putuo Mountain and Qingcheng Mountain were still friendly schools. No matter which direction they started from, they could not be called "enemy". what!

"If you want to fight Wang Qianchen, you are my enemy!" Du Hong raised his eyebrows and said.

"Why?" Wan Long became more and more puzzled.

"Because he's mine... mine..." The word "friend" came to his lips, but he couldn't say the word "friend", because Du Hong has always been arrogant, and he has repeatedly claimed that he does not I need a friend, and now I suddenly have a friend, which is equivalent to slapping myself in the face, which is really hard to tell.

"Is he yours???" Wan Long's small eyes were filled with big doubts.

"Stop talking nonsense. No one can move him with me here anyway. Whoever moves him will not be able to get along with me!" Du Hong snorted coldly, waved his hands in the air, and two clusters of flames appeared in his palm, a murderous aura. Teng Teng look.

"This is the friend you called?" Wei Zihua suddenly remembered something, and immediately asked Wang Qianchen softly.

"No..." Wang Qianchen was also at a loss, the friend he was talking about was definitely not Du Hong.

"Then I understand..." Wei Zihua said solemnly, "Have you read martial arts novels? There is a kind of person who is naturally proud. The enemy he considers never lets others interfere, and he has to solve it himself. Who wants to be first? One step to deal with his enemy, but he will become his enemy... Du Hong, it is obviously this kind of person, he wants to solve you personally!"

"...Understood!" Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth, this feeling of being protected by the enemy made him feel humiliated.

"It doesn't matter, let's pass this level first!" Wei Zihua said through gritted teeth.

"...Well!" Wang Qianchen couldn't stop him, so he could only agree.

Listening to the conversation between the two, He Jun felt that something was not right. He always felt that things were not as they said, but he had never dared to express his opinion easily and could only keep silent.

"Du Hong, are you going to oppose our Qingcheng Mountain?" Wan Long asked again in a frenzy.

"So what?" Du Hong burned two flames and looked at Wan Long with disdain.

At this moment, Wanlong's mind turned back and forth, quickly analyzed the battle strength of the next two sides, and then turned around and said to the people around him, "Leave Du Hong to me, and you can clean up those three people!"

Wan Long didn't want to fight against Wang Qianchen in his heart, but he had to go to the sky because of this. He knew very well in his heart that his fight with Du Hong would not affect the relationship between Putuo Mountain and Qingcheng Mountain. No matter what the final result was, Anyway, he didn't fight with Wang Qianchen, even if he turned over the old account in the future, he could push it to his juniors.

The disciples of Mount Qingcheng didn't know Wan Long's true thoughts. They thought that he took the initiative to pick the most difficult opponent to fight, and they were all moved. They felt that this senior brother was really handsome, and nodded in agreement.

"Then it's ready!" Wan Long exhaled, and a few flying swords rose up behind him.

"This guy is not easy to deal with, leave it to me, the rest of you!" Du Hong knew the genius disciples of various sects very well, and immediately asked Wang Qianchen and others.

"Don't be so pretentious, we can handle him ourselves!" Wei Zihua snorted coldly. From the beginning as a roommate, he was very dissatisfied with Du Hong, and then a series of incidents happened, which made him feel bad for Du Hong. Malice is simply at its peak.

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