Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 220: people involved in fate

"You can also deal with him?" Du Hong looked surprised, and then his heart became more and more excited. He didn't know that Wei Zihua was talking in anger. He thought that Wang Qianchen really had this ability, and he couldn't help but think that he was indeed my favorite friend. , The mere earth realm can actually fight against the stone realm, and it is indeed a gifted and talented genius.

"Of course!" Wei Zihua said angrily.

"Okay, then I won't steal your limelight. You deal with Wanlong, and I deal with others!" Du Hong said solemnly.

Hearing this, Wan Long became anxious and shouted loudly, "Why did you change people again? It's agreed that I will fight with Du Hong!"

"Haha, Wang Qianchen's handling of you is easy and easy, so why should I steal his limelight?" Du Hong looked proud, but this pride was not for himself, but for a friend like Wang Qianchen.

"When did I say that it was easy for me to clean up Wanlong?" Wang Qianchen looked at Wei Zihua with a puzzled expression.

"I don't know either..." Wei Zihua was also confused.

"It doesn't matter, then let's do Wanlong first!" Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth, quickly copied the bricks, stared straight at Wanlong, and quickly made a battle plan in his mind.

"Hey, let's discuss it..." Wan Long was stared at by him a little hairy, Du Hong's words would definitely not be false, and he thought that he would definitely not be able to fight Wang Qianchen.

"Hahaha, it's so lively, why don't you add me!"

Just as the two sides were arguing, a hearty voice suddenly sounded, and then a figure walked out from behind the solar panel on the roof. I saw that this person was in his early twenties, with fair skin, clear eyebrows, and a bright smile on his face. It is a typical Taoist dress, wearing a yellow and black Taoist robe, with a bun on the top of his head, and there is a hint of cuteness in his playfulness.

"Tan Zuo?! Why are you here?" Wan Long asked in surprise.

"Who is it?" Wang Qianchen immediately asked in a low voice.

Wei Zihua was also a little confused, although he had been in contact with [Monster Slayer] longer than Wang Qianchen, but after all, he came from a humble background and not everyone knew him.

He Jun whispered: "Maoshan Tan Zuo is also a talented disciple of the younger generation..."

Having said that, Wang Qianchen also remembered him. When Song Cepian counted the number of people in Shijing before, there was this Tan Zuo, who was wearing a Taoist robe. It turned out that he was from Maoshan, and he was also a well-known and famous school!

"Hey, I was sunbathing here. I was sleeping soundly, but you woke me up..." Tan Zuo yawned. He had a baby face. If it weren't for his tall stature, he would have thought he was only seventeen. eight years old.

"What do you mean by adding you just now?" Wan Long had a bad premonition.

"Hey, you guys are playing so lively, it shouldn't be too much to add me?" Mao Shantan's left foot was a little bit, and the wide yellow Taoist robe rolled up in the air. After the sound of "hula la", the figure stood beside Wang Qianchen.

"You want to help them?!" Wan Long's eyes widened.

"Yeah, I've never been used to bullying more than others in my life. There are so many of you bullying others. We Maoshan must not sit idly by!" Tan Zuo stood proudly, and immediately drew out a long sharp sword. .

Among the Taoists, there are indeed many who use swords.

How much to bully less? !

Hearing this, Wan Long almost lost his temper. On the opposite side was a genius disciple from Mount Putuo, a talented person who was personally certified by Song Chongjian and who could easily kill the stone realm in the earth realm. There was also a man who could squeeze the air. A pervert who has become any weapon, actually said that he is using more to bully less?

"This is the friend you called?" Wei Zihua asked Wang Qianchen in a low voice again.

"...No." Wang Qianchen shook his head again, he didn't know Tan Zuo at all, and he didn't even say a word. But at this moment, his heart was faintly excited. Could it be that Tan Zuo is the one involved in his fate, otherwise why would he help himself for no reason?

Zhou Junxian said that he is Ziweixing's destiny, and whenever there is a disaster, there must be a noble person to help, although it can't be called a disaster now... But a genius disciple of Maoshan is definitely a noble person!

Zhou Junxian also said that he doesn't have to go looking for it deliberately. People involved in his fate will naturally appear in front of him, which is quite in line with Tan Zuo!

Wang Qianchen looked at Tan Zuo carefully, and felt more and more that this young man was extraordinary, but he was immortal and noble at a young age. .

"It's not the people you called, why did everyone come out to help you?" Wei Zihua was still puzzled, and always felt that Wang Qianchen was lying to himself. After all, Wang Qianchen had a secret for a day or two.

"It's not what I called...but it's very possible that he and my fate are involved!" Wang Qianchen's eyes lit up.

"..." This sentence sounded familiar, and Wei Zihua felt a little jealous for a moment, so he could not help but whisper: "Hey, are there more people involved in your fate..."

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