Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 229: Jiangnan, Nie family

Before he finished speaking, Song Chongjian couldn't help laughing again, he quickly coughed as a cover, and then said solemnly: "Three times, five times and ten times, it's just your beginning, as your strength gradually increases, Gravity will gradually increase! In short, everything I do is for your own good, for you to grow up as soon as possible, and become an independent demon slayer hahahaha..."

The sound of the broadcast stopped abruptly, as if it had been cut off by someone.

In the broadcasting room, Siyao said helplessly: "Commander Song, if you keep laughing like this, the recruits will have ideas!"

"Hey, I really can't help it ahahahaha..." Song Chongjian hugged his head, his whole body trembling on the table.

Si Yao calmly moved the microphone, turned on the radio, and continued: "All recruits, after breakfast, remember to report to the teaching building at eight o'clock, your respective classes have been sent via text message..."

in the dormitory.

Although Song Epee’s laughter from time to time made people play, everyone basically figured out what was going on. It was like those ordinary soldiers were trained with weights. As recruits of [Monster Slayer], they also had similar projects, but they were burdened. is heavier and heavier.

Three times the sand, five times the earth, and ten times the stone!

The stronger the strength, the heavier the weight to bear.

For example, Wang Qianchen is in the soil realm. He has 140 jins, so he can bear the weight of 700 jins. It is definitely unacceptable for ordinary people, but it is barely affordable for his soil realm. This is also the training camp. The purpose is that people can just bear it, and not directly overwhelm it.

It is true that if Wang Qianchen uses the [Vigor] skill in [Seventy-two Transformations], he can easily bear these weights, but firstly, [Vigorously] cannot be used all the time, and it is not necessary to carry the weight with ease for a while. , does not lose the meaning of training?

Tan Zuo also didn't use the Vigor Talisman, obviously the same idea as Wang Qianchen.

In fact, most people can accept this training. Everyone is here for the experience, not to mention Song Epee's idea. Naturally, there is no complaint.

After working hard in the dormitory for a while, everyone gradually got used to the current state. Although their movements were still extremely slow, they were much stronger than when they first woke up.

A few people walked out of the dormitory together, and they saw that everyone in the corridor was similar. No matter who they were, they all looked painful. Some were walking against the wall, and some were crawling slowly on the ground. The one lying on the ground was at least two people. A fat man with more than 100 pounds, no matter what kind of situation he is, it is really uncomfortable...

Everyone had a hard meal, and then walked towards the teaching building.

The class assignment information has indeed been sent to their respective mobile phones. After all, there are nearly a thousand recruits this time. It is not realistic to divide them into one classroom, so they still have to be separated. From the first class to the tenth class, each class has seven. Eighty people, and each has a monitor.

Wang Qianchen is in class ten.

Unsurprisingly, he was the class leader.

As for the monitor of the other classes, Wang Qianchen also paid attention to them, and they were basically the ones who raised their hands yesterday. For example, Tan Zuo, Du Hong, and Wan Long were all monitor.

That is to say, Wang Qianchen is the only soil realm among all the squad leaders!

However, his performance at the recruit meeting was good enough, so no one raised any objection as the squad leader. As for He Jun and Wei Zihua, they were not in Wang Qianchen's class. It is estimated that this is also the meaning of the training camp. Whether it is from the dormitory or the class, both They are trying every means to destroy those original small groups and avoid the situation of using power to oppress people and bullying the few with more.

But still, Wang Qianchen doesn't think it's very useful. People can still play together after class, and they can also run around in the dormitories when they return to the dormitory. It can only be said that the training camp has made due efforts.

When they came to Class 10, a lot of recruits had come here sporadically, some in groups, and some alone. After seeing Wang Qianchen come in, everyone was silent for a while, and then they started to do what they were supposed to do.

Wang Qianchen is very good, but he has no background at first, and secondly, everyone is a good seed in various places, and the chance of working together in the future is very slim, there is really no need to curry favor with him, kneel and lick him.

Of course, Wang Qianchen is not the type who needs others to huddle around. After finding a place to sit down, he took out his notebook and waited for the teacher to teach.

In the corner, there were seven or eight people wearing the same clothes.

They came from a certain big family in Jiangnan: the Nie family.

The Nie family's business is booming, and it is rumored that they are backed by the military. In fact, because their family is also responsible for killing monsters in the south of the Yangtze River, they enjoy some preferential treatment and benefits that ordinary companies do not have.

"Brother Rong, the squad leader of the tenth class was supposed to be yours, but it was taken over by that Wang Qianchen..." One of the young people said dissatisfiedly.

"It's just a squad leader, what's the benefit? Let him be the one." Nie Rong didn't care. He was the youngest son of the Nie family. Why care about this shit.

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that Wang Qianchen looked towards him.

Although it was only a glimpse, it was still captured by him.

"Be careful, he can hear us!" Nie Rong's face sank instantly.

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