Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 230: not ordinary people

Wang Qianchen did hear it.

In such a large classroom, there is no wall, glass, etc. to block, how can it not be heard? Hearing someone talking about him, he instinctively glanced back, but he didn't expect to be discovered by Nie Rong.

As if he had done something bad and was noticed, Wang Qianchen was a little guilty, and immediately looked at his heart, but unfortunately there was an empty book on the table, so he took out his mobile phone again and pretended to look at it casually.

the other side.

"So far, he can hear us?" The young man expressed disbelief.

Nie Rong stared at Wang Qianchen's back for a while, frowned and said, "I always think this kid is a little weird, anyway, be careful, don't speak ill of others behind his back."

"How can you speak ill of others, this squad leader should be yours in the first place—"

"I've said it all, I don't care about the class or the class leader!"

Nie Rong's face sank, and the group finally fell silent.

But then again, Nie Rong is also very curious, can Wang Qianchen hear them?

Seeing that man was still looking at his nose and heart, as if he didn't know anything, Nie Rong suddenly took it into his head and said softly, "Wang Qianchen, I'm your father."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Qianchen's back suddenly trembled.

"Hey, I'm joking with you, I'm not your father..." Nie Rong said quickly.

Wang Qianchen remained motionless.

"Sure enough, you can hear me...you know a lot!" Nie Rong smiled softly.

Wang Qianchen did not respond.

"Hehe..." Nie Rong shook his head and ignored this matter, but he also secretly thought to pay attention in the future, not to speak ill of this guy behind his back.

Due to the suppression of gravity, everyone's life is not very good. It seems that there are several people on their backs moving at any time, and they are all over every side and every inch of the body, so everyone can move without moving and stay in their seats honestly. superior.

It was a theoretical class in the morning and a practical class in the afternoon. Wang Qianchen and the others were taught by an old pedant wearing reading glasses, who looked at least seventy years old.

say what?

Of course, it is about the types and habits of each monster, as well as the tactics and methods of restraining them, as well as how teammates should cooperate, how to fight attacks, and how to fight assists. Listening to it is like explaining the game, very exciting and very interesting .

It's just that the game can be restarted if it dies, and if the monster is killed, it's really dead, and no one can save it.

Because there are so many types of monsters and different abilities, some of this course is taught, and even if the training camp is over, it may not be finished, so we can only pick some popular and common ones.

"In addition to living monsters, there are also dead monsters, such as swords, swords, halberds, chess, calligraphy and painting, and even spoons, shovels, pillows, and clothes that may become monsters. Some temples or Taoist temples listen to the scriptures, and some absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth unintentionally, as long as it is a coincidence, it is not surprising that anything becomes a monster..."

"Hahaha, Xiaohonglou, this teacher is talking about you!" Brick said in his consciousness.

"Really, let me listen to it! Master, I want to go out!" Mr. Honglou was very curious.

Wang Qianchen looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he stretched out his hand and took out a copy of "A Dream of Red Mansions" and placed it on the table.

"To treat different monsters, use different methods. For example, things like book monsters should be burned, immersed in water, or thrown into a shredder, so as to ensure that they will be wiped out..." The old pedant said leisurely.

"Wait, it's really cruel..." After staying with Banzhuan for a long time, Mr. Honglou also had a habit of swearing.

"In short, as long as you understand the characteristics of a monster, it's not difficult to deal with him. If the realm is not too different, you can even kill monsters by leaps and bounds. After all, most monsters have a low IQ..."

"Bullshit, you let him try to kill me?" Brick said disdainfully.

"Most of the IQs are not high? He has never seen me, a monster like me who is full of poetry and books. He wants to deal with me. Mr. even sneered.

The two demons kept chatting in their consciousness, which made Wang Qianchen very annoyed, and took Mr. Honglou back. The bricks that had always been behind his waist were also put into the Qiankun bag.

"Master, it's so boring in here, and there are four idiots, can you let me out..." Brick begged pitifully, without needing Wang Qianchen to do anything, a burst of "bang bang bang bang" came from the Qiankun bag. the sound of.

There are two big classes in the morning, and there is a half-hour break in between. At most, everyone goes to the toilet and then goes back to the classroom to stay there, and no one wants to walk outside.

But Du Hong and Tan Zuo, the two living treasures, had to come to Wang Qianchen to chat under the pressure of gravity, in the name of promoting feelings, but Wang Qianchen was not moved at all, but complained that the two were really fed up.

"We finally came here, you can chat with us for a while..." Du Hong had a constipated expression, and it was really uncomfortable to carry ten times the gravity.

"Yeah, just talk about anything, it's not worth it to go back like this!" Tan Zuo also had a painful expression on his face, and tried to pull out the Great Strength Talisman several times, but he held back.

"You two, get out of your way, do you think you don't have to work hard to talk? I beg you, please go back, there will be a practice class in the afternoon, can you save some effort?" One by one, both of them were sent away.

In classrooms.

Nie Rong's eyes flickered slightly when he saw Wang Qianchen, who had a good conversation with Putuoshan Du Hong and Maoshan Tan Zuo.

"This guy is really not an ordinary person..." Nie Rong murmured.

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