Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 248: Dragon people

Seeing Wanlong coming in, Wang Qianchen grabbed Wei Zihua's arm and whispered, "I'll explain to you later, don't do it now!"

Yesterday, Song Cepeng was furious. Although no one was fired in the end, the only thing that caused trouble at such a juncture was his brain. Wei Zihua still gave Wang Qianchen a lot of face, and immediately calmed down and continued to eat, but his eyes still stared at the two people.

Wan Long and the others also saw Wang Qianchen, and they all came to Hu Yan and Zhang Quan without saying a word. They also came to deliver food, and it was quite generous, bringing a lot of vegetables and soups.

Naturally, it was impossible for the two sides to talk to each other actively. There was silence in the entire infirmary for a while. He Jun lowered his head even more. embarrassed.

Hu Yan and Zhang Quan became slightly stiffer. They were shivering and trembling with fear before. Now they have the support of their fellow apprentices and brothers, they all straightened their backs. Full of provocation.

"Emotional intelligence is too low, even eating so loudly!" Du Hong snorted coldly.

Hu Yan and Zhang Quan were confused and didn't know what the relationship between eating loudly and having low emotional intelligence had anything to do with Wan Long whispering, "Stop it all down, don't look for trouble!"

Tan Zuo suddenly flashed out, took out two yellow talismans from his arms, and stuck them on Hu Yan and Zhang Quan's shoulders.

"What are you doing?!" Wan Long was a little anxious.

"It's alright, the two silence talismans will not make a sound for ten minutes, so they can eat quietly! Wan Long, how am I to your junior brother?" Tan Zuo said with a smile.

"Thank you, but you don't have to." Wan Long said coldly, and then pulled off the talismans on Hu Yan and Zhang's body.

Du Hong and Tan Zuo had to say something else, Wang Qianchen quickly stopped the two of them, and said softly, "Don't be familiar with them!"

Both of them laughed, and then said nothing.

An embarrassing visit finally ended. Wei Zihua still did not meet the discharge standard, but it was really boring for him to stay in the infirmary. After the doctor's examination, he agreed to return to the dormitory to recuperate, but he could not take practical classes for two days.

When a few people returned to the dormitory, Wei Zihua couldn't wait to ask what was going on, Wang Qianchen just told what happened yesterday, Wei Zihua was overjoyed when he heard it: "It's so lively, if I knew it, I wouldn't sleep. , and play with you on the playground!"

"Don't play, you don't know how Commander Song was so angry yesterday, he almost fired a few of us!" Wang Qianchen still had lingering fears.

"Impossible, a bunch of talented disciples are involved, and Commander Song doesn't want to be fired, it's just to scare people! If you have experience in the future, if you want to play such a big game, you can ask a few more talented disciples and family sons to accompany you. Are you two Tianlong people?" Wei Zihua said the last sentence to Du Hong and Tan Zuo.

"Would you like to go with me to Mount Putuo to become a monk?" Du Hong pouted.

"Yes, it's okay to go to Maoshan with me to become a Taoist priest. Wouldn't it be good to be a Tianlong person like me?" Tan Zuo also laughed.

"You can pull it down, I'm not a monk or a Taoist priest, I still want to marry a wife!" Wei Zihua showed a look of disgust.

Everyone laughed, and although He Jun followed suit, he was more envious, because in front of genius disciples like Du Hong and Tan Zuo, he didn't dare to say a word, let alone say a word. Just kidding, this has nothing to do with his own strength. When Wei Zihua was in the soil realm before, he still joked with them, and even dared to scold them.

In this harmonious small environment, He Jun seemed a little out of place. He tried to look calm, but he couldn't help being cautious and cautious.

After a day's rest, everyone basically recovered.

When I went to the theory class the next day, before the teacher came, Wang Qianchen went to Nie Rong to say thank you.

Yesterday, if Nie Rong hadn't stood up and spoke with justice, he would have been surrounded by people from Class 5.

Nie Rong smiled and said, "Don't worry about the little things, we are in the same class!"

Even so, it's commendable, it's only a few days in one class.

Then, Wang Qianchen said thank you to the entire tenth class. The relationship between everyone may have been normal before, and there was no overlap between each other, but after going through yesterday's events, the relationship has obviously warmed up a lot, and the atmosphere has become harmonious. Many, really a bit of a collective feeling.

In the following days, everyone will attend classes and training as usual. In the practical class, in addition to the tortured running circle, punches and swords are added, which seems to be no different from the training content before participating in the training camp. Doing this under the suppression of several times of gravity is still different.

The people in Qingcheng Mountain did not move, and the storm seemed to end here.

But is it really over?

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