Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 249: Or, just kill

Dormitory, a bedroom.

Hu Yan and Zhang Quan finally recovered from their injuries, and the disciples of Mount Qingcheng gathered together again.

"Senior Brother Wan, can't we just let it go?" Hu Yan took a cigarette and glanced at Wan Long who was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone.

"Aren't you very capable, carry me behind your back and lead everyone to sneak attack on Wang Qianchen, there's no place in your eyes as Senior Brother Wan, you can handle it yourself!" Wan Long said without raising his head, neither yin nor yang.

Speaking of this matter, Hu Yan was indeed a bit wrong. He lowered his head and said, "Senior Brother Wan, it's true that I did something wrong, but I don't want to cause you less trouble. If I can solve it myself, I can solve it myself..."

"Well, yes, it really didn't cause me any trouble!" Wan Long said yin and yang again, his opinion on nonsense was really not that big.

"It's alright. Didn't we get fired in the end? After all, we belong to Qingcheng Mountain, and Commander Song still wants to give face... Senior Brother Wan, if I was wrong, please forgive me... Brothers suffered such a big loss, really I can’t let it go!” In this team, although Hu Yan always prided himself on being the number two leader, he knew that the real decision maker and the person capable of revenge was Wan Long, so he bowed his head when it was time to bow his head.

These remarks came into the hearts of everyone, and everyone said yes, they couldn't let it go.

In the melee on the playground, Qingcheng Mountain was really good and didn't get anything. Not only Hu Yan and Zhang Quan were stabbed to death, but the others were also beaten by Wang Qianchen. Can you take this breath?

The disciples of Mount Qingcheng are definitely the biggest joke in the entire training camp!

Listening to everyone's complaints, Wan Long fell silent.

In fact, he didn't want to fight against Wang Qianchen in his heart. Look at those talented disciples and sons of noble families, who are all trying to get on well with him, but now that the trouble has reached this point, he has no way back.

Harmony, shame; ignore it, also shame; only revenge can save the situation!

"That's what I think..." After being silent for a while, Wan Long murmured: "Wang Qianchen has countless potentials, there is no doubt about this, he was still in the early stage of the earth realm some time ago, and he rose directly to the stone in a few days. Jing, who is not afraid of this talent? I am not saying that I am dejected, I will ask you, if you don't have the identity of Qingcheng Mountain, which of you would dare to oppose him?"

Wanlong's eyes were like knives, sweeping towards the crowd.

No one spoke, and they all lowered their heads.

Wan Long took a breath and continued: "But since we have this identity, we represent not only ourselves, but the entire Qingcheng Mountain! We are shamed, and Qingcheng Mountain is also shamed, so revenge must be avenged, and this is also us. responsibilities and obligations!”

Everyone raised their heads and their eyes began to shine.

Wan Long's voice became deeper and deeper: "But he is really too strong, even Commander Song has his eyes on him, his talent definitely surpasses all genius disciples! If this kind of person can't be made to disappear, then It will bring us endless trouble..."

Everyone's heart trembled slightly.

"So, either don't do it, or kill it directly, there is no third way!" Wan Long said with narrowed eyes.

"How?" Hu Yan asked immediately.

"According to my report, the training camp is about to start social practice. At that time, everyone will be sent to various places to kill monsters... We can get rid of him outside..." Wan Long made a murderous gesture with his hand .


It was an unremarkable afternoon on the training camp playground.



The sound of explosions and tearing flesh continued to sound, and hundreds of monsters of different types and levels roared and roared wildly. These monsters did not know where they were caught by the training camp, and launched a surprise attack before the start of the practice class. Fortunately, everyone responded quickly, and the gravity suppression also disappeared at this moment. Everyone deserved to be killed, and of course, all kinds of abilities were in full bloom. For a time, the whole playground was full of blood, the minced flesh and stumps of monsters. Abound.

"Lolo, I'll help you!" Du Hong held up two flames in his palm and ran towards Yin Luoluo.

"No!" Yin Luoluo snorted coldly, the long hair on his head swept out, and bound a lizard that had transformed into its true form on the spot, and then easily twisted it into a crumb, bursting the sky with flesh and blood.

"咻咻咻——" Yin Luoluo's long hair was quickly retracted and gathered behind her shoulders.

Du Hong stopped, took out a bottle of shampoo from his arms and walked over.

"What?" Yin Luoluo frowned.

"Your hair is dirty and has a lot of blood on it. This shampoo has super decontamination ability. Just a little bit can restore your hair's color and luster!" Du Hong said with a smile.

"No." Yin Luoluo turned around and left without even looking.

"..." Du Hong's eyes showed frustration.

Yin Luoluo took two steps, suddenly turned around again, and said coldly, "If it doesn't work, let me see how I will clean you up!" Then she grabbed the shampoo and left quickly.

"It's definitely useful!" Du Hong grinned.

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