Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 250: team of three

Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua took aim at a cheetah in the rocky realm. With the joint efforts of the two, He Jun also helped to start, and finally killed the monster.

Tan Zuo helped Maoshan's juniors and brothers to kill a zombie in the Ming Dynasty.

Half an hour later, these monsters were beheaded, and the training camp staff rushed in to clean up the scene, holding the demon bell and tidying up in a short while.

Then, Song Cepeng appeared.

"Yes, it didn't disappoint me!" Song Chongjian looked at everyone with satisfaction, "It seems that you already have the ability to kill a demon alone, and you can safely proceed to the next stage of training..."

The next stage of training?

Everyone looked at him suspiciously, but some of the recruits seemed to understand it.

"Well, next you have to go outside to kill monsters. Unlike these monsters in the training camp, if there is danger here, there will be staff to help deal with it... But outside, you can only rely on yourself! Live, win or lose, return safely, or bury your bones in a foreign land, everything is in your own hands! Next, form a team of three freely, after reporting the names, the training camp will set up a training camp according to your strength. Set a mission goal, start now!" Song Epee waved his hand, and the scene immediately became lively, and the recruits asked their classmates or roommates.

He Jun immediately became nervous. If it was a lottery or something, he could still get into a good team by his ability, but this kind of free team formation, he must be the one left!

"Xiaochen, we are on the same team!" Wei Zihua immediately turned around and said.

"That's necessary!" Wang Qianchen grinned.

"There is one more, who to choose?" Wei Zihua asked again.

"I have to team up with our younger brother from Maoshan, let's go back and see you later!" Tan Zuo said with a smile, then turned and left.

"I'm going to be on a team with Yin Luoluo!" Du Hong immediately ran towards the fifth class.

He Jun's heart immediately came to his throat, this time it was really a blessing for him, but Wei Zihua was still looking left and right, as if looking for a suitable team member.

"What else are you looking for, isn't He Jun ready-made?" Wang Qianchen asked suspiciously.

"We are both in the stone realm, He Jun is in the earth realm, can you join us?" Wei Zihua asked equally strangely.

"Why not? We play the main force and He Jun plays the auxiliary. Didn't we cooperate well before? I don't think it's a problem!" Wang Qianchen patted He Jun's shoulder with a smile.

"Well, I won't hold you back!" He Jun looked excited.

At this moment, the footsteps of "Deng Deng Deng" sounded, and Du Hong actually ran back and said dejectedly: "Yin Luoluo refused me to join her team! Alas, the shampoo I gave her last time was considered a waste. Blind... let me come to your team!"

He Jun's heart was raised in his throat again.

"You're late, He Jun is already on the same team with us." Wei Zihua said with a laugh.

"Yes." Wang Qianchen also nodded.

"Isn't that easy, He Jun, you can find another team, I and them are on the same team!" Du Hong immediately looked at He Jun and said, he didn't have any malicious intentions, he was just used to talking like this.

"I...I..." But it is conceivable that He Jun dared to refuse him, so anxious that his forehead was sweating.

Wang Qianchen seemed to sense his embarrassment, and immediately said to Du Hong: "He Jun is already on the same team with us, you can find another team!"

"No, you don't want me either?!" Du Hong quickly looked left and right, saw that most of the people had formed a team, and immediately shouted: "Who is on a team with me! Is there anyone on a team with me? !"

It stands to reason that Du Hong is a stone realm and a genius disciple of Putuo Mountain. It should not be difficult to form a team, but after missing the first wave of time, the rest are basically the old, the weak and the sick, and these people do not dare to With him on a team, because the tasks are divided according to the level of the players, if there is Du Hong in the team, the corresponding monster level will also increase, so it will do more harm than good.

Seeing that all the teams were formed, Du Hong was still alone, and couldn't help muttering: "Forget it, I am a team, and I am enough anyway!"

This is the difference between him and He Jun. He Jun is afraid that he is the only one left, but he doesn't care.

But at this moment, two monks from Mount Putuo walked over: "Senior Brother Du, let's team up with you!"

"Why are you two trash..." Du Hong looked at the two of them disdainfully: "Forget it, that's it, don't hold me back then!"

The two monks looked at each other and smiled bitterly. In fact, they had formed a team long ago, and they saw that there was no talent from Du Hong's side. Fortunately, they also understood Du Hong's character, and did not have any gaps or complaints because of it.

As everyone reported their respective teams, the tasks were slowly issued, and they were all dispatched to different locations. The level of monsters also increased slightly or remained the same according to the strength of the team members, but they were all within the normal range.

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