Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 266: good news

As for Wanlong, since he decided to kill Wang Qianchen, he would no longer be merciful. He contacted the person from [Tianqi], and the other party introduced Kuaijian Xiaofang to him, so there was the previous scene.

Of course, there are many masters in Qingcheng Mountain. If you call any senior brother, you can kill Wang Qianchen, but Wan Long thinks about it, and always feels that this matter cannot be called the same family, and if it is exposed, it will be implicated on himself.

[Tianqi] This kind of organization that only recognizes money and not people is too suitable.

"I know, that's good..." Wan Long nodded and said, "But now that he has risen to the stone realm, are you sure you can deal with him?"

Of course, Wan Long has heard the legendary story of "Quick Sword Xiaofang", and also knows that he is a peak stone realm, but Wang Qianchen is different from other cultivators, this guy obviously has many means!

"Hehe, who do you look down on, a mere Wang Qianchen, you haven't seen him flee in a hurry in front of me!" Xiao Fang said proudly: "What happened to Shijing, whose strength is not improving?"

After speaking, Xiao Fang exuded a tyrannical aura.

The beginning of the rock realm!

Yes, Xiao Fang, who was at the peak of the Stone Realm more than a month ago, was finally promoted to the Rock Realm not long ago.

"You've been promoted? That's great!" Wan Long was overjoyed, but said in a low voice, "However, there are two people around him, one in the stone realm, the other in the soil realm, and just killed a monster in the rock realm... …”

"Don't compare that garbage monster with me!" Xiao Fang snorted disdainfully, and then added: "Don't worry, I took your order this time, and I brought all the team members, all of them are in the stone realm. !"

Hearing this, Wan Long was completely relieved, smiled and said, "Then I will wait for your good news."


That night, Wang Qianchen had a meal with Wei Zihua and He Jun. He Jun was always absent-minded and didn't know what he was thinking.

Back at the express logistics, a few people discussed what time to leave the next day. Because they were going to Luzhou to take the high-speed rail, they booked the tickets for the afternoon and rushed there in the morning, and they could have a meal or something.

After booking the tickets, everyone went back to their rooms. He Jun lay on the bed and hesitated again and again, but told Wanlong the departure time and arrival time.

Wan Long quickly replied: Yes, I will ask Zhang Quan to pick you up at the high-speed rail station. Brother He, from now on we will be the brothers of the inner door.

Seeing this news, He Jun's expression became more complicated. He vaguely felt that this behavior was inappropriate, but he still secretly prayed that Wanlong did not lie to him, hoping that Wanlong really wanted to introduce him to the inner door!

After a good night's sleep, the next morning, the three of them rushed to Luzhou City, still driving Wang Qianchen's Bumblebee.

When we arrived in Luzhou, it was still early, so a few people went to Zhezhe Car Wash to rest for a while, and then they hurried to the high-speed rail station after eating at noon. On the way, Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua were talking and laughing, and He Jun was always worried and checked his phone from time to time.

The unease in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

He Jun couldn't help thinking: What if this is really Wanlong's conspiracy?

Looking at the two people in the front row, He Jun couldn't help but shivered, and suddenly covered his stomach and said, "No way, my stomach hurts!"

"What's the matter?" Wang Qianchen immediately stepped on the brakes and looked back at him with Wei Zihua.

"I don't know, the stomach pain is dead, hurry up and take me to the hospital..." He Jun collapsed on the back seat, looking like he was in great pain.

"Can you do it? We can book a high-speed rail ticket!" Wei Zihua asked in surprise.

"It's about this time, let's go to the hospital first!" Wang Qianchen stepped on the accelerator and turned around and drove towards the city.

When they got to the hospital, the two ran up and down holding He Jun.

Because Wang Qianchen often came to the hospital, he was very clear about this set of procedures, and soon took He Jun to do various examinations, but there was no problem. Although He Jun kept complaining of stomach pain, the doctor did not check it out. Anything wrong, I can only suggest that he be hospitalized for observation.

"What the **** is going on, buddy?" After arriving in the ward, Wei Zihua looked at him speechlessly.

"I don't know either..." He Jun lay on the bed, also puzzled.

"Are you pretending?" Wei Zihua suddenly lowered his head.

"I... didn't... didn't pretend..." He Jun panicked a little.

"Aren't you pretending?" Wei Zihua stared straight into He Jun's eyes.

"Okay, go and finish the rest of the formalities first, and I'll accompany He Jun for a while." Sensing that Wei Zihua's attitude was getting worse and worse, Wang Qianchen reached out and stopped him.

Wei Zihua was silent for a while, and finally sighed, got up with a pile of lists and left.

There was silence in the ward. Wang Qianchen helped He Jun pour a glass of water, then sat on the chair next to him, and said quietly: "If you have something to say, I will listen to you at any time."

He Jun gritted his teeth and seemed to decide what to say, but just as he raised his head, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and five young people walked in with awe, led by a young man in his twenties. Also holding a black iron sword.

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