Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 267: Beat He Jun

Quick Sword Xiaofang!

Seeing the young man in the lead, Wang Qianchen's eyes instantly widened. He was really impressed by this person. Back then, the monster Lao Niu in the Stone Realm was cut off by his sword, and he was able to escape from his hands.

How did you find it here?

What's even more terrifying is that Xiao Fang exudes a rocky aura, and the young people behind him are also rocky!

"Wang Qianchen, why did you come here if you didn't go to the high-speed rail station? Let me find it..." Xiao Fang walked to the center of the ward, shook his head and said, "Okay, since we've met, let's go Don't be too long-winded, just change the place, it's easy to hurt other civilians here."

High Speed ​​Rail Station?

Hearing these words, Wang Qianchen immediately turned his head to look at He Jun. Before, he thought Xiao Fang was an old grudge, but now it seems that he has a new employer?

"It's not me!" He Jun replied instinctively.

"..." Wang Qianchen didn't speak, turned to look at Xiaofang, and said gloomily, "Okay, then change the place!"

After speaking, Wang Qianchen slammed towards the window, smashed a piece of glass and rushed out, and then ran frantically in the hospital on all fours.

"Hehe, do you want to run, I'm afraid you don't have the ability!" Xiao Fang quickly followed, followed by a few other young people, also running very fast in the hospital.

He Jun's brain made a "buzz", he quickly got up from the bed, and ran to the window "dengdengdeng", and there were no more people in sight.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Wei Zihua.

Three minutes later, Wei Zihua rushed in.

"What's going on?!" Wei Zihua asked in shock.

He Jun quickly explained what had just happened, Wei Zihua jumped out of the window without any hesitation, and He Jun followed. But Wang Qianchen and Kuaijian Xiaofang had disappeared, and they didn't know which direction they were running in. Wei Zihua was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, wandering in several directions in the hospital, trying to find some clues. I tried to call Wang Qianchen, but no one answered.

"Call... Call the demon slayer team from Gaoping City to come here... The opponent is quite strong, one rock realm, four stone realms!" He Jun, who had been following Wei Zihua, said worriedly at the moment.

"Fuck you!" Wei Zihua suddenly turned around and punched He Jun hard in the face!

He Jun was caught off guard and was punched to the ground by him, sitting on the ground covering his face and saying, "What are you doing?"

"What did you say I did!" Wei Zihua roared, kicking He Jun one after another: "Don't you know what you did, if you didn't reveal our location, how could those guys be possible? Come to the door! Do you know why Xiaochen ran away, but he didn't leave a trace, because he knows that the other party is very strong, and he is afraid that we will lose his life if we find him! It's not a person, it's a thing!"

"I didn't! I didn't reveal our position..." He Jun held his head and rolled around on the ground.

"You and Wan Long are at odds with each other, do you think we don't know?! Wan Long asked you to send the high-speed train arrival time, and you sent it, thinking we didn't know? Even so, Xiao Chen still wanted to give you a chance, and he still secretly Tell me, as long as you can repent before you go to the high-speed rail! You pretend to be sick and come to the hospital, do you know how happy Xiao Chen is? He thinks that you are still on our side in the end, and he said that he didn't look wrong! In the end, you are not remorseful. , but directly called people here! You are too cruel, too vicious, Xiaochen is so good to you, how can you raise such a wolf-hearted thing! You dare to report to me in a hypocritical manner, I Fuck you, kick you to death!" Wei Zihua said more and more angrily, kicked He Jun frantically, and quickly kicked him to the brink of blood.

"I didn't! I didn't!" He Jun held his head, his heart was about to be torn apart, but he still avenged himself: "I didn't call the people, and I don't know what Wan Long's plan was! Yes, I doubted Wanlong's intentions, and I admit that I was fooled by the temptation of the inner door! It was because I wasn't sure, so I postponed the ride time. I really...really...don't think about it Harm you!"

He Jun was in tears, and he had a feeling that he couldn't argue. He really never thought of betraying Wang Qianchen, but he felt that Wei Zihua was right in his scolding. With Wanlong's trap, how could this happen now!

It's just that no matter what he said, Wei Zihua couldn't believe it. If it wasn't against the law to kill, he wanted to kill He Jun now.

"If Xiaochen has three strengths and two weaknesses, just wait and see!" Wei Zihua cursed fiercely, and continued to look for Wang Qianchen's traces.

He Jun lay on the ground, his whole body was in pain, but no amount of pain could hurt his heart.

He wants to do everything well without offending everyone, but it always backfires.

What's the point of being alive?

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