Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 273: little surprise

"What's wrong with He Jun? Did something happen to him? Wang Qianchen, explain it to me, I really don't understand! If something happens to He Jun, none of us juniors will let it go!" Wan Long's voice even became anxious. .

"Fuck you!" Wang Qianchen scolded angrily: "Wanlong, I warn you, He Jun had better be alive, if he has three strengths and two weaknesses, I definitely won't be able to spare you!"

Wang Qianchen hung up the phone and immediately turned to Wei Zihua and said, "Go, go back to the training camp and report this to Commander Song!"

"Okay." Wei Zihua nodded.

The two rebooked tickets and rushed to the high-speed rail station as soon as possible.


In the hotel on the other side, Wan Long, who felt Wang Qianchen's anger, immediately called Kuaijian Xiaofang.

"Is He Jun dead?"

"...Dead!" Xiao Fang said lightly, looking at He Jun who was still sleeping beside him.

"It's good to be dead. Be sure to clean it up, and don't let anyone find traces of him! Also, from now on, don't call me, we've never been in contact before, do you understand?" Wan Long continued. explain.

"Then I still kill Wang Qianchen?" Xiao Fang asked with a frown.

"...Don't kill it for now!" Wan Long gritted his teeth, thinking that you can't kill him again, why bother with such words?

"I have two brothers who died in his hands, even if you want to quit, I can't quit!" Xiao Fang said gloomily: "I don't need to contact you, but if you have his whereabouts, You can tell me as soon as possible! The address does not need to be too precise, just know which city it is in, and I will handle the rest."

[Tianqi]'s "carrier pigeon" department is extremely powerful, but the more ambiguous the address, the higher the cost, and Xiaofang can't afford that money for the time being.

"Okay." Wan Long didn't want to continue entanglement with Xiao Fang, so he agreed and hung up the phone.

"Next, he will definitely report it, I have to prepare to deal with Song Epee..." Wan Long murmured while holding the phone.


The next day, Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua returned to the training camp.

There were three people when we left, but two when we came back!

Wang Qianchen found Song Cepeng for the first time and reported the incident.

"Are you sure it was Wanlong who did it?" Behind the large desk, Song Cepian frowned slightly, collaborating with [Tianqi] to harm a classmate in the training camp, and this classmate was also his senior brother in Qingcheng Mountain. Did it to the extreme!

"I don't have any evidence, but I can guarantee it must be him!" Wang Qianchen pressed his hands on the table and said, "The surveillance shows that He Jun was taken away by Xiao Fang, and now his life and death are unknown! Xiao Fang could obviously kill him on the spot... so I guess he's not dead yet!"

"Okay, don't worry, we will investigate this matter." In front of Wang Qianchen, Song Chongjian made a few calls without calling anyone by name, and directly asked the other party to inquire about the whereabouts of Xiaofang and He Jun. There is also eyeliner in [Tianqi].

"As long as he is still alive, I will definitely have news, and then find a way to save him!" Song Chongjian said seriously after hanging up the phone.

"Okay...Okay..." With Song Cepeng's assurance, Wang Qianchen felt a little more at ease, and his anxiety was relieved.

"By the way, how's the mission going?" Song Chongjian asked again after talking about He Jun.

"It went well, but there was a little accident..." Wang Qianchen told the story of the stone crocodile again, and did not hide it when he contacted the Eighth Prince and Dashan later.

"It's kind of interesting, the Eighth Prince has taken a fancy to you, and wants to pull you into the Ten Thousand Demons Guild?" Song Chongjian grinned, seeming to think it was very cola.

"Well, this is his mobile phone number, can we find out his location?" Wang Qianchen handed over a note that he had prepared a long time ago.

"Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to find out. These monsters are very cunning and have anti-location devices..." Song Chongjian said as he turned on the computer and entered his mobile phone number.

[Monster Slayer] Since it belongs to the military, many of the equipment is the most advanced. If Song Epee can't find it, it really can't be found.

"Sure enough, there is no information!" Song Chongjian sighed.

"Why don't I call him and say that I have just broken through the rock realm, maybe I can find out his position..." Wang Qianchen said softly.

Song Chongjian pondered for a while, and said, "Eighth Prince can be the master of Taihang Cave and the monsters who lead the entire Shanxi Province. He still has two brushes. Before, he was preconceived and mistakenly thought you were a friend of the stone crocodile, so he had a lot of love for you. Just because you have a good impression, plus you have demon energy, you have monsters around you, and you can transform into a dog before you escape from his hands, it doesn’t mean that he will be fooled! He saw the clue... So, I don't agree with you to take this risk!"

Wang Qianchen's heart suddenly became cloudy. Not only did he fail to find the whereabouts of the third master Huang this time, he also lost He Jun, as if nothing was going well, which made him feel very irritable and depressed.

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