Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 274: he is cunning

As if seeing Wang Qianchen's thoughts, Song Chongjian said warmly: "Don't worry, we can find the stone crocodile, and we can also find other monsters from the Wan Yaohui, and sooner or later we will find the whereabouts of the third master Huang, he can't keep coming out! As for He Jun, as soon as Wanlong returns, I will interrogate him..."

Song Cepeng was like a needle for calming the sea. No matter how troublesome things were, they seemed to be very simple in his mouth, and he successfully calmed Wang Qianchen's emotions.

On the second day, which was the last day of the mission period, many recruits from the training camp came back one after another.

In fact, many people, like Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua, finished the task in three or four days, but they didn't want to come back too early, so they played outside for a few days to relax and rest.

Tan Zuo and Du Hong also came back. Their respective tasks went well. They came to Wang Qianchen to celebrate at the first time. Seeing that Wang Qianchen was gloomy, the two were quite puzzled and asked Wei Zihua what happened?

"Didn't you find that there is one person missing in the dormitory?" Wei Zihua said quietly.

"Who's missing?" Du Hong looked confused.

"Yeah, who's missing?" Tan Zuo looked around, also wondering.

"...Less He Jun!" Wei Zihua said speechlessly.

The two suddenly realized: "Where is He Jun?"

He Jun's presence in the dormitory is usually too low. When Tan Zuo and Du Hong were there, he didn't even dare to speak aloud. .

In short, after Wei Zihua reminded them, the two people remembered that there was indeed a lack of individuals.

"Wanlong hasn't come back yet." Wei Zihua has been sitting by the window observing for a day, "Compared to taking care of Wanlong, Xiaochen and I are more concerned about the whereabouts of He Jun... If there is something wrong with He Jun, we will definitely not Let him go!"

Wei Zihua gritted his teeth, and his eyes flashed fiercely. He had beaten He Jun violently before, which had already made him feel very guilty. If something happened to He Jun because of this, he would definitely not be able to forgive himself!

"There's nothing to say, let's go together! Liu Jun is from our dormitory, whoever bullies him will slap us in the face!" Du Hong said through gritted teeth.

"My name is He Jun, not Liu Jun..." Tan Zuo said speechlessly.

"Oh...oh...He Jun!" Du Hong touched his head.

"I'm back!" Wei Zihua said suddenly, staring out the window.

Wang Qianchen and others rushed over immediately, and as expected, they saw Wanlong returning to the training camp, but the next second was called by the staff to the teaching building.

"Go and see!" Wang Qianchen ran out the door immediately, followed by Wei Zihua, Du Hong, and Tan Zuo.

But they were stopped by the staff downstairs.

"Director Song said, let you go back and wait for the news." The staff obviously knew what happened and told Wang Qianchen directly.

"I'm not going back, I'll be waiting here." Wang Qianchen sat directly on the edge of the flower bed outside the faculty building. Wei Zihua was also with him. Du Hong and Tan Zuo thought about it and sat beside him. .

There are many wall panels, compartments, and windows in the teaching building. Wang Qianchen couldn't hear what Song Epee and Wan Long were talking about, but he could faintly perceive that the interrogation would not be so smooth. Since Wan Long dared to come, he must have done it. sufficient preparation.

But he still waited, hoping for a miracle to happen.

This wait, until the evening.

With the bright moon hanging overhead and the cool night wind blowing, several people sat on the edge of the flower bed in silence.

I don't know how long it took, Wang Qianchen's cell phone rang, and it was Song Cepeng.

"Hey, Commander Song!" Wang Qianchen picked it up immediately.

"...I didn't ask." Song Chongjian said: "He is very cunning and refuses to admit that he has a relationship with Xiaofang. I checked all his information and records of exchanges, but I didn't find any clues, so I can only let him first. left."

This matter, Song Chongjian can completely hand over to his subordinates, but he does it himself, which is enough to show his sincerity and the importance he attaches to He Jun.

Wang Qianchen is not good at complaining.

What's more, this was already within his expectations.

"Okay, I understand, thank you Commander Song!" Wang Qianchen looked frustrated, Wei Zihua and others also sighed.

"I will continue to investigate this matter. I have someone in [Tianqi], don't worry about that. Again, as long as he is still alive, I will definitely be able to get the news!" Song Chongjian paused and continued. Said: "I know you guys are downstairs, Wan Long will go out in a while... Don't make it difficult for me."

The meaning is obvious, do not let them conflict with Wan Long. After all, from the "legal" point of view, Wan Long is not at fault. Once a fight breaks out, Song Cepeng will not be able to favor anyone.

"I see." Wang Qianchen hung up the phone and looked up at the door of the teaching building.

Sure enough, there were footsteps, and Wan Long was walking out step by step.

Wan Long also saw Wang Qianchen and the others on the opposite flower bed, hesitated and did not go any further. After thinking a little, he retreated into the shadow beside him, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

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