Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 286: Infiltrate

Wan Long really knew Wang Qianchen very well.

He is indeed the kind of person who will jump into the fire pit without hesitation and without hesitation even for the slightest probability!

Wang Qianchen never planned to leave from the very beginning, even though he knew that the possibility of He Jun being inside was slim, and 99% of the time the other party just set up a trap for him to drill in, but he still didn't want to make himself regret or give up that. A tiny chance.

But he can't push the door directly in, that will undoubtedly become a living target.

So he dropped his earphones and pretended to turn into a taxi. In fact, after reporting the letter to Instructor Chai, he returned to the factory gate as soon as possible.

Then, he used the [Invisibility] skill, jumped over the fence and jumped into the compound with a bang.

In the courtyard, there are dozens of burly men sitting or standing, talking and laughing around a main building. Most of them exude the atmosphere of the earth, and there are even a few stone realms!

This is just outside the building, and there are many people with unknown realm inside the building!

Wang Qianchen was quite surprised. It was the first time he saw so many practitioners gathered outside of [Monster Slayer]. Are these people from [Tianqi], is this a stronghold of [Tianqi]?

It is conceivable that if Wang Qianchen really broke in before, I am afraid it will become a sieve within a minute.

While the effect of [Invisibility] was still there, Wang Qianchen quickly slumped into a field of grass.

At the same time, the young man in a suit in the high-rise building also received a report from a certain subordinate on the walkie-talkie: "There is a grass in the southwest corner!"

"Well, I saw it!" The young man in a suit held a telescope. Although Wang Qianchen came in stealthily, he still discovered his existence through clues.

"Are you going to kill him?" the subordinate asked.

"Don't worry, wait for an opportunity... Bring him to the building first!" The young man in a suit devised a plan, and then began to arrange on the walkie-talkie.

In the grass, after Wang Qianchen cast [Invisibility] for the second time, he walked towards the main building surrounded by many burly men. He didn't dare to run, it was easy to be discovered by others, so he chose to walk over quietly. Fortunately, after entering the stone realm, the [invisibility] time can be as long as one minute, which is enough for him to enter the main building.

But he didn't know that when he got up from the grass, the young man in the suit quickly analyzed his route and whereabouts.

"Who is that kid that the boss tied up, so many of us want to protect him?"

"I'm not too sure, but someone will come to save us, let's be careful and cautious!"

When passing through the crowd, two of the big men were chatting, and they were accurately transmitted to Wang Qianchen's ears.

Is He Jun really here?

Wang Qianchen's heart suddenly tightened, and he couldn't help but speed up and entered the main building. At the same time, before the [Invisibility] lost its effect, he hid in a place that could not be seen by the surveillance.

There are also many people in the main building, and there are even several rock formations!

Wang Qianchen's heart is heavy, if he is found in this place, then he really can't die anymore.

Using [Invisibility] again, Wang Qianchen walked upstairs, and soon came to a corridor on the second floor. There were also several people standing here, and they were all in rock formations, each with big arms and round waists and solemn faces.

They stood guard at the door of a room.

So many people, just to deal with themselves, is it a bit of a knife to kill a chicken?

Moreover, how rich Wanlong is to attract so many masters of [Tianqi]!

Hiding in a corner without a camera, Wang Qianchen calculated the time and the number of steps, then cast [Invisibility] again, and walked towards the door of that room, trying to restrain his breath on the road without making any movement.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Qianchen cast [Open Wall] again and easily passed through the door of that room.

There was no one guarding the room.

The room was deserted for a long time, there was no furniture, it was full of dirty garbage and sand, and in the middle was a sack, and there was still someone squirming and moaning slightly.

Is it He Jun?

Wang Qianchen was excited for a while, and immediately jumped up, untied the mouth of the sack, and the people inside were covered in blood.

But he still recognized it at a glance, this is not He Jun!

Sure enough, it's just bait.

As soon as Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth, he turned around and prepared to leave. Although this man looked pitiful, he wouldn't risk his life to save a stranger, so he should leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

But at this moment, the door was kicked open with a bang, and several rock formations guarding the door rushed in!

Wang Qianchen glanced at the camera in the house, and was not surprised. He had just untied the sack, and he had obviously alarmed the other party. Fortunately, it is determined that He Jun is not here, and he will not regret it in the future. Now he only needs to escape from here.

At the same time, the time of [invisibility] expired, and Wang Qianchen's figure appeared in the room.

Several rock formations each used swords, guns and sticks, and slashed towards Wang Qianchen.

"[Transparent Stone]!"

Wang Qianchen groaned softly, and his body went straight through the floor and fell towards the first floor.

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