Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 287: Nie Gongzi

There are also many people on the first floor.

If he just fell like this, he would be caught in a siege, so Wang Qianchen cast [Invisibility] again. Although there was a loud "bang" on the ground, when everyone looked over, they didn't see anything.

But at the same time, they received a message in their earphones at the same time: "The other party is invisible, right there!"

A group of people rushed towards Wang Qianchen's position.

Wang Qianchen maintained the state of [invisibility], quickly avoided the blockade of the crowd, and ran towards the door.


Hearing the footsteps, everyone rushed after them.

Wang Qianchen also knew that the sound of his footsteps was a shortcoming, but he did not dare to stop, because the time of [invisibility] was limited, and it was easier to fall into siege after exposure.

When they came to the outside of the main building, a large group of people surrounded him again. Although they could not see Wang Qianchen's figure, they gradually surrounded Wang Qianchen in a circle through the prompts of the youth in suits.


Without any hesitation, Wang Qianchen immediately used his flying skills, and then his entire body rose from the ground, ten seconds before the [Invisibility] lost its effect, so he quickly looked left and right, and flew towards the top of a tall building.

The [Royal Wind] of the stone realm can also fly dozens of meters, just within the range of the tall building, so he easily flew to the top of the building, and then the whole person fell down.

There must be no surveillance in this place, so you can confidently show your figure.

Wang Qianchen lay on the floor and gasped lightly. He had used the [Seventy-two Transformation] skills many times before, which had consumed a lot of his spiritual power. Wind]'s skills leave this factory.

"What about people?"

"Where have people gone?"

Everyone was still downstairs for no reason, because when Wang Qianchen flew up just now, he didn't bring any trouble, and the crowd was chaotic, so everyone really didn't know where he went.

"Don't panic, he must still be in the factory, and I don't know where to hide! I have set up barriers over the entire factory, and he will definitely not be able to get out." The young man in a suit spoke through the walkie-talkie in the building, while using The telescope looked around.

Hearing this voice, Wang Qianchen's heart suddenly "squeaked", because the young man in a suit was in a certain house not far from him. Although it was separated by several floors, it was still clear to his ears.

Is there a barrier in place?

Wang Qianchen immediately looked into the air, and as expected, the top of the factory was vaguely illusory, and the function was similar to [Qingming Space].

The plan to fly out clearly didn't work.

"There are twelve monitoring blind spots in the whole factory. Everyone check them everywhere. Don't worry, I'll go down immediately." Stand here and continue to keep an eye on it, and report immediately if there is any situation.

After the explanation, the young man in the suit jumped down from the window, and the height of several dozen meters was completely ignored, and he landed steadily with a sound of "Den".

Judging by his skills, at least it is a wall, and it is on the same level as the Eighth Prince!

In this small factory, the earth, stone, rock, and wall are gathered together. Wanlong has really invested a lot of money to deal with himself!

Wang Qianchen's heart became colder.

When the young man in a suit led someone to check the twelve blind spots, he would be 100% aware that he was hiding on the roof. I wonder if Instructor Chai would be able to come at that time. As soon as this thought started, Wang Qianchen felt inappropriate again, what if Instructor Chai was not a match for these people?

Thinking of this, Wang Qianchen used the skill of [Turning Stone], and then walked through several floors in a row, and came to the room where the young man in the suit was originally.

The young man in the suit is naturally no longer here, replaced by a middle-aged man, who is not high in realm, is in the soil realm, and is observing with a telescope.

Hearing the movement behind him, the man immediately turned his head, and Wang Qianchen hit him with a knife, knocking him unconscious to the ground.

Then, Wang Qianchen took out the phone from his arms, unlocked it with his fingerprint, and then took out a business card from his arms.

There are only two words on it: Nie Jiao, and a string of mobile phone numbers.

This is the business card that Nie Rong gave him before he left. Nie Jiao is his eldest brother, the eldest son of the Nie family in Jiangnan. Gusu City also belongs to the border of Jiangnan, maybe he can help!

Without any hesitation, Wang Qianchen immediately dialed Nie Jiao's phone number with this mobile phone.

In the next second, Wang Qianchen was stunned. On the screen of the mobile phone, it was clearly written: Nie Gongzi.

The man who fell to the ground actually knew Nie Jiao?

Isn't he from [Tianqi], how could he know Nie Jiao?

Although he held the idea of ​​"After all, Nie Jiao is a big celebrity in the Jiangnan realm, it is normal for others to store his number, so he may not know him", but Wang Qianchen still felt that something was wrong.

At the same time, the phone rang.

"Old Zhu, why are you calling me, just say no on the walkie-talkie?" There was a doubtful voice over the phone, it was the young man in the suit just now.

It turns out that he is Nie Rong's eldest brother Nie Jiao!

Wan Long did not look for the people from [Tianqi], but the people from the Nie family.

These soil, stone, and rock formations in the factory... all are the children of the Nie family!

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