Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 288: one's own

With the relationship between Qingcheng Mountain and Jiangnan Nie's family, it seems not unusual for Wanlong to invite Nie Jiao to help.

"Hello? Lao Zhu?" Wang Qianchen didn't speak for a while, Nie Jiao seemed to have noticed something, and quickly jumped towards this tall building!

Nie Jiao doesn't know how to fly, but at his level, leaping a few dozen meters is obviously not a problem!

At the same time, Wang Qianchen also used the skill of [Turning Stone] again, and passed through several floors to the top of the building. He was still holding the man's cell phone in his hand, and his heart was pounding.

In the room, Nie Jiao saw the unconscious man on the ground, his eyes quickly looked around, and then his hands kept slapping palms, if Wang Qianchen was here, he would definitely be hit by his palms.

But he swept around and found no trace of Wang Qianchen.

Nie Jiao picked up the phone, saw that the call was still in progress, and immediately put it to his ear and listened.

There was only light breathing and the faint sound of wind on the opposite side.

Have you run outside?

Nie Jiao immediately looked out the window. The factory was no big or small, but it was too difficult to find a person who could be invisible.

Fortunately, as long as time is long enough, we will be able to find him.

"I can't figure it out, why are you calling me?" Nie Jiao sneered while holding the phone.

"It's not that I want to call you, it's someone who told me that if I encounter trouble, I can call you." Wang Qianchen said softly.

"Who?" Nie Jiao looked confused.

"Nie Rong."

"...you know my brother?"

"I know, we are very good friends." Wang Qianchen said, "Knowing that I came to Suzhou, he said that Jiangnan is the territory of the Nie family. If you have anything, you can come to you. He also gave me your business card."

During the two weeks in the solitary confinement room, Wang Qianchen and Nie Rong had a lot of chats. They ate together and practiced together every day. Even if they didn't reach the level of "bro", they could still be regarded as "good friends".

"..." Nie Jiao seemed surprised: "Are you Xiaorong's friend?"

"Well." Wang Qianchen replied softly.

"...That's like a big water rushing into the Dragon King Temple!" Nie Jiao said speechlessly, "What are you trying to do, come out!"

"Can I trust you?" Wang Qianchen asked softly.

"Why not? You are Xiaorong's friend, so naturally you are my friend!" After speaking, Nie Jiao walked to the window and shouted at the crowd below, "Don't look for it, it's my own!"

The disciples of the Nie family raised their heads and looked at Nie Jiao in confusion.

"My own! My own!" Nie Jiao waved his hand and said to the phone, "Don't worry, come out!"

Although Nie Jiao said so, there was still no movement around.

"Okay, I'll wait for you below, we can go drink!" Nie Jiao smiled, jumped out of the window, and returned to the factory compound again, seemingly ready to welcome Wang Qianchen.

Phone cut off.

Nie Jiao was not in a hurry and waited earnestly.

After a while, I heard the sound of "huhu", and a figure jumped down from the top of the tall building. It was Wang Qianchen who flew down through the [Royal Wind] skill.

"Young Master Nie, I have long admired your name!" Wang Qianchen smiled and walked up to shake hands with him.

"Hello!" Nie Jiao also smiled and stretched out his hand as well.

However, at this moment, Nie Jiao's palm was suddenly raised. Although the smile on his face did not change, there was a bit more anger in his eyes. Then he slapped it with a fierce palm, and the fierce palm slammed **** Wang Qianchen's chest. .

"Wow—" Wang Qianchen spat out a mouthful of blood, his chest was sunken, and the whole person fell to the ground with a "pop"!

"You...you..." Wang Qianchen lay on the ground, unable to move at all, with an incredible look on his face.

"I'm sorry, Xiaorong's friend..." Nie Jiao said gloomily, "If you weren't Wanlong's enemy, I would definitely treat you well! Wanlong wants you to die, so you must die, because you definitely don't have one. Qingcheng Mountain is important!"


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of heavy beating outside the factory, as well as the sound of the space gradually tearing apart, obviously someone was about to break in!

"Instructor Chai is here!" Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and said: "Jiangnan Nie family, kill the recruits of the [Monster Slayer First Training Camp], Commander Song and all the instructors will not let you go!"

"Hehe, why do you think I worked so hard to bring you here? Let me tell you, I **** an enemy of mine here, but you wanted to save him, and then I killed you by mistake. Knowing who you are... Do you think Jiangnan's Nie family's background can be used to settle such a thing? A recruit is more important, or is it more important to be the eldest son of the Nie family?" Nie Jiao smiled proudly, Jiangnan's Nie family is a famous demon slayer. Although the family is not as strong as Longhu Mountain and Putuo Mountain, it also has a considerable weight.

The tearing sound of the space was getting louder, and Instructor Chai was about to break in.

"You can die!" Nie Jiao came to Wang Qianchen and slapped him on the head with a fierce palm.

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