Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 289: doppelganger


The fierce palm wind slashed, and Wang Qianchen's head vanished on the spot!

"Hey, I'm getting ready to meet Instructor Chai, I don't know this kid, I'm really sorry for killing him by mistake..." Nie Jiao's mouth showed a wicked smile, but at this moment, his smile suddenly froze!

He clearly saw that Wang Qianchen, whose head was smashed to pieces by him, turned into a puff of smoke, and all the broken flesh and blood disappeared, as if it had vanished.

"Clone?!" Nie Jiao was well-informed, and instantly understood what was going on.

"Damn, why does a boy from the Stone Realm clone, what kind of sensible person is he!" Even though Nie Jiao had already learned from Wanlong that Wang Qianchen would have many tricks, he didn't expect this kid to be able to perform a clone!

Even Longhu Mountain, the ancestor of thousands of sects, would not have so many spells!

Hearing the sound of space tearing getting louder and louder, Instructor Chai was about to break in, Nie Jiao became more and more anxious, raised his head and roared: "Wang Qianchen, where are you, come out for me!"

As he shouted, he raised his palms and hit the surroundings with a "boom boom". Buildings and factories collapsed!

All the buildings in the factory were smashed to smithereens, there were rubble and broken tiles all around, and thick smoke swept up, and still no trace of Wang Qianchen was seen.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously more difficult to find Wang Qianchen who can [invisibility]!

"Wang Qianchen, when you came out, it was a misunderstanding just now, we can talk about it again!" Nie Jiao finally began to panic. If Instructor Chai knew what happened just now, then he, the eldest son of the Nie family, has done it!


Nie Jiao guessed right, Wang Qianchen had indeed used the [Clone] skill just now.

[Clone] is also the magical power in [Seventy-two Transformations], but it only consumes a lot of spiritual power once, and the duration is short, and there is no attack power, so Wang Qianchen has basically never used it.

This time it came in handy.

Of course he couldn't believe Nie Jiao so easily. Nie Rong was Nie Rong and Nie Jiao was Nie Jiao. He could still tell the difference. And even Nie Rong, he may not fully believe it, after all, the relationship is really not that much.

In the previous high-rise building, Wang Qianchen called Instructor Chai again, and after confirming that the other party would come in a while and that there was no problem with dealing with Nie Jiao, did he create a clone to identify Nie Jiao's true face.

When I tried it, it was as expected.

Do Wan Long and Wang Qianchen still need to be measured for Nie Jiao?

At this moment, Wang Qianchen was lying on a certain ruin, and with the help of the smoke and dust from time to time [invisibility], no one would be able to find him in a short time.

Now, as long as Instructor Chai rushes in, Nie Jiao will definitely be finished. Even if he can't be sentenced to death, there should be no problem with it.

Just then, his phone suddenly vibrated.

To be precise, "Old Zhu"'s cell phone vibrated. He used this cell phone to communicate with Nie Jiao and Instructor Chai before. In order not to be discovered by others, he had already set it to vibrate mode.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and the screen showed the call from "Little Master Nie".

Nie Rong?

Wang Qianchen hesitated for a moment, but still answered the phone.

"Xiaochen?" Nie Rong's voice sounded immediately: "My brother called me just now, what happened to you two?!"

"Didn't you ask him what happened?" Wang Qianchen said gloomily.

"...he said it, it was all a misunderstanding!"

"Do you think it's a misunderstanding?"

Nie Rong was at a loss for words.

Nie Rong is not a fool, can he still not understand what is going on?

"Xiaochen, it's this time, and I won't talk nonsense with you anymore. It's true that my brother did something wrong, but he can't do anything about it. We have a mutually beneficial relationship with Qingcheng Mountain. Wanlong asked him to help, but he didn't. There's no way to help!" Nie Rong said quickly: "Xiaochen, give me a face, let go of my brother, don't let Instructor Chai take him back... Please! Please!"

Wang Qianchen originally wanted to refuse, but Nie Jiao and Wan Long were in unison, and Nie Jiao really wanted to kill him just now, but anyone who is not the Virgin can't let this guy go!

But at this moment, Wang Qianchen remembered something that Nie Rong had done. When he went to class ten on the first day, he stopped Zhang Quan and Hu Yan, and later in the big playground, it was he who asked class ten to help him, and The business card he gave to himself Nie Jiao was indeed out of kindness...

The relationship between him and Nie Rong is not that good, but it is definitely not bad, far more than ordinary friends!

The key now is, can Nie Rong be good to him, can he offset Nie Jiao's bad to him?

"Xiaochen, I've never begged you. Can I beg you this time? You can let my brother go, and when you come back to the training camp, I can kowtow to you!" Nie Rong's voice became a little excited.

"No, there's no need..." Whether the Virgin is good or kind, or wants to take this opportunity to repay Nie Rong's favor, Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and said, "Young Master Nie, I can let your brother go, but I have a condition. !"

"What conditions?" Nie Rong asked immediately.

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