Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 292: transparent person

The Nie family's sphere of influence covers the entire south of the Yangtze River. Every city has real estate, and of course Gusu City also has it.

According to Nie Rongfa's position, Wang Qianchen came to a villa area on the outskirts.

Not only Nie Jiao, but also Nie Rong arrived. After killing monsters in other places, he came here as soon as possible to help deal with the follow-up incident.

Before entering the villa area, Wang Qianchen called Nie Rong.

"Are you here yet?" Nie Rong asked immediately.

"Come on, on the way." Looking at the villa area hidden in the middle of the mountain, Wang Qianchen said while hiding in a small wood.

"My brother and I are waiting for you here, come on now!" Nie Rong whispered.

"... Young Master Nie, I have something I want to tell you. When your brother killed my clone, and what he said at the time, I recorded everything and saved it in several cloud disks. , if there is any threat to my life, these documents will be automatically sent to the mailboxes of Commander Song and some of my friends." Wang Qianchen said seriously.

"...Xiaochen, you don't believe me?" Nie Rong said in a low voice.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's that I don't believe your brother." Wang Qianchen said concisely, but in fact he didn't even believe Nie Rong - he didn't think Nie Rong was a bad person, but sometimes the family's interests were at the moment, and this little boy might not be able to decide. what!

"I understand what you mean." Nie Rong is a fairly transparent person, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with Wang Qianchen's actions, so he said, "Xiaochen, I'm really sorry that things will develop to this level, but I I will try my best to remedy it.”

"Well, I also hope you can understand that it's because of you that these things happened later... Otherwise, I can directly send your brother and Wan Long to court together!" Wang Qianchen said seriously again.

"I understand! Xiaochen, thank you, I will remember this favor...my brother will also remember." Nie Rong said solemnly.

"It doesn't matter if your brother remembers it or not, and I'm not targeting him." Wang Qianchen emphasized that he didn't like Nie Jiao well.

"...I understand!" Nie Rong said again, and then asked nervously, "Instructor Chai won't hear our conversation, right?"

"No, he is following me, but he won't hear me." Because of his strong hearing and sense of smell, Wang Qianchen can always identify the position of Instructor Chai.

"Okay, then come on, my brother and I are waiting for you!" Nie Rong said again.

Wang Qianchen hung up the phone, and then walked into the villa area, hiding or shuttling in the green belt all the way, trying to avoid the cameras along the way. Even so, Instructor Chai followed him closely.

However, Wang Qianchen did this not to protect Instructor Chai.

When he came to a certain three-storey villa, Wang Qianchen was lying on a patch of grass and quietly heard the sounds and movements inside.

Even though there is already a big killer like video, Wang Qianchen is still cautious.

There were indeed only Nie Rong and Nie Jiao in the villa.

"Brother, you really are. Xiaochen said that he is my friend. Why are you still attacking him? You are making me so embarrassed!" Nie Rong asked speechlessly.

"Hey, one is your friend and the other is a genius disciple from Qingcheng Mountain. Wanlong can at least become an elder in the future, maybe he will be the future leader. How do you think I should choose?" Nie Jiao said with a sigh.

"Just like him, you still want to be the leader? Let's pull it down..." Nie Rong muttered: "And to tell you the truth, I think Wang Qianchen has more potential than Wanlong!"

Next, Nie Rong talked about what happened to Wang Qianchen in the training camp.

"This kid is really interesting..." Nie Jiao murmured.

"So from the beginning, I didn't plan to provoke him, and even wanted to win him over! Even if you don't help Wanlong, the relationship between the Nie family and Qingcheng Mountain will not be affected, but if you offend Wang Qianchen, the future may not be easy. So in the training camp, I tried my best not to offend both sides, just to make plans for the future!"

"It's not so mysterious. We are Jiangnan Nie's family. He has no background. No matter how infinite his potential is, can he compete with us?"

"Brother, are you still stubborn? You are a wall, with a pile of rock, stone and soil, and you haven't taken down the family for a long time. Do you think that he will grow up in the future, really worse than the Nie family? ?" Nie Rong said helplessly.

Nie Jiao stopped talking.

"Thanks I was friendly to Wang Qianchen in the training camp, and I helped him a few times. Otherwise, why would they give me face this time? If it wasn't for me, you would have been taken away by Instructor Chai, and the next step is to go to [Monster Slayer] ] military court!" Nie Rong continued.

"Okay, when he comes, let's do our best to remedy it?" Nie Jiao was completely speechless.

Hearing this, Wang Qianchen was sure that Nie Jiao really had no other thoughts about himself, so he stood up from the grass, patted the ashes on his body, and walked towards the brightly lit villa.

Instructor Chai chose a place to hide his figure.

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