Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 293: wait for the fish

Although Instructor Chai is strong, his hearing is not as perverted as Wang Qianchen's, so he hides outside the villa and can't hear the conversation inside. Of course, he doesn't need to listen. His task is to protect Wang Qianchen. He will rush in as soon as possible!

At the same time, Wang Qianchen had entered the villa.

"Xiaochen!" Nie Rong was the first to meet him, holding Wang Qianchen's hand.

"...Xiaochen!" Nie Jiao stood behind and nodded at Wang Qianchen.

Wang Qianchen ignored Nie Jiao, just led Nie Rong to the living room, and then served tea, snacks and fruits.

"Did the mission go well?" Nie Rong asked with a smile.

He and Wang Qianchen were sitting together, and the two seemed to be very close, while Nie Jiao sat silently on the side.

"It's okay, I was injured a little bit, but it doesn't matter!" Wang Qianchen replied with a smile.

"Well, we are all high-profile seeds in the training camp, and it is normal to arrange slightly difficult tasks. Otherwise, how can we show that we are different from others? When we leave the camp in the future, we will either go directly to the fourth-tier cities to be captains, or go to the third-tier cities. Being a team member in a city or a second-tier city is a coincidence, and if we add some operations, we may be able to get together and make a career in [Monster Slayer] together!" Nie Rongchang was thinking about the future, and he was also working hard to get closer. The relationship between himself and Wang Qianchen.

"I just want to go back to Luzhou City..." When it comes to the future whereabouts, Wang Qianchen can't help but think about it, he is still thinking about Li Qianqiu and others, and he hasn't found the third master of Huang!

"Hey, you have to be the captain when you start? It's not impossible, but it's definitely boring to stay in a small place. We still have to go to a big city to reflect our value!"

Nie Rong didn't know about Wang Qianchen, and of course Wang Qianchen wouldn't tell him.

The two chatted for a while, and then finally got to the point.

"What's the situation with Wanlong now?" Wang Qianchen asked.

Nie Rong turned to look at his elder brother.

"Ah, he called me in the afternoon, but I said you didn't come to the factory at all... He still didn't believe it, said it was impossible, even if you knew it was a set, he would definitely enter the factory, and even asked me if it was you Invisible, I didn't notice..." Nie Jiao told the truth, because Wang Qianchen was holding the handle, so he was a little listless now.

Wang Qianchen snorted, this Wanlong knew himself quite well, and it seemed that he did a lot of research.

"What happened later?" Wang Qianchen continued to ask.

"I said for a long time that you really didn't come, and he finally believed it. At the same time, he asked me to continue guarding the factory, saying that you will definitely come!" Nie Jiao continued.

"Very good, then do it like this..." Wang Qianchen talked about the next plan.

Naturally, Nie Jiao had nothing to say. He had the handle in Wang Qianchen's hands, and Nie Rong was still agitating, so he could do whatever he wanted.

After discussing it, several of them went to sleep separately.

That night, Wang Qianchen stayed in Nie Jiao's villa. Thinking of Instructor Chai who was still starving and freezing outside, he couldn't bear it, but for the smooth progress of the next plan, he could only be wronged for a while.

Wang Qianchen just finished washing and was about to lie down when Nie Rong walked in.

"Xiaochen, thank you for today's matter!" Nie Rong said straight to the point. His thanks have been said many times, but this time is undoubtedly the most formal and solemn.

"You're welcome, don't you want to help me next?" Wang Qianchen said with a smile.

"You don't need our help, in fact, you can get him..." Nie Rong sat beside the bed and said seriously, "This may sound polite, but I still want to tell you that my brother and I owe you. Renqing, if anything happens in the future, just say hello, we will do our best to go through fire and water!"

"Okay." Wang Qianchen grinned.

If Nie Jiao said this, he might not believe it, and even sneered, but Nie Rong's credibility is still very high.

In the early morning of the next day, when several people were having breakfast together, Wan Long called Nie Jiao and said that he had received the news that Wang Qianchen had killed the scorpion demon, and he would definitely go to the factory next.

"Young Master Nie, I will trouble you with the next thing!" Wan Long said solemnly.

"Well, as long as he comes, he will definitely not be able to run!" Nie Jiao patted his chest to assure.

"If someone follows him, he must find a way to move away."


A few hours later, Nie Jiao called Wan Long.

"I caught him!" Nie Jiao said solemnly.

"Okay, kill it quickly!" Wan Long's voice instantly became excited. He had been waiting for this day for a long time. When Wang Qianchen died, it was considered to be a mess for the junior and junior brothers, and he also suffered a serious problem.

"Can't kill." Nie Jiao said.

"Why?" Wan Long asked suspiciously.

"He said just now that he and my brother are friends. Before he left the training camp, my brother gave him my business card... Wan Long, I can't kill him, can you understand?" Nie Jiao said seriously.

"My eldest son Nie, when are you telling me this?!" Wan Long was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

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