Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 294: Wan Long appeared

"Young Master Nie, if you killed him, your brother won't know." Wan Long continued.

"..." Nie Jiao didn't speak, obviously hesitating.

"Young Master Nie?" Wan Long called out again.

"I can't kill." Nie Jiao gritted his teeth and said again, "If my brother finds out about this, he will definitely be unhappy..."

"Then what are you going to do?" Wan Long asked silently, thinking that you are still a brother-in-law?

"Wanlong, please ask Gao Ming, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to let him go..."

"do not!"

Wan Long knew that Wang Qianchen was difficult to deal with. This man was cunning and insidious. He finally caught him, and if he let him go, he would be finished! So he stopped drinking in time, then gritted his teeth and said, "Don't let him go, I'll kill him personally, right?"

"Are you coming? Aren't you afraid of being seen?" Nie Jiao asked suspiciously.

"...Of course I'm afraid, but if you don't kill me, what can I do? No one is staring at Wang Qianchen, right?"

"No, he came alone."

"Okay, then wait for me, I'll be there in the afternoon!" Wan Long finished and hung up the phone.

Nie Jiao also hung up the phone, looked up at Wang Qianchen on the opposite side, and said, "Just as you thought, he really wants to come in person."

"It's definitely coming, I finally caught me, how could I miss this opportunity?" Wang Qianchen sneered, not only Wan Long knew him, he also knew Wan Long!

"Then next..."

"According to the original plan."

"Okay." Nie Jiao nodded. Although he was very sorry for Wanlong, he had no turning back at this time.

"Okay, then let's prepare." Wang Qianchen stood up.

Several people went to work separately. Wang Qianchen thought for a while, took some food from the kitchen, and walked out of the villa towards a tuft of grass not far away.

Gusu City is like spring all year round, and the grass looks ordinary, no different from the grass in other places. Wang Qianchen walked to the edge of the grass, put a pile of food on the ground, and said, "Instructor Chai, it's hard work, let's eat."

The grass moved slightly, and then a figure arched up, it was Instructor Chai.

Instructor Chai had grass leaves on his head and body, almost blending into the entire grass. Because of this, he wondered even more: "How did you know I was here?"

Wang Qianchen knew that it was not surprising that he followed him, but after he came out, he did not look anywhere else, but went straight to his direction!

This made Instructor Chai, who always thought he was very professional and excellent, a little confused, wondering if the camouflage techniques he had learned before were completely full of loopholes?

How could he know that no matter how clever the camouflage technique, there is nothing to hide in front of Wang Qianchen's nose!

"Instructor Chai, don't think about it, you're amazing, it's just... I'm very perverted." Wang Qianchen smiled, pushed a pile of food over, and then said: "After dinner, we're ready to work, today Catch Wanlong alive this afternoon!"


The time turned, and soon it was afternoon.

Wan Long, who came out of the high-speed rail station, immediately called Nie Jiao.

"I'm here, where are you?" Wan Long asked impatiently.

"I'm still in the factory!" Nie Jiao replied.

"Where's Wang Qianchen?"

"It's still tied..."

"Okay, I'll be there right away!" Wan Long's expression was solemn, and then he reached out and hailed a taxi.

"Then I'll put Wang Qianchen here, you can just kill him, I'll go first!"

"Okay, be sure to tie it up tight, don't let him run away."

Wan Long hung up the phone, sat in the back row of the taxi, and let out a long breath.

Wan Long has always been cautious and careful, but he never noticed anything unusual this time, because he never thought that Nie Jiao would betray him!

Nie Jiao is the eldest son of the Nie family, and Wan Long is the genius disciple of Qingcheng Mountain. This relationship seems to be unbreakable and inseparable.

And this is also the reason why Wang Qianchen chose to cooperate with the Nie brothers, leading Wanlong to have no more suitable person than Nie Jiao.

The taxi speeded all the way and soon came to the gate of the factory.

After Wanlong got out of the car, he didn't see any clues until the taxi left. He looked left and right to make sure that no one was paying attention to him.

As soon as he entered the factory compound, he was stunned. The entire factory had been reduced to ruins, and there were broken walls, cracked stones and debris everywhere!

"Good guy, dealing with Wang Qianchen who is in the stone realm, is there such a big commotion?" Wan Long smiled bitterly and walked towards the inside of the factory.

He had already seen a figure sitting on top of the ruins, it was Wang Qianchen, who was tied with hemp rope.

With a "swoosh", Wanlong drew out his sword and leaned over step by step.

Even though he knew that Wang Qianchen would never move, he was still cautious, for fear that this kid would suddenly explode. In addition to the sword in his hand, there were also several flying swords raised behind him, which could be said to be on guard against Wang Qianchen in all directions.

"It really is you..." As Wanlong got closer, Wang Qianchen, who was sitting on a pile of ruins, narrowed his eyes.

"You know it's me, what can you do?" Wan Long walked to Wang Qianchen and pointed his sword directly at his throat, "I don't want to go this far, but I have no choice, do you understand?"

While he was talking, his eyes were still fixed on Wang Qianchen's body, making sure that the hemp rope was tightly tied, and there was absolutely no possibility of breaking free!

In this way, he was completely relieved and prepared to kill Wang Qianchen with a sword.

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