Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 295: No, just die here

"Wanlong..." Wang Qianchen looked depressed, and before the other party made a move, he asked, "Can you tell me, is He Jun dead?"

Wan Long was stunned for a moment.

He really did not expect that Wang Qianchen was still thinking about He Jun before he died!

"I don't understand." Wan Long, who was about to cut the mess with a quick knife, couldn't help but stop and asked, "How is your relationship with He Jun so good, you don't seem to have known each other for a long time, right?"

Speaking of which, the reason why the two of them are at this level is because of the sweeping servant at the outer gate of Qingcheng Mountain!

He Jun, who is extremely inconspicuous in Qingcheng Mountain, and no one takes him seriously, why can Wang Qianchen take it so seriously, and even risk his life?

Wang Qianchen was silent for a while, and said, "Because he treats me as a buddy."

"It's that simple?" Wan Long was a little surprised.

"Yes, it's that simple..." Wang Qianchen murmured, in fact, he could see that in some incidents, He Jun was a little swayed, but in the end he held the bottom line and stood by him without hesitation.

Repay it with Li, and vote it with peaches.

He Jun didn't feel sorry for Wang Qianchen, so he also won't let He Jun down!

"Then you died without any injustice..." Wan Long shook his head gently.

"So, can you tell me whether He Jun is alive or dead?" Wang Qianchen raised his head, and a heart hung in his throat.

"...He Jun, dead! I'll let someone kill him!" The voice fell, and Wan Long stabbed with a sword.

The sword edge passed through his throat, Wang Qianchen opened his eyes wide, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

"It's a pity that such a good seedling...there is no more Wang Qianchen in the world." Wan Long pulled out his sword, his arm shook slightly, and the blood was clean.

But in the next second, his eyes widened.

Wang Qianchen's figure turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared cleanly.

"Clone?!" Wanlong, who was born in Qingcheng Mountain, of course, had heard of this magical secret technique. There was a person who was good at using the clone technique in the top level of [Monster Slayer].

But how could Wang Qianchen do it? !

At this moment, Wan Long was soaked in cold sweat and seemed to have realized something!

At the same time, the sound of "huhu" came from behind.

Wan Long looked back and saw a figure running fast.

"Instructor Chai, it's all a misunderstanding..." Wan Long's mind almost exploded, but he still defended it immediately.

"Haha, is there a misunderstanding? See you at the military court!" Instructor Chai was like chopping melons and vegetables as he cleaned up Wanlong. He twisted his arms in an instant, and then put on a pair of shiny handcuffs.

At the same time, Wang Qianchen also walked out from the pile of ruins.

"Is He Jun really dead?" Until now, Wang Qianchen still couldn't accept this fact and couldn't help but ask again.

"Dead! Haha! Xiao Fang told me personally!" Wan Long, who knew that he was completely finished, suddenly laughed horribly.

"Xiao Fang told you personally? So you didn't see his body with your own eyes, did you?" Wang Qianchen asked nervously again.

"Wang Qianchen, stop dreaming, why does Xiaofang keep him, why keep a piece of trash? He's dead! He's dead! He's dead!" Wan Long laughed wildly, as if he knew the more he said that , the more it can stimulate Wang Qianchen!

"X your mother!" Wang Qianchen finally couldn't help it, and punched Wan Long in the face.

"He's dead! He's dead!" Wan Long shouted with blood from his nostrils: "In the end, you still didn't protect him, that trash is dead!"

"Damn it!" Wang Qianchen wanted to rush up and beat him again, but was stopped by Instructor Chai.

"Wang Qianchen, calm down, your own court will try him!" Instructor Chai grabbed Wanlong's collar and walked outside the factory.

Wang Qianchen stood there dumbfounded, his whole mind was blank, and he could never accept the fact that He Jun had died. To say how deep the relationship between the two of them was, it was not obvious, but when he thought of the person who stayed by his side every day and slept together , The roommates who snored together and killed demons together are gone, and my heart seems to be missing a piece, empty, and painful.

"Hahaha, do you think I'll be sentenced to death if I get caught? Let me tell you, I'm a genius disciple of Mount Qingcheng, the best among the younger generation. The leader will not ignore me, and Mount Qingcheng will not ignore me! I will be sentenced to life at most, and then slowly commuted, and I will come out in a few years at most! He Junbai is dead, what can you do with me?" Wan Long still laughed, not sure if he was really happy or just talking nonsense. , nonsense.

Hearing this, Wang Qianchen immediately asked, "Instructor Chai, is he telling the truth?"

"This, I..." Instructor Chai hesitated, because he is not from the court, and he doesn't know how the court will judge, and he has been in [Monster Slayer] for many years, and he has indeed seen some injustice and dark things... …

So he can't guarantee that the above will handle it fairly, really can't guarantee it!

"Hahaha, He Jun died in vain! You are also wasting your efforts!" Wan Long laughed frantically, his whole person looked like a madman.

But he smiled and smiled, suddenly feeling that something was not quite right.

He bowed his head sharply, and saw a sword pass through his chest.

And Wang Qianchen stood in front of him, still holding the hilt of the sword in his hand.

"Then why don't you just die here." Wang Qianchen said with a blank expression, his expression was extremely indifferent, as if the **** of death had come to the world.

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