Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 296: calf guard

Wan Long was stupid, and so was Instructor Chai.

No one thought that Wang Qianchen would suddenly act!

Wang Qianchen's eyes were gloomy and he slowly drew out his sword. The blade of the sword had Wanlong's blood on it. He shook it lightly, and the blood disappeared without a trace. However, Wan Long seemed to have been emptied of his soul, and his body fell softly, little by little, but his chest was not big, but he was quick and agile, directly killing him.

Wan Long has lost his breath, but his eyes are still open.

"What are you doing?!" Instructor Chai seemed to finally react and grabbed Wang Qianchen's wrist.

With the strength of Instructor Chai, Wang Qianchen could not have killed someone in front of him.

But he was a little confused because of Wang Qianchen's previous problems, and secondly, although he knew that Wang Qianchen came over, he didn't expect this person to suddenly make a move, so it was really impossible to prevent.

"I can't let this person go unpunished..." Wang Qianchen shook his head expressionlessly.

It wasn't until he killed Wanlong that he felt a little impulsive. He didn't know what was going on just now. Hearing those provocative words, his blood was surging all over his body, as if he wasn't him, as if it was someone else. Yes, the body is also out of control, the whole person becomes cruel and violent, and there is a voice in the mind: kill him, kill him!

He didn't even notice it, because of the existence of the demonic energy around him, what kind of change has taken place in his state of mind!

When he woke up, Wan Long was already dead.

But he didn't regret it, and he didn't even have a trace of fear or fear. Instead, a voice in his heart said: "Kill it well! This person should be killed!"

"He can't get away with it, can't you?!" Instructor Chai clenched Wang Qianchen's wrist tightly, with a look of hatred that iron could not become steel. He didn't know how irritating Wan Long's words were before, but he There is still a chance that Wan Long will be sentenced to death if he takes it back. Now that he was killed on the spot, how to clean up this mess?

In the end, Instructor Chai was just an instructor. He could do whatever his superiors asked him to do, and he would not dare and could not cover up anyone, so he was full of anger, handcuffed Wang Qianchen again, and put Wanlong's body in the town demon bell. , get out of this place quickly.

Wang Qianchen did not resist, and it was impossible to escape the shackles of Instructor Chai.


That night, Instructor Chai took the bodies of Wang Qianchen and Wanlong to Song Cepeng's office.

After listening to the whole process, Song Epee's face sank terribly.

Wang Qianchen lowered his head and said nothing.

Until now, he doesn't regret killing Wan Long, and letting him watch this guy go unpunished is simply more uncomfortable than Wan Jian's heart piercing. But he knew that he would not survive, and he couldn't help thinking, what should Li Qianqiu and the others do, Huang Sanye has not been found, and Zhao Zhe has not been resurrected...

He thought of Wei Zihua, Du Hong, Tan Zuo, and Nie Rong, the young son of the Nie family. He seems to be the only friends in this world, so it shouldn't be a problem to give them to these guys, right?

The office was eerily silent, and no one spoke for a while, as if time stood still.

No matter who can see, Song Epee is very annoyed, very annoyed!

"Commander Song..." Because the atmosphere was too depressing, Instructor Chai finally seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and said softly, "Commander Song, otherwise, the two had fought, and Wang Qianchen was out of self-defense..."

Listening to this, Instructor Chai seems to be willing to give perjury. After all, it was indeed Wan Long who attacked Wang Qianchen first!

"Do you think it's possible?" Song Chongjian looked at him with his eyes like a sword.

Instructor Chai lowered his head, his face was a little hot, and he also felt that it was a bit too much for him to ask for perjury. !

He thought that Song Chongjian wanted to protect Wang Qianchen, so he came up with such an idea. Now it seems that his thinking is still shallow. The commander of the [Monster Slayer] is upright and righteous, and there is no dust or sand in his eyes...

Instructor Chai was blaming himself when he heard Song Chongjian say: "Even if Wang Qianchen escapes legal punishment by relying on self-defense, Qingcheng Mountain will not let him go, so we must find another way."

Instructor Chai and Wang Qianchen both raised their heads and looked at him in surprise.

Song Chongjian pondered for a while, and continued: "This matter must not have anything to do with Wang Qianchen, otherwise Qingcheng Mountain will be a big trouble sooner or later! Let's just say that Wanlong was killed by a monster, just grab a monster from the rocky realm and come over. Just a top bag."

Instructor Chai: "..."

Wang Qianchen: "..."

"What's wrong?" Song Chongjian looked confused.

"...It's okay!" Instructor Chai resisted the urge to vomit blood, and felt that his self-blame just now was ridiculous. It turned out that Song Chongjian was more thoughtful and detailed than he thought.

"Let's do it like this, go find a monster with a sword, and after killing it, send it to Qingcheng Mountain with Wanlong's body. Also, don't spread the word about this matter, it's limited to the three of us, and must not be disclosed to the public. The fourth person!" Song Chongjian continued.

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