Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 297: enchanting

Next, Song Cepeng checked the leaks and filled the gaps, making sure that no one else saw Wang Qianchen kill Wanlong, and also deduced some possible problems and ways to deal with them, to ensure that the whole thing was leak-proof and seamless, and then let Instructor Chai take Wanlong's body. The corpse left.

In the office, only Song Cepeng and Wang Qianchen were left.

"There won't be a problem with Nie Rong and Nie Jiao, right?" Song Chongjian asked.

"...They shouldn't talk nonsense. After all, they brought Wanlong here. Besides, they didn't see me killing Wanlong, so even if they doubted in their hearts, they couldn't say anything." Wang Qianchen thought for a while and replied. .

"That's fine." Song Chongjian sighed and said, "After going back, take a shower, take a nap, and then forget about this incident, and treat it like it never happened!"

Wang Qianchen looked at Song Epee with a complicated expression.

"What's wrong?" Song Chongjian asked suspiciously.

"...Nothing, thank you!" Wang Qianchen stood up and bowed at Song Cepeng.

He knew that Song Chongjian valued himself very much, but he did not expect Song Cepengjian to do this for himself. This kind of behavior was no different from a father protecting his son!

He didn't ask why, this kind of question was a little bit mean to be good at being cheap, and he accepted it generously, and he will have the opportunity to repay it in the future!

"It's alright, trivial..." Song Chongjian said with a smile: "Wanlong really deserves to die, but you have to pay attention to the methods in the future. If you really want to kill someone, don't be so direct and impulsive. You can use some small tactics in private. Instructor Chai saw it, there is still a chance to mediate the matter, if you want to kill him in front of a bunch of people, it is really impossible for the gods to protect you!"

"...I've been taught!" The commander-in-chief of Tangtang [Monster Slayer] actually taught him how to kill. Wang Qianchen was really dumbfounded.

"Of course, you can't do anything nonsense. Unless you encounter a wicked person, don't take the idea of ​​killing lightly. You must have a sword in your hand and a righteous heart in your heart... In our country, the law is always solemn. I I believe, you can grasp this proportion." Song Chongjian seemed to think of something, and said with a serious face.

"I understand." Wang Qianchen nodded again.

"When will you ascend to the rock realm?" Song Chongjian looked at Wang Qianchen and asked suddenly.

"What?" Wang Qianchen was a little confused.

"Ask you when to ascend to the rock realm!" Song Cepeng frowned.

"I...I don't know?" Wang Qianchen was even more confused. Even a cultivator with extraordinary talent couldn't accurately predict his own promotion, right?

"How could you not know, didn't it tell you?" Song Chongjian asked.

"It? Who is it?" Wang Qianchen became more and more confused.

"The demonic energy in you, haven't you two communicated?" Song Chongjian became more and more confused.

"...No? What do you mean, can it still speak?!"

"It hasn't spoken to you yet?!"

Both of them had incredible expressions on their faces.

Wang Qianchen was completely stunned.

He knew that he had a demonic energy on his body, and all his subsequent adventures were related to this demonic energy in his body, and even brought him a lot of trouble, and he had to help Mr. Honglou to cover it up.

But he never knew that Yaoqi could still speak, and he never thought about it at all.

Song Chongjian repeatedly asked for a long time, and finally confirmed that Wang Qianchen did not lie, and the demonic energy did not communicate with him.

"What's going on, isn't it time yet..." Song Cepeng muttered, his whole person seemed to be lost.

"Commander Song, what's going on?" Wang Qianchen couldn't help but ask.

"...It's okay, you go back first!" Song Chongjian didn't know what to say, so he had to order the expulsion first.

Wang Qianchen had to get up and leave, but the doubts in his heart became heavier.


Not long after Wang Qianchen left, Siyao pushed open the door and walked in.

As the deputy commander-in-chief of [Monster Slayer], Siyao is not often in the training camp, after all, there are still many official duties to deal with outside. Song Cepeng was already here, and it would be a bad thing for her to be there too.

"Commander Song, I have something to report to you." Siyao looked solemn and quickly came to Song Cepeng.

"What?" Song Cepeng raised his head.

"Jiang Xiaoshu, he has broken through to the stone realm." Si Yao put both hands on the desk, there was no joy on his face, but a hint of panic.

It's really too frightening. As the son of Jiang Zhixue and Solanum Kui, Jiang Xiaoshu awakens his superpowers earlier than ordinary people, and also contacts the [Heart Sutra of Slaying the Demon] earlier. It's only two months, isn't it too fast?

No matter how talented you are, it is impossible to have this kind of speed!

Like Wang Qianchen, 80% is another guy with demonic energy!

This was the judgment Song Chongjian made for the first time. He immediately stood up and said, "Go, go and see!"

Siyao and Song Cepeng immediately went out together.

Since Jiang Xiaoshu was placed under "house arrest" in the training camp, Song Chongjian hadn't visited him. First, he didn't plan to train him, and secondly, there was no need for him, so this was the first time Song Chongjian went to see him!

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