Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 298: dream, heaven

There are a row of bungalows at the back of the training camp staff building. Originally, it was a place for piling sundries. Later, a room was specially cleaned up for Jiang Xiaoshu to live in.

The living facilities in the house are complete, including Internet, TV, and computer. You can play games or take online classes. The whole house was set up with a formation, so Jiang Xiaoshu couldn't get out.

Song Chongjian and Siyao walked into the house and saw Jiang Xiaoshu sitting cross-legged on the ground at a glance.

"You are Commander Song, right?" Jiang Xiaoshu opened his eyes, but didn't get up. There was a sense of sophistication in his speech that was not his age.

Today's children are already well nourished, if it wasn't for Jiang Xiaoshu's childishness on his face, Song Chongjian would have thought he was an adult.

"You know me?" Song Chongjian asked with a smile.

"I don't know." Jiang Xiaoshu shook his head: "I guess."

"Oh? How did you guess it?" Song Chongjian became interested.

"I haven't seen you, but I heard that you are in the training camp, and you can make Deputy Commander Si willingly follow behind. There seems to be no one other than the commander-in-chief, right?" Jiang Xiaoshu paused and said, "I am there. Cultivation is a critical period, so you can't get up to meet it."

"Hehe, it's alright, you can continue practicing!" Song Chongjian smiled. He was surprised that this kid was thoughtful, and at the same time, he looked down at the Zhen Yaoling around his waist.

It didn't vibrate.

Certainly not, if it did, someone would have notified him long ago.

But not shaking, does not mean that there is no demonic energy in him, Wang Qianchen can also cover up his demonic energy!

"Let's talk, don't bother you?" Song Chongjian sat in front of Jiang Xiaoshu.

"Don't disturb, let's talk." Jiang Xiaoshu nodded, still maintaining a meditating posture, as if he could practice while talking.

Siyao went out consciously, closed the door, and stood guard at the door.

"How do you live here?" Song Chongjian asked warmly.

"Very good, this place is full of spiritual energy, surrounded by mountains and waters, which is very suitable for cultivation." Although he is only a primary school student, Jiang Xiaoshu is not stage fright at all, and he can be neither humble nor arrogant in front of the [Monster Slayer] commander.

"But I heard that you drove away several teachers who taught you classes?" Song Chongjian laughed, obviously not blaming Jiang Xiaoshu.

"Well, I know all the content they teach. I taught myself the content of junior high school and high school a few months ago, because I know that there are high school students in [Monster Slayer], so I will talk about my own education level first. "Jiang Xiaoshu paused and continued: "But I found out later that they were all lying to me, and they tricked me here, saying that they wanted to train me to be a demon slayer, but no one taught me **** demons at all, so I I started self-study, and it seems to be progressing well so far, it doesn’t matter if you teach me or not.”

"..." Song Chongjian was a little speechless, but he still said in a persuasive manner: "[Monster Slayer] generally does not accept minors. As you know, high school students are basically admitted by exception, but they do not undertake the task of killing demons. They mainly help Medical care, logistics, etc... I brought you here not to deceive you, but to let you calm down and study hard. Your talent is really good. When you are old enough in the future, we will definitely admit you as soon as possible. At your current age, it is better to focus on your studies. As for your mother, we are working hard to solve it. "

"I don't need you to admit me." Jiang Xiaoshu shook his head: "Anyway, I know who the murderer is, and I know the solution! I can't go out now because my level is not enough, and I can go out when my level is enough."

Song Chongjian didn't know what to say. After being silent for a while, he said again, "Xiaoshu, let's talk about something else, I want to know how you woke up?"

The formation of the house is very solid, Jiang Xiaoshu will definitely not be able to get out in a short time, and it is the top priority to figure out what is going on with him.

Jiang Xiaoshu didn't hide it, so he told Song Cepian about what he had said to Solanum before, what to scare his classmates and so on.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with it, and many awakened people have been awakened unintentionally.

But if Jiang Xiaoshu is just an ordinary awakener, it is impossible to have such a fast upgrade speed!

"What else?" Song Chongjian continued to ask: "Do you think there is anything strange about you? You can say anything strange."

Jiang Xiaoshu thought about it and said, "Does it count as a dream?"

"What dream did you have?" Song Chongjian asked immediately.

"I often dream that I am in a world shrouded in clouds and mist, where there are splendid golden temples, wonderful Sanskrit sounds, and cranes roaming in the air, and someone keeps saying in my ear: Come back, come back... ...I slept ten times and had this dream at least eight times, and I thought it was weird, but I thought it was just a dream, so I never told anyone about it."

Song Cepeng's heart was pounding, and he knew very well in his heart that the world depicted by Jiang Xiaoshu was definitely the heaven!

Jiang Xiaoshu is really not an ordinary person!

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