Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 300: licking dog and goddess

But having said that, Wang Qianchen's upgrades have always followed fate, and I don't know when they will be promoted. They may sit for a while, or sleep. Unreasonable.

Until now, Wang Qianchen has not grasped the key to his own upgrade, so there is no way to draw a tiger like a cat, and he can't concoct something.

But he suddenly remembered what Song Chongjian had said to him before.

"When did you ascend to the rock realm?"

"Didn't you communicate with the demonic energy in yourself?"

Listening to what he meant, the demonic energy entangled in his body seemed to be able to speak, and all the wonderful phenomena that happened to him were also related to this demonic energy?

"Hello?" Wang Qianchen tried to ask.

"What's wrong, master?" Brick asked immediately.

"Fuck you, I didn't talk to you." Wang Qianchen scolded a little irritably.

"Then who are you talking to?" Banzhuan asked strangely: "If you are talking to Xiaohonglou, you need to be conscious, not directly speaking, he is in the Qiankun bag!"

"I'm not talking to him either... Okay, shut up, I'm not talking to you anyway!"

When the tiles were completely quiet, Wang Qianchen said again: "Hello, are you there? Have you eaten? Have you slept? How old are you? Have you been working? Go to bed early, it's cold, remember to put on clothes and take a look photo……"

"Wang Qianchen, are you mentally ill?" Brick finally couldn't help it and spoke again.

"You know shit, I'm communicating with the demonic energy on my body!" Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth.

"But the tone of your speech is like licking a dog and a goddess... Wait, why do you want to communicate with the demon?" Banzhuan asked in confusion.

"Didn't you hear what Commander Song told me before?" Wang Qianchen became more and more irritable.

"No, in the office before, he imprisoned my seven orifices... What happened, please tell me!" Brick became curious.

Although the brick is very weak, it has lived for hundreds of years. It is really well-informed and well-informed. Maybe he really knows something.

Wang Qianchen told Song Epee's original words to it again.

"Good guy, I thought I was the only one who knew about it, so he knew it too, it seems that Zhou Laogou told him... Then you don't have to wait, the demonic aura in your body won't talk to you! "Ban Bian said slowly, regardless of his own strength, he really looks like an expert.

"What's going on?" Wang Qianchen asked immediately.

"Hey, you want to know, let's cancel the soul contract of this uncle first... ah, I said!" Brick screamed, obviously suppressed by Wang Qianchen, and quickly said: "This monster on your body Qi is indeed extraordinary, because it is not just a monster, it seems to be the soul of a monster!"

"Soul body?" Wang Qianchen frowned.

"Yes, the soul body is attached to your body. You can level up so quickly, learn swordsmanship and boxing skills so quickly, and it is all helping. But it is very weak now, and it seems to be seriously injured. The **** in the space is in a state! So it sleeps most of the time. Occasionally, when it senses that you are in trouble, it will show up to help you, and then it will fall asleep again. If you talk to it, it will not listen. It's here, even if I hear it, I can't respond to you, because its current state is not enough to open my mouth." Brick's mouth was flying, and it was the same as the truth.

Wang Qianchen showed a puzzled expression.

"Hey, why don't you believe it? I'm telling the truth!" Brick flew out from behind Wang Qianchen's waist, seeming a little anxious.

"Okay, if you're telling the truth..."

"Whatever it is, it's true!"

"Okay, okay... What do you mean, it's injured and is recovering, so it can't respond to me?" Wang Qianchen asked again.

"Right!" The bricks swayed up and down in the air, as if nodding.

"Then it's healed, what will happen?" Wang Qianchen was a little nervous. After all, he was a monster. If he recovered into a real body, would he hurt himself or take away his body directly?

Banzhuo obviously knew what Wang Qianchen was thinking, and said directly: "It shouldn't be, this monster has no malicious intentions. It led you to find the **** in the dark space before, which is enough to show that it has a close relationship with that god, and it is attached to the god. After you, your fate has also changed. Didn't Zhou Laogou say that your fate changed overnight, from an ordinary person to Ziwei Xing... If it is a bad monster , none of these things will happen.”

Brick is straight-forward, not like a fuss, Wang Qianchen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then when will it be able to talk to me?" Wang Qianchen asked again.

"When it can talk, it will naturally talk to you!" Brick said cryptically.

"To say it means not to say it!" Wang Qianchen snorted, stroking his body lightly, not knowing whether the demonic energy could be sensed.

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