Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 305: first son

It's been a week since Wan Long's death, and life in the training camp is gradually calming down. Everyone should attend classes, training and training. Gravity has increased several times, but it is not as hard as it was at the beginning, and everyone can gradually accept it. .

But Wang Qianchen knew that this matter was not completely over. The disciples of Qingcheng Mountain were still full of hatred for him, but they did not dare to provoke him head-on. However, during the practice class on the playground, there were always a few hostile eyes cast on him.

In addition, there is Bai Feiyang.

Bai Feiyang has a very good relationship with Du Hong now. He will greet him warmly when they meet him, but he never pays attention to Wang Qianchen. Even if he walks face-to-face with him, he doesn't look sideways.

Wang Qianchen doesn't care about this, anyway, his relationship with Bai Feiyang is not very good.

But there was another person's gaze that made him uncomfortable.

Ding Songran, the monitor of the sixth class.

Wang Qianchen also stayed in the training camp for a while, so he naturally knew the details of this Ding Songran. He came from a demon slayer family in Shangjing. Take his shot.

In terms of identity alone, Ding Songran is taller than all the sons and brothers of aristocratic families, because his father is a high-level [Monster Slayer] today, and his status is only below Song Chongjian and Siyao!

Therefore, Ding Songran also has a nickname, called the first son of the Demon Slayer Family!

Wang Qianchen and Ding Songran didn't have any intersection at all, but recently, Ding Songran looked at him frequently, when training, when drinking water, and when eating, which made Wang Qianchen feel a little uncomfortable.

So during the break of a certain practice class, Wang Qianchen went to him personally.

"Hello." Wang Qianchen walked to Ding Songran and handed over a bottle of mineral water.

"Okay." Ding Songran sat on a stone step, nodded and took the water.

"Can I ask you, why are you always staring at me recently?" Wang Qianchen got straight to the point, he believed that Ding Songran must know the purpose of his coming.

"You've been in the limelight recently. Everyone wants to challenge you, of course I'm no exception... But there is no valid reason, so I can't go to you directly. I've been thinking about this all the time, so I've been watching you... Excuse me. Has it come to you, I will be more restrained in the future." Ding Songran smiled softly, the whole person looked very polite, but there was always an aloof temperament, overlooking all living beings.

This is different from Du Hong's type of writing arrogance directly on his face. Ding Songran tried to be low-key, indifferent, and down-to-earth, but he still couldn't hide the inherent arrogance in his bones.

"If you want to challenge me, we can learn from each other at any time..." Wang Qianchen said sincerely, after all, the purpose of his coming to the training camp is to become an official monster slayer, and to find someone who is intertwined with his own destiny. Whoever wants to make enemies, Wanlong is purely an accident.

"Okay, when I have a chance, I will definitely ask you to learn from each other." Ding Songran still smiled slightly, but his eyes moved slightly.

Wang Qianchen didn't notice it at all, and continued: "Well, then I'll wait for you..."

At this moment, someone suddenly patted Wang Qianchen on the shoulder.

Wang Qianchen looked back and saw that it was Song Epee.

"Command Song!"

Wang Qianchen and Ding Songran both stood up.

"It's alright, what about chatting?" Song Chongjian smiled, the commander-in-chief who seemed to be aloof, had an approachable attitude most of the time.

"Ah, just a few words, what's the matter with Commander Song?" Ding Songran replied quickly.

"It's okay, I'll talk to Wang Qianchen about something... won't it affect you?" Song Chongjian said with his hands behind his back.

"No, let's talk, I'll go first." Ding Songran turned and left.

"Commander Song..."

"follow me!"

Before Wang Qianchen could speak, Song Cepeng pulled him to a corner beside him.

"Qingcheng Mountain found out that you were the real murderer of Wanlong!" Song Epee said in a low voice with a solemn expression.

"What?!" Wang Qianchen looked surprised.

"Qingcheng Mountain is coming to you soon, have you thought about what to say?" Song Chongjian asked in a deep voice.

"I...I...I didn't kill Wanlong!" Wang Qianchen looked puzzled.

"It's this time, stop pretending, and tell me what's going on, so I can help you think about how to deal with the aftermath! Time is running out, they'll be there soon, if you don't tell me, you have to tell them! "Song Epee's expression became more and more dignified.

"But I really didn't kill Wanlong, this matter has nothing to do with me!" Wang Qianchen also said seriously.

Song Cepeng stared straight at him, and his might was rolling over like an overwhelming force.

Wang Qianchen met his gaze fearlessly and fearlessly.

After an unknown amount of time, Song Cepeng regained his power.

"It's fine if it's not you, then I'll stop them for you!" Song Chongjian turned and left.

"How can I kill Wanlong..." Wang Qianchen scratched his head, turned his head and didn't see Ding Songran, so he walked in the direction of his class.

Behind him, the space slowly became illusory, and Song Chongjian's figure disappeared.

"Elder Ma, I tested it, it shouldn't be him..." In a corner, Ding Songran said softly, holding the phone.

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