Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 307: Ten times as many monsters

will die? !

As soon as these words came out, the audience suddenly "buzzed". Before coming to the [Monster Slayer First Training Camp], everyone actually heard a lot of stories about this place. The training process must be difficult, but it rarely happens. In the event of casualties, the instructors also love everyone, and the tasks given will not exceed the scope of ability.

Especially the last assessment, the difficulty will definitely be more difficult, but there is no danger to life, even if the elimination rate is a little higher, how can people still die?

"Because of a little accident." As if he knew what everyone was thinking, Song Chongjian sitting on the rostrum continued: "The last assessment requires everyone to pass through a mountain range. There are a certain number of monsters in this mountain range. Within the acceptable range, everyone can run even if they can’t beat them. At most, they will fail the assessment. But the supplier misheard and put in ten times the number of monsters…”

ten times? !

The audience was full of exclamations again.

Seeing everyone's expressions, the corners of Song Chongjian's mouth rose slightly, as if he couldn't help but want to laugh.

Siyao hurriedly kicked him calmly, and Song Chongjian restrained his smile, coughed twice, and continued: "According to the original plan, everyone can kill the monsters while crossing the mountains, but because of the large number of monsters If it increases, if there is any movement, it is very likely to lead to a siege, then you can’t escape even if you want to run, isn’t it a dead end?”

Song Chongjian sighed and said: "Because of this accident, our instructors have discussed it many times. It is definitely not feasible to postpone the assessment, and it is too late to formulate the assessment plan, so we decided to adopt a free and voluntary method. Sign the letter of life and death, if you don't want to sign up, you can go home directly, and you can come back next year..."

The audience fell into a "buzzing" discussion again. There are ten times more monsters in the mountain range. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to pass through. Participating in this kind of assessment is a disease of the mind!

Immediately, many people raised their hands and said they were leaving the training camp, and they really packed their bags and went home, planning to come back next year.

After a while, one-third of the people left, but two-thirds were eager to try. They felt that it was a pity to come back just like that.

Since it is enough to pass through the mountains, then don't cause movement, and it will not lead to siege!

Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua looked at each other, and each read firmness in the other's eyes, and the two of them would definitely not back down. There were also Du Hong, Tan Zuo, Nie Rong, Bai Feiyang, Yin Luoluo, Ding Songran and others, all of whom had no intention of leaving. They not only represent themselves, but also the sect and family behind them, and they will definitely not do such shameful things.

"Is anyone else leaving?" Song Chongjian looked at the audience.

"Oh, it's long-winded, let's start straight away, the emotional intelligence is too low!" Du Hong said dissatisfiedly, but his tiger spirit has never changed.

"Okay, okay, then get ready to start! Everyone go back and prepare, and gather outside the training camp in an hour!" Song Epee waved his hand and left, dumbfounded.

Everyone went back.

At this time, everyone already knows the rules of the assessment. It is not so easy to know the mountain range to be crossed. Eighty percent of them will stay in it for several days, so dry food, water bottles, tents, etc. must be brought.

During the preparation of things, everyone learned more about the details of this mission. First of all, everyone did not cross the same mountain range, but crossed different mountain ranges according to different realms. It is full of monsters in the rock realm, and so on. The mountain range that the stone realm will pass through is full of monsters in the stone realm, and the mountain range to be crossed in the earth realm is full of monsters in the earth realm.

Without the sand boundary, the training camp is almost over, and if you haven't broken through the soil boundary, you will leave by yourself.

Du Hong, Tan Zuo and others have already ascended to the rock realm, so they cannot act together with Wang Qianchen.

The second is to go in groups of two and walk together. Wei Zihua and Wang Qianchen are both in the stone realm, so it is certain that they will form a team.

"I'm definitely going with my wife, who are you going with, single dog Xiao Tan?" Du Hong said with a glance.

"Haha, anyone can do it, I don't care!" Tan Zuo didn't fight or grab, with a lazy look.

in another dorm.

Ding Songran was packing things when the phone suddenly rang.

"Elder Ma, what's the matter?" Ding Songran answered the phone and said with a smile.

The call was from the master of Wan Long's lifetime, Elder Qingcheng Shanma.

"Xiao Ding, 80% of my apprentice was killed by Wang Qianchen!" Elder Ma said gloomily, he regarded Wanlong as his own son, and he would definitely not let it go.

"No, I tested him before, is there any problem?" Ding Songran frowned. As the son of the "Shangjing Ding Family", he maintained a good relationship with all factions and ethnic groups.

"That kid is very cunning, maybe you were deceived by him! I have been checking the Nie family for a long time. Although there is no concrete evidence, it should be inseparable from Wang Qianchen!" Elder Ma said in a hoarse voice, during this period of time He got caught on fire because he was in a hurry.

"Well, if it's found out, just report it to the top. Commander Song won't let him go!" Ding Songran sighed.

"If it's found out, the kid will definitely not be able to escape, but I'm afraid it won't be found out..." Elder Ma said in a deep voice.

"Then what do you mean?" Ding Songran heard something in Elder Ma's words.

"Xiao Ding, even if I can't find it out, I'm going to kill him... So, I need your help!" Elder Ma said softly.

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