Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 308: Heart of the Blue Ocean

Hearing the word "kill him", Ding Songran instinctively resisted, but still said warmly: "I'm busy with the graduation assessment recently, I'm afraid I can't help Elder Ma..."

For him, he had done his duty in helping the temptation before, and he definitely didn't want to get involved with "killing".

"Xiao Ding, don't be in a hurry to reject me, it will not be too difficult for you to do things, and I will not have no self-knowledge! I know that you are preparing for the graduation assessment, so I asked for your help. I am This is the plan. If I can't find any evidence, I will still kill Wang Qianchen and avenge my apprentice Wanlong! But he will be the official demon slayer after today, and it will definitely be troublesome if he wants to do it again. Things. So I thought, can you do something to let that kid..." Elder Ma said the plan he had considered in a deep voice.

"You don't know, there was an accident in today's final assessment. There are ten times more monsters in the mountains we need to cross, so I don't have time to worry about his business..." In fact, the matter entrusted by Elder Ma is not considered to be Ding Songran is really busy now.

"Xiao Ding, I know about your affairs. It's all made up by Commander Song! What ten times the monster, it's just a few times more. He deliberately scare you. And there will be no casualties. Once a recruit is besieged and unable to If you escape, the instructors will secretly handle and protect them, and at most you will be eliminated! With your ability, it is not a problem to pass through that mountain range, and it will be very easy to help me with this." [Monster Slayer] senior There are also people from Qingcheng Mountain, and it is not surprising that Elder Ma knows these secrets.

But in fact, Ding Songran had long guessed that Song Chongjian was doing something to scare off those guys who didn't have the courage and willpower, but no matter how many times there were monsters, or whether the instructors were secretly protecting them, after all It increases the difficulty a lot.

Sensing that Ding Songran was still a little hesitant, Elder Ma continued: "In this way, regardless of whether things are successful or not, I will give you a heart of blue ocean! Xiao Ding, you don't need to kill him, you just need to use a little trick... …”

Heart of the Blue Ocean? !

Ding Songran was instantly interested. This thing was a kind of gem salvaged from the blue ocean, and then made into a close-fitting necklace that can resist certain mental attacks.

For a player like Ding Songran who is good at mental attack, he is most worried about being controlled by others, so the temptation of the Heart of the Blue Ocean is indeed quite big.

"Have you arranged anyone else besides me?" Ding Songran asked again, he knew that Elder Ma couldn't put all his hopes on himself.

"Yes, several disciples of Qingcheng Mountain, and Bai Feiyang of Longhu Mountain..." Elder Ma said truthfully: "Besides, I have made some arrangements. future troubles!"

"Okay, then there's no problem." Ding Songran breathed a sigh of relief, and said secretly at the same time: "Wang Qianchen, I'm sorry, although we have no injustice or enmity, but I really like the heart of the blue ocean..."


Half an hour later, everyone gathered on the playground, waiting for [commander-in-chief] Song Epee to appear.

"Xiaochen, let me tell you good news, I just broke through the peak of the stone realm!" Wei Zihua said with a smile in the crowd.

Wang Qianchen took a look, and Wei Zihua really reached the peak of the stone realm, only one step away from the rock realm, and immediately said in surprise: "Really, congratulations!"

"Hey, if we form a team, we will definitely be able to pass through the mountains!" Wei Zihua was very happy. The peak of the Stone Realm crossed the Stone Realm Mountains, just like playing at home.

"Don't think I'm dragging your feet!" Wang Qianchen, who was still in the early stage of the Stone Realm, was envious in addition to envy.

"Take it down, you are not weaker than me in the early stage of the stone realm... You are too low-key, but you are proud!" Wei Zihua pouted, obviously dissatisfied with Wang Qianchen's Versailles.

The two were chatting, when Song Cepian finally came to the scene, cheered everyone up for a while, and then took them out of the training camp.

Yes, the last assessment was in the wild!

After passing through a pitch-black corridor, the crowd drilled out from the bottom of the lake. It was still the farmer with a **** who was controlling the water. It wasn't until everyone came out that he put away his hoe, the lake was calm, and he went to the side to continue plowing.

Not long after, a large boat floated on the lake, and everyone boarded the boat under the guidance of Song Cepeng.

When everyone entered the cabin, Song Cepian was still standing on the deck, and he took out his demon-slaying sword and pointed at the lake. He heard the sound of "huhuhu".

After only a few minutes, I heard Song Chongjian standing on the deck saying: "When you arrive, come out!"

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