Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 309: same as usual

Everyone came out to take a look, and they saw that the big ship had come to the edge of a desolate island. The whole island could not be seen. .

And the isolated island was clearly divided into three roads, leading to different mountains and forests.

Needless to say, it is the examination room for rock, stone and earth.

And at the moment when everyone came out of the cabin, many people broke through, and Wei Zihua also broke through to the rock realm!

"This..." Wei Zihua watched his body change in surprise.

"It's normal to break through the gravity environment of the training camp..." Wang Qianchen said solemnly.

"Then you..." Wei Zihua looked at him immediately.

"I'm still the same..." Wang Qianchen shook his head, everyone has made progress recently, but he is the only one who is standing still.

"It's alright, take your time, your potential must be extraordinary..." Wei Zihua could only be so comforted.

Even Banzhuan said in his consciousness: "The speed of their cultivation is fast, and many of them are geniuses. In addition, Song Chongjian's training method is very strange, and it is like squeezing people to death. Naturally, it will be faster. It's okay, a late meal is a good meal, we haven't upgraded yet, it's just that the time has not come..."

Wang Qianchen must have been a little disappointed, but he was more happy for Wei Zihua. This guy came to the first training camp for Monster Slayer, and he was even higher than Jiang Zhixue. He didn't even startle the group of friends when he went back. ?

"I'm fine." Wang Qianchen said with a smile: "The only pity is that we can't form a team..."

"Ah..." Wei Zihua also remembered this incident, and then looked at Song Epee with a complicated face, wondering if he should pretend that he didn't make a breakthrough and continue to be on the same team with Wang Qianchen?

It's a pity that Song Chongjian is not a fool. He jumped off the boat first, stood on the shore and said: "Come on, the rock boundary on the left, the earth boundary on the right, and the stone boundary in the middle! The one who broke through just now, consciously stand in the team, don't Let me find out who is playing a ghost, my eyes are not vegetarian..."

Wei Zihua could only go to the rocky road, Wang Qianchen stood on the rock, and more people stood on the earth.

"Hey, Xiaowei, you made a breakthrough too. We'll be on the same team later?" Tan Zuo said with a smile.

"Okay!" Wei Zihua nodded and glanced at Wang Qianchen helplessly.

Wang Qianchen waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

When I first entered the training camp, there were about ten stone realms, dozens of earth realms, and hundreds of sand realms. Now that we have entered the final assessment stage, everyone has basically been promoted to one level. There are about ten rock realms, dozens of stone realms, and hundreds of earth realms.

Such astonishing training results are unique in previous training camps, no wonder those talented disciples and sons of aristocratic families are willing to come to Song Epee!

Then, Song Cepeng started to talk about the rules of the assessment, which is similar to what everyone heard before, that is, two people go through the mountains in a team, but there are some more details, such as the entire mountain range has been given a formation, those monsters are Those that cannot be transformed into human form, so there is no need to identify them, they are all in their true form, and there are monsters of different realms that cannot cross different mountain ranges, so there is no need to worry about those high-level monsters scurrying around.

Even so, it is terrifying enough. The number of monsters in it is staggering. Once they are under siege, they will basically die.

"Then wish everyone good luck, I am waiting for you on the other side of the mountain... Remember, there is only one week. After a week, those who cannot cross the mountain, whether dead or alive, will be considered eliminated! "

After finishing speaking, a cloud of auspicious clouds appeared under Song Epee's feet, and flew high into the sky in the eyes of everyone's astonishment.

Because of this, Song Chongjian thought of something, and leaned over in mid-air and said: "By the way, those guys who can fly, don't think it's fine to fly over, there are monsters waiting for you in the air... unless it's really Like me, they are so shaken they can't move!"

There were indeed some birds of prey such as vultures and golden eagles flying in the sky above the mountains, and from time to time they made sharp roars. However, as Song epee volleyed through the sky, those seemingly invincible birds of prey gave in one after another, and none of them dared to stop him. body shape.

After Song Chongjian left, everyone also started to form teams. Some people had formed a team before, and it would be better to go directly into the mountain range. Some people had to start looking for people again because of temporary breakthroughs.

On the side of Yanjing, Du Hong and Yin Luoluo team, Bai Feiyang and Nie Rong team, Tan Zuo and Wei Zihua team, Ding Songran and others also have different partners.

On the Shijing side, Wang Qianchen, who suddenly became a loner, looked left and right, not knowing who he should be in a team with, so he simply waited with arms folded, and whoever was left, he could not go alone.

Recently, many people have risen to the stone realm, such as Hu Yan and Zhang Quan in Qingcheng Mountain, but Wang Qianchen will definitely not go to them.

Fortunately, there are disciples of other sects, such as Maoshan and Putuoshan, who are considered their own.

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