Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 310: new teammate

But people generally have their own partners, and it is not easy for Wang Qianchen to cut off Hu.

At this moment, a Taoist came over and gave a respectful salute: "Master Wang, let's be a team!"

Seeing the Maoshan mark on his body, Wang Qianchen glanced back at Tan Zuo on the other side of the rock, while Tan Zuo smiled and winked. Wang Qianchen sighed in his heart for a while, this is the roommate, unlike Du Hong, the guy with the opposite **** and inhumanity, there is only Yin Luoluo in his eyes, and he has already been forgotten.

Wang Qianchen also laughed, and said to the Taoist in front of him, "Okay!"

At the same time, another monk came over, also gave Wang Qianchen a salute, put his hands together and said, "Master Wang, are we in a team?"

"Xiaochen! Don't say I don't remember you, my emotional intelligence is not low!" Du Hong waved his hands vigorously towards this side.

Good guy, so I misunderstood him.

Wang Qianchen said with a smile: "Thank you, but no need, there are already teammates."

This thing must be about first-come, first-served. Wang Qianchen has already agreed to the Taoist of Maoshan, and he will definitely reject the monk of Putuo Mountain. Having said that, during the three months of training camp, Du Hong and Tan Zuo always helped him, and Wang Qianchen rarely helped them, which made him a little embarrassed.

After thanking the monk in Putuo Mountain, Wang Qianchen officially formed a team with the Taoist in Maoshan.

"Xiaochen, see you at the end!" Wei Zihua shouted, and he and Tan Zuo entered the mountain range of the rocky realm.

"See you at the end!" Wang Qianchen and the Taoist also entered the mountain range of the stone realm.

Knowing that there are many monsters in the mountains, everyone is generally cautious and does not dare to make too much noise, so they consciously enter in batches. After a while, everyone hid in the mountains and forests, like a mud cow entering the sea, silently.

The Taoist who traveled with Wang Qianchen was named Xuanling, which was of course his Taoist name. Although he was not an enlightened person, he was calm and down-to-earth, giving people a very reliable feeling.

The cooperation between the two is also considered a tacit understanding. No one is holding back the other. Step by step, they go deep into the mountains and forests, climbing and climbing mountains. Although they encountered some monsters on the way, they were easily avoided by them.

With Wang Qianchen's ears and nose, he can always start vigilance in advance without waiting for the monster to approach.

Occasionally, roars and screams came from different directions, and they all stopped abruptly at the critical moment, without causing too much movement.

At night, the two take turns on duty and sleep. As for food, it doesn't matter at all. The dry food everyone brings is enough to consume for a week.

If this continues, Wang Qianchen and Xuanling will definitely not be a problem to pass through the entire mountain range.

In a blink of an eye, the two have been in the mountains for three days, and the progress has been very smooth. They have never confronted any monster head-on, but they have had a good time-because of the existence of the Qiankun Bag, Wang Qianchen can always take out various Delicious, and all kinds of entertainment.

"It's great to form a team with you, I haven't met a single monster, and I'm eating, drinking, playing and having fun, it's like going out for a trip!" Xuanling lay in the tent, playing mobile games while playing mobile games. Said with emotion.

Noodles turned into a data cable, trying to provide him with electricity, and there was a steaming hot pot next to him.

"I think it's pretty good too!" Wang Qianchen sat on a rock and looked around vigilantly. He didn't know what was going on. He always felt a little uneasy.

"Thanks to your ears along the way, you can always avoid those monsters!" Xuanling stuffed a piece of mutton into the mouth, and said: "Other people are miserable, I don't know how many people have died!"

"You can't die, in fact, we all have instructors to protect us."

"Really?" Xuan Ling looked surprised.

"Really!" Wang Qianchen nodded. When he first entered the mountain, he found out that someone was secretly following him and Xuanling. Later, he found out the identity of the other party through some methods, and then he felt relieved.

Therefore, in this assessment, no one will die at all. Song Epee used to intimidate everyone.

Logically speaking, after figuring this out, Wang Qianchen should be more at ease, but he always felt that some danger was coming, so he didn't dare to take it lightly for a moment.


Rocky Mountains.

The bright moon was hanging high, and Ding Songran and a companion were also ready to rest.

On the way, they should kill and escape, and they broke into here without any risk, and they were about to cross the entire mountain range, and they were only a few dozen miles away from the end point.

Ding Songran set up the tent, while his companion cooked the fish, and the two chatted while eating.

The moon is bright and the stars are rare, and there is no danger around.

At this moment, Ding Songran's cell phone suddenly rang.

He only glanced at it, then stepped aside to answer the phone.

"Hey, Elder Ma..."

"I found Wang Qianchen's location." Elder Ma didn't say any nonsense and went straight to the point.

"Understood, send it to me, and I'll find him!" Ding Songran replied softly and hung up the phone.

After a while, Wang Qianchen's location was sent to Ding Songran's mobile phone.

Although it is in the mountains, it is extremely accurate.

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