Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 314: real fight

But at this moment, several layers of bandages flew out, firmly entangled in Ding Songran's mouth, and the screams stopped abruptly.

He must not be allowed to make a sound, and it will be troublesome to attract the monsters in the valley.

As for Ding Songran's eyes, he was covered with bandages from the very beginning. Knowing that he is a sensible person who is good at mind control, he must guard against him!

In short, Wang Qianchen took Ding Songran's hand from the very beginning. If Ding Songran didn't mean to kill him, it would have been a corpse by now.

Wang Qianchen's idea is very simple, just knock Ding Songran unconscious, and then quickly complete the assessment.

Wang Qianchen took more than ten shots in a row, and Ding Songran, who was wrapped in bandages, had blood on his head, and Yin Yin's blood seeped out through the white bandages, and only a faint moan came from his mouth.

"It's almost there, let's go!"

Wang Qianchen jumped off "A Dream of Red Mansions", the bandage quickly detached from Ding Songran, and finally condensed into a data cable, and the sky broom and the bumblebee also returned to the Qiankun bag.

"Master, it's not good!" "A Dream of Red Mansions", which was still pressing on Ding Songran, suddenly shouted.

Wang Qianchen immediately looked over, and saw that Ding Songran, who was still bloodstained before, turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared without a trace!

Doppelganger? !

Wang Qianchen is also a good player. Of course, he understood in an instant what was going on. No wonder a rock-level player was so easily cleaned up by him. It turned out to be just a clone!

At the same time, a creepy feeling rose from behind.

Wang Qianchen turned his head sharply, and saw Ding Songran standing outside the canyon, his eyes were already fixed on his body!

"You don't think I'm a mind-controlled Awakener, so I can only mind control, right?" Ding Songran smiled gloomily, with a deep light in his eyes, "We have too many methods to 'go to Jingding's house'. !"

Wang Qianchen suddenly remembered what Li Qianqiu once said, with the loss of contact between the heavens and the underworld, fewer and fewer spells are left in the world, and only some famous sects and aristocratic families still have some.

Obviously, as the first demon slayer family, the Ding family is definitely the leader and leader among them!

It is not unreasonable for Elder Ma to ask him to take action.


The mountain walls on both sides of the canyon actually moved, and squeezed towards Wang Qianchen in the middle, as if to press him into a meat pie.

With Ding Songran's current state, he definitely won't be able to manipulate the mountain wall, so this is obviously an illusion, a mental attack. But the great thing about this kind of mental attack is that the damage you get inside will really be added to your body!

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, I'll just trap you here..." Ding Songran said slowly.

Seeing that the mountain walls on both sides were getting closer and closer, Wang Qianchen gave up the plan to use [Marriage Dream]. That thing was extremely spiritual, and it might not be able to beat Ding Songran, who had passed through the rocky realm. Erosion, and at the same time he murmured softly: "[Soil Walk]!"

Then I drilled down, but there was a "bang" sound, and I was lonely!

The seemingly soft soil is as hard as iron.

"Hey, don't bother, this is the space I created, your little tricks are ineffective in this..." Ding Songran once studied Wang Qianchen's methods and knew that he could spit fire, escape, and stealth. There will be a short flight.

"Someone is coming behind you." Wang Qianchen sat on the ground and said to Ding Songran.

"Hey, do you think I'll believe it..." Ding Songran smiled disdainfully, but before he finished speaking, he heard a "huhu" wind sound behind him.

Ding Songran turned around abruptly, and saw that Wang Qianchen came to his back at some point, and slapped his head with a brick! At the same time, the Wang Qianchen in the canyon turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared.

"You can also clone?!" Ding Songran was surprised, and immediately pulled out a knife to resist.

"This is not exclusive to your Ding family either!" Wang Qianchen sneered and stretched out his hand in the air. Noodles, broomsticks, and bumblebees appeared again. Mr. Honglou also transformed into a huge "Dream of Red Chamber", and several monsters attacked Ding Songran together. up.

In terms of creating an illusion, Wang Qianchen may not be Ding Songran's opponent, but his mental power is still strong enough to break free from the illusion, so he created a clone and pretended to be trapped, while he launched a surprise attack on Ding Songran.

This time, both of them are real bodies, and a real contest has begun!

The sound of "bang bang bang bang" kept sounding. Wang Qianchen held a brick in one hand and a sword in the other. When he was far away, he used the sword, and when he was close, he used the brick. The distance was not a problem at all, and the coordination was quite good. The support of Ding Songran quickly defeated Ding Songran.

Ding Songran used mental attacks many times, but for some reason it was ineffective against Wang Qianchen, and the damage to his spiritual power was also obvious, so he had no choice but to start fighting with force.

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