Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 315: extreme conditions

But if he fought with force, how could he be the opponent of Wang Qianchen and all the monsters in the stone realm?

So it didn't take long for Ding Songran to fall into a siege, and was soon beaten to the ground.

"It's not a clone this time, I'm going to **** you to death!" Wang Qianchen rode on Ding Songran's body, slapped him brick by brick, and "again" beat him to the ground.

Of course, "kill you" is just an exaggeration. In fact, Ding Songran didn't plan to kill him, and he wouldn't be crazy enough to kill someone, so he clicked until Ding Songran couldn't get up, and then said quietly: "Don't follow him anymore. I am, or it will be more ruthless next time."

After speaking, Wang Qianchen stood up from him, and took back all the demons, ready to leave here.

"I underestimate the enemy..." Ding Songran, who was lying on the ground, suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Is this not convinced?" Wang Qianchen turned around and smiled coldly.

"I'm definitely not convinced... I didn't expect your spiritual power to be so powerful, and ordinary spiritual attacks are ineffective against you... It's a pity that my spiritual power consumption is too great, otherwise I will let you **** [Phantom], and I will definitely call you I want to die..." Ding Songran, whose head was covered in blood, laughed.

"Okay, if I have a chance, I will definitely learn it." Wang Qianchen was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and completing the assessment was the most important task now.

But as soon as he raised his head, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

I don't know when, there was a circle of monsters outside the canyon. There were dozens, even hundreds of monsters! Even in the sky, there are many monsters circling.

It turned out that the battle between Wang Qianchen and Ding Songran just now attracted a lot of monsters hiding in the mountains.

Before Wang Qianchen was fighting with all his heart, he really didn't notice them.

These monsters are trapped in the formation and cannot be transformed into human form, but can only maintain their true appearance. It can be said that there are all kinds of things, all kinds of animals, such as tigers, leopards, horses, cows, sheep, and various plants, towering to the sky. Trees, flirtatious flowers, green grass, and various dead objects are mostly furniture, such as tables, cabinets, benches, and even a rice cooker...

They have one thing in common, all of them are stone realms!

The most extreme situation in Song Chongjian's mouth still occurred to Wang Qianchen.

Wang Qianchen noticed that the instructor was nearby, but if he was allowed to take action, it would mean that the assessment failed.

Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and silently took out the bricks. In this situation, he was either fighting or running. No matter how many means in [Seventy-Two Changes], it might not be so easy to escape from a bunch of monsters.

It doesn't matter whether it's stealth or hiding, it won't last long!

"Boom boom-"

Before Wang Qianchen could formulate an escape plan, a group of monsters had already rushed up from all sides, all kinds of roars, roars, sharp claws, huge palms, as well as ubiquitous branches, wild grass spreading everywhere, and monsters in the sky. All swooping down, it really makes my scalp numb!


Wang Qianchen's figure disappeared on the spot, he used the [Invisibility] skill, but in the next second, the wildly dancing branches hit his body and threw him on the rock wall next to him, "Bang" With a loud bang, the rocks rustled down, and his figure was forced to reveal itself.

A group of monsters rushed forward.

"Hurry up and call Xiaohonglou and they will come out to help you block it!" Brick roared.

"Impossible!" Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and murmured softly: "[Tour stone]!"

Under such extreme circumstances, he would not let Mr. Honglou wait for the demon to come out and die. Even if the relationship between the two parties was master and servant, he would not be able to do such a thing.

With the skill of [Transparent Stone], Wang Qianchen's figure disappeared into the rock wall.

But soon, he was shot out by a claw, and a huge pangolin stuck its head out of the rock wall.

A group of monsters rushed forward again.

Wang Qianchen jumped up, holding a sword in one hand and a brick in the other, stabbed with a slap, patted, and spit out a flame from time to time, or his eyes emitted strong light. He fought back, but more monsters rushed forward.

I can't take it anymore!

No matter how much he can fight, he can't be the opponent of so many monsters!

Although the instructor who was hiding in the dark was bribed by Elder Ma of Qingcheng Mountain, he couldn't just watch Wang Qianchen die. If Wang Qianchen really died, he would also be punished, so he rushed over immediately.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the sky.

It really fell from the sky, he slid down the rock wall next to him, and then quickly jumped to Wang Qianchen's side after a few ups and downs.

It's Nie Rong!

"How are you?!" Nie Rong stood beside Wang Qianchen, and quickly opened a gossip pattern under his feet. One foot stepped on the yin and the other stepped on the sun. At the same time, his hands were constantly dancing. Those monsters couldn't get close, and they were all blocked by him in the gossip. Outside the picture!

Wang Qianchen had seen Nie Rong perform this move before. In the open space outside the training camp's teaching building, the combat power might be a little weaker, but the defense was really invincible. At that time, neither he nor Tan Zuo could break it.

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