Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 323: I'm not finished with you

"I don't need to say more about the functions of these things, right?" Song Cepeng looked at him solemnly.

"No!" Wang Qianchen answered with his head held high, no matter the previous experience of the temporary players or the theory class in the training camp later, he already understood it and couldn't understand it any more.

A demon-slaying knife with a hard texture, specially designed for killing demons.

Suppress the demon bell, detect monsters, store corpses, and block space.

The demon cape can resist a certain amount of physical damage.

nameplate for identification.

Huisheng Pill, forcibly raised a level, the price is loss of life, it must not be used unless it is a last resort.

"Very good." Song Chongjian continued: "Now, I want to tell you about the three codes of conduct for [Monster Slayer]. First, deal with monsters as soon as possible; second, protect the safety of civilians with their lives; Third, you can't give up your companions at any time! Can you do it?"

"Yes!" Wang Qianchen gave a standard military salute.

"Okay..." Song Chongjian nodded and continued: "As the top scorers, you have the right to choose your own workplace."

With a sound of "crashing", Song Cepeng unfolded a foldable blackboard, on which was densely written the names of some cities. Except that there was no first-line, second-line, third-line, and fourth-line were quite complete.

With Wang Qianchen's level, he can go to a second-tier city to be a team member, and he can go to a third-tier city to be a captain.

Wang Qianchen didn't even look at it, and said directly, "I'm going to Luzhou City."

Everyone in the audience thought that he would go to second-tier cities such as Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Rongcheng. No matter how bad it was, he would go to a lower-tier economy, but it was also a third-tier city that belongs to the provincial capital, such as Dayuan, Hohhot, and so on. This Luzhou city, which has never been heard of before, has attracted everyone's doubts and asked each other where is this?

But there is also a good memory: "On the first day of the recruit meeting, Commander Song said that Wang Qianchen is from Luzhou City!"

It turns out that Luzhou is Wang Qianchen's hometown!

"That's a fourth-tier city, are you sure you want to go?" Song Chongjian had already guessed Wang Qianchen's choice, but he still asked.

"Sure!" Wang Qianchen said seriously.

The audience whispered again. As the saying goes, people go to high places and water flows to low places. Of course, if you have the strength, you must go to a bigger city to develop. Obviously, the future is bright, why do you want to go to a fourth-tier city?

"Okay, let's go... After solving those troubles, if you want to go to other cities, you can make an application report at any time!" Song Cepian patted Wang Qianchen on the shoulder.

"Yes!" Wang Qianchen saluted again, then turned and walked down.

Then Du Hong, who ranked second in points, came to power. This talented disciple from Putuo Mountain has always been the focus of the training camp. The final result was not as expected. Everyone guessed where he would choose, and it was said that he would go. From Hangcheng, because it is close to Putuo Mountain, it is said that he will go to Kuncheng, because that is Yin Luoluo's hometown.

After the same series of procedures were completed, Du Hong said directly: "I'm going to Luzhou!"

There was a "..." expression under the stage.

The answer apparently surprised everyone.

"What are you doing in Luzhou?!" Song Cepian also looked puzzled.

"I want to be with Wang Qianchen!" Du Hong said proudly.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, Yin Luoluo gritted his teeth even more, and was angry: "You said that you can't go to Kuncheng, you don't want to be a son-in-law... So you went to Luzhou? Go there and be a son-in-law. ?"

Song Cepeng was stunned for a while, and then he scolded directly: "You are a rock realm, what are you going to do in Luzhou? Choose again!"

"Wang Qianchen can go, why can't I go? Also, don't we have the right to choose first? I can go wherever I want. This doesn't violate the rules. Are you going to slap your own face?" Du Hong said confidently and confidently.

"Yes, I just want to slap myself in the face!" Song Chongjian immediately waved his hand and said, "Now that the rules have been revised, you can't choose cities below the third tier in Yanjing!"

Du Hong: "..."

"Why! How can you temporarily modify the rules?" Du Hong couldn't help roaring.

"It's just me! Command! Command!" Song Chongjian said angrily: "Are these three words enough? I want to revise it and I will revise it. Do you have any opinions?"


"There are opinions!"


No matter how Du Hong protested, Song Epee was unselfish, so he had no choice but to choose Hangcheng, which was closer to Putuo Mountain.

After stepping down, Du Hong came directly to Wang Qianchen.

"Xiaochen, I'm sorry, I'm not with you..." Du Hong, who was also wearing a cloak, held a demon slaying sword and hung a demon bell around his waist, sighed.

"...It's fine." In fact, Wang Qianchen thought about this result, how could Song Cepeng allow a bunch of rock formations to get together in fourth-tier cities, and these rock formations are the pride of various sects and families.

"But it doesn't matter, although I am in another city, my heart is always with you!" Du Hong said with a serious expression.

"Du Hong, I'm not finished with you!" Yin Luoluo finally couldn't help it.

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