Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 324: Demon Ancestor's War Book

"What's wrong?" Du Hong turned his head and looked at Yin Luoluo in confusion, wondering where her anger came from.

"Hmph..." Yin Luoluo turned her head and ignored him.

"Why do women always get angry for no reason..." Du Hong scratched his head, and whispered to Wang Qianchen: "If you have news about that third Master Huang, give me a call and I'll go!"

"Okay." Wang Qianchen nodded.

Now, he is quite sure that Du Hong is one of the people involved in his own destiny. Although they are temporarily separated, they will be together in the end!

Next, Bai Feiyang, Wei Zihua, Yin Luoluo, Ding Songran, Tan Zuo, Nie Rong and others also came to power and chose their next work place, either a second-tier city or a third-tier city, which is generally far from their hometown. close.

For example, Bai Feiyang went to Xichang City, Yin Luoluo went to Kuncheng City, Ding Songran went to Jincheng City, Tan Zuo went to Gusu City, Nie Rong went to Jinling City...

Wei Zihua chose the capital of Shanxi Province: Dayuan City.

Both Luzhou City and Gaoping City belong to Jinxi Province, which is also considered to be closer to Wang Qianchen, but Dayuan City already has a captain of the rock scene, and he is likely to be a deputy captain after he passes.

In short, everyone has a place to go, which is also in line with their hearts.

The monster slayers in the future can no longer freely choose their work locations, but obey the above assignments and assignments.

Although there are many monster slayers, each of them is carefully cultivated, and it can even be said to be the most important weapon of the country. Therefore, the proper process is essential. Everyone takes turns to hold the ceremony, and then arrange the next step. It is indeed time-consuming. An hour passed, and it was only half finished.

But no one at the scene felt irritated, Song Cepion, Siyao and others were also very patient, encouraging and comforting these demon slayers who had turned positive one by one.

"Drip Bell-"

Song Cepeng's cell phone suddenly rang.

As the commander-in-chief of Monster Slayer, he is busy with official business and often needs to answer the phone. Although today's occasion is important, some things are indeed inseparable from him. So every time you answer the phone, the person who takes his turn will wait quietly.

But this time, Song Cepeng's expression changed slightly after he answered the phone.

Then, he turned his head and whispered a few words to Siyao.

The next second, Siyao's complexion also changed.


"Well, let me go!"

Song Chongjian looked solemn, and immediately turned to leave. Just as everyone was puzzled, Siyao walked to the rostrum and said, "If something happens, Commander Song needs to deal with it in person. Today's normalization ceremony is here for the time being, everyone. Go back to the dormitory first and wait until Commander Song returns before continuing!"

Everyone is getting more and more confused, and they don't know what happened. Even such an important formalization ceremony has to be interrupted?

Seeing everyone's confusion, Siyao continued to smile and said, "It's not a big deal... Let's go back first and wait for the training camp's notice!"

After speaking, Siyao also left in a hurry with a few people.

Although she said that there was nothing wrong, the performance of many high-level executives still made everyone feel that something was wrong, and the audience was naturally chaotic and chattering.

"What's the matter, why did it stop suddenly?" Wei Zihua, who was admiring his cloak, was puzzled.

"The demon ancestor has written down the gauntlet and wants to fight Commander Song to the death!" Wang Qianchen said solemnly.

No one else heard the conversation between Song Cepeng and Siyao, but Wang Qianchen did.

"The Demon Ancestor?! The Demon Ancestor of the Ten Thousand Demon Society?!" Wei Zihua looked surprised.

"Yes!" Wang Qianchen nodded, he couldn't have heard it wrong, it was the demon ancestor!

"God, how can you fight to the death..." Wei Zihua was still a little unacceptable.

"I don't know, Commander Song didn't say it, but Deputy Commander Si and the others have already entered the first-level alert state..." Wang Qianchen was also worried, because he had heard Mr. Honglou and other monsters say that Yaozu is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. The strength is extremely strong, the mana is unfathomable, and even the strongest human beings have to join forces to compete with him.

Wang Qianchen certainly hopes that this is fabricated by the monsters, but what if it is true?

Song Cepeng and him duel, wouldn't he be sure to die?

"Commander Song should be confident that he can take over the gauntlet, right?" Wei Zihua asked with a frown.

"I hope so..." Wang Qianchen muttered to himself, but he couldn't help worrying in his heart, after all, Siyao and the others are now facing great enemies!

"It should be fine." In his consciousness, there was a faint voice from Brick: "It is an old tradition for the demon ancestor to find the leader of [Monster Slayer] in a decisive battle, just to achieve his demands."

"What request?"

"I hope monsters and people live in peace, but unfortunately [Monster Slayer] never agreed to him."

"Why don't you agree, isn't it very good to live together peacefully?" Wang Qianchen asked strangely.

"His so-called peaceful coexistence means that when monsters eat people, [Monster Slayer] don't meddle in their own business." Brick said.

"...What the **** is peaceful coexistence, isn't this bullying?" Wang Qianchen was very speechless.

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