Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 332: see you again Jiang Xiaoshu

It's the farmer outside the training camp!

Wang Qianchen has seen him, and more than once, he can use a **** to separate the lake water. Needless to say, he must be a master. When Elder Ma saw him, his face sank, as if his confidence was not enough, and he explained unconsciously, "I just want to ask him something..."

"What's the matter, how can it be so big? It's the elders of Qingcheng Mountain who beat a demon slayer who just turned to normal like this?" pressure.

"It hurts!" Knowing that the savior was coming, Wang Qianchen immediately pretended to sit on the ground with his head covered, making a very painful appearance, no different from those rogues who touched porcelain on the street.

"..." Elder Ma didn't get angry. In fact, he was much more injured than Wang Qianchen, but because of his identity, it was impossible to sell miserably. He even pretended to be light and calm, and said solemnly: "This kid is dishonest. When he asked, there was a little conflict... I started a little harder. Send him to the infirmary. I will explain it to Commander Song in person!"

The farmer waved his hand, and the group immediately carried Wang Qianchen to the infirmary.

"Elder Ma, you should also go to the infirmary!" The farmer followed.

"Hehe, I don't have to go, I have nothing at all! He is a demon slayer who has just turned positive, what can he do to me?" Elder Ma touched the skin and fleshy head, almost screaming in pain, but still wearing a face Smile.

The farmer naturally wouldn't force him. He nodded and said, "Then ask Elder Ma to go back. Don't come out again until Song tells them to come back!"

This is to put him under house arrest!

He didn't ask anything. Instead, he was injured by others. Now he is under house arrest in the training camp. The elders of Qingcheng Mountain will lose face. Elder Ma held back his anger, but he still lowered his head and returned to the teaching building with the four disciples.

Unattended, but he really dared not come out again.

After a storm was settled, the farmer also left the training camp and continued to guard the wild lake.


In the infirmary, with the help of the medical practitioners, Wang Qianchen's head injury quickly recovered.

Mr. Honglou and other demons were also recruited to receive treatment, and they also suffered some injuries. Wang Qianchen thought that he and several monsters were all rock realms before, and it should not be a problem to clean up the wall realm, but now it seems that it is not the case. As the realm increases, the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

If you face the third master of Huang alone, I really don't know if you can be sure?

"I didn't expect it to be Elder Ma. Before, I pushed Wang Qianchen to go there... Alas, my emotional intelligence is really low!"

"This time, my EQ is also low!" Wei Zihua also gave a wry smile. He ascended to the stone realm in the training camp, and then rose to the rock realm. Unconsciously, it began to expand, and no one paid attention to it. Someone outside!

Although Tan Zuo, Nie Rong and the others did not speak, their faces were not good-looking.

Wang Qianchen didn't take it seriously, because since Elder Ma was in the training camp, whether he went to the teaching building or not, it would actually not change the result. The other party wanted to trouble him for too many reasons. He could hide from the first year of the first year, but not the fifteenth. As long as Song Cepijian and others were not around, this guy would take action sooner or later.

"Thank you for your help." Wang Qianchen raised his head and looked at one of them.

This sentence was said to Bai Feiyang alone.

There is no need for others to say thank you, after all, the relationship is here, but Bai Feiyang was dragged in.

"...It's okay." Bai Feiyang still looked cold and cold. He didn't want to go against Elder Ma, but he just couldn't stand it.

After some treatment, Wang Qianchen and all the demons recovered almost.

He put all the monsters into the Qiankun bag, and said to everyone: "You go back first, I still have something to do."

Everyone didn't know what he was going to do, but they didn't ask much.

After everyone left, Wang Qianchen left the infirmary and walked towards the teaching building.

Of course, he wasn't looking for Elder Ma. He was not at the point where he would have to report to him, and he might not be the opponent of Elder Ma. He would be thankful if he didn't come to him.

Coming to the open space behind the teaching building, Wang Qianchen looked left and right, and walked towards a row of bungalows.

At the same time, the door of one of the rooms opened, and Jiang Xiaoshu stood at the door and waved at him: "This way!"

Wang Qianchen walked in and saw that although the facilities inside are simple, the sparrows are small and complete, and the layout is very warm. He had never been here before, and he didn't know that Jiang Xiaoshu lived here.

Jiang Xiaoshu greeted Wang Qianchen to sit down, and then poured water for him, acting like an adult.

"Have you killed Ding Songran?" Wang Qianchen took a sip from the water glass.

"That's too easy." Jiang Xiaoshu smiled slightly.

"You knew me before?" Wang Qianchen asked again.

"Well, my dad's teammates, my mom's teammates, I know them all... But to be honest, I didn't expect you to grow up so fast... It's almost like me." Jiang Xiaoshu said seriously.

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