Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 335: split up

"Hey, in this way, the deal is worth it! I'm going to Xijiang now!"

On the roof of a manor somewhere on the outskirts, Chen Wanhe, who was bathing in the sun and meditating cross-legged, hung up the phone and turned around and said to a very inconspicuous young man behind him, "I'll go back when I go, you can continue to practice."

"...Oh, good." The young man quickly agreed.

Chen Wanhe stood up and looked at the sky with his hands behind his back. After a while, some raindrops suddenly fell from the sky. There were about thousands of those raindrops, which quickly condensed into a long sword in front of him.

Chen Wanhe jumped onto the long sword condensed from raindrops, and then rushed into the sky with a bang. His body was like a big bird, and his shadow disappeared in an instant.

The young man looked up at the empty sky, and some indescribable complex emotions rose in his heart.

The young man is He Jun.

Since he was brought here by Kuaijian Xiaofang, he has been practicing for nearly two months. Of course, the house chosen by the leader of [Tianqi] is full of spiritual energy. Coupled with Chen Wanhe's personal guidance, He Jun's progress has been extremely fast. .

He has become more and more skilled in his control of his own abilities.

Do you want to take this opportunity to leave?

This place is only lived by Chen Wanhe alone, without any subordinates or guards--and doesn't need any of these things.

He Jun was a little reluctant to leave. After all, Chen Wanhe was kind to him, and no one looked down on him in this place.

Do you want to call to report safety?

However, who should I report to? Qingcheng Mountain can't tolerate him, and Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua don't trust him either...

Don't even think about the family. He didn't become a monster slayer, and he was fired by Qingcheng Mountain. How could he have the face to contact them?

He Jun took out the cell phone that he had turned off long ago, hesitating for a while, and finally put it back.

For him, it is better to live here than anywhere.


Western Xinjiang.

Beyond the border, there are layers of dense forests and mountains.

A monster with a height of ten feet, eyes like copper bells, mouth like an abyss, full of red hair all over his body, holding a huge steel fork, is walking through the mountains, every step down is a terrifying big monster. Footprints, making a loud "bang bang bang".

"call out--"

At this moment, a sound of breaking through the sky suddenly sounded, and Chen Wanhe, dressed in black and with long hair and a shawl, stood in mid-air, with the long sword condensed from raindrops under his feet.

"Who are you..." Yasha Mara raised her head, her eyes glowing with a terrifying light.

"Go back." Chen Wanhe said coldly.

"What did you say?!" Yasha Mara raised her head and opened her huge mouth, as if she didn't quite believe her ears.

"I said, go back, this is not your realm!" Chen Wanhe said gloomily with his hands behind his back.

"You are so brave!" Yasha Mara roared, and the whole mountain shook immediately!

Then, Yasha Mara jumped up abruptly, her body raised several dozen feet, and came to Chen Wanhe in an instant, and stabbed him with a steel fork.

Chen Wanhe retreated for several miles, his eyes narrowed slightly.

A lot of raindrops fell in the sky in an instant, and these raindrops condensed into countless flying swords, and stabbed towards Yasha Mara with a "hush hush"!


The flying swords formed by countless raindrops passed through Yasha Mara's body, some passed through the neck, some passed through the chest, some passed through the arms, abdomen and thighs, almost all pervasive, bursts of terrifying blood in the air. fog.


Yasha Mara's huge body fell down, hitting the ground heavily, hundreds of trees were broken, and a lot of dust and smoke were raised.

"What is one of the strongest monsters in Europe, that's all it is... That's it, is it worth my trip?" Chen Wanhe sneered, turned around and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, the sound of "Kakaka" sounded.

"Huh?" Chen Wanhe turned his head with his eyebrows fixed, and saw that Yasha Mara had stood up again.

The part that was pierced by the flying sword before is also recovering quickly.

"It seems that this guy is not easy to deal with..." Chen Wanhe raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and seemed to be even more excited.


South China Sea.

Siyao and others have fought against the "Dragon of the Red River" for hundreds of rounds.

The sound of "Boom boom boom" continued to sound, and huge waves rose from time to time on the sea. Si Yao and others showed their strongest means, but they could not completely take down the Dragon of the Red River, the strongest from Yue Kingdom. Monsters are awesome!


The Dragon of the Red River kept opening its huge mouth and spewing flames that filled the sky. Siyao and the others had tried their best to dodge, but they were still scorched by the flames, and this was not mortal fire, it was a powerful monster. Fire, enough pain to tear them apart!

Even so, they did not flinch, trying to stop the Dragon of the Red River from crossing the border.

Of course, the Dragon of the Red River was also not well received, and his body was covered in scars, stab wounds, sword wounds, fist wounds everywhere, as well as traces of lightning and water scouring.

"Why are you here, where are the seven strongest people in Daxia!" On the sea, the Dragon of the Red River roared as he tossed.

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