Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 336: Orochi

"To deal with you, you don't need the seven strongest people in Daxia! If you don't want to lose your life, get out of here quickly!" Siyao, holding the Demon Slayer Sword, ran quickly over the huge skeleton, occasionally looking for an opportunity to cut a knife on it. , a keel will fall into the sea.

A giant was half standing in the sea, grabbing the tail of the Dragon of the Red River and trying to swing it.

Several other [Monster Slayer] executives also tried their best to launch attacks.

"Let the seven strongest people in Daxia come, you are not worthy!" The Dragon of the Red River roared in the sky, rolling up waves of waves.


East China Sea.

Above the boundless sea, a middle-aged man who looked like Young Master Wensheng was flying in the sky. He was about thirty or forty years old. It is not difficult at all, with an iron sword in his left hand and a folding fan in his right hand, his posture is quite unrestrained.

But he was flying, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, and then he stopped in mid-air.

Then, look in the other direction.

A huge wave roared, and there seemed to be something hidden in it, like a mountain suddenly rising on the sea.

At the same time, the overwhelming demonic energy filled the air.

"This tyrannical demonic energy is no less than mine..." Young Master Wen Sheng slung the iron sword around his waist, then put the folding fan behind his head, put his hands behind his back, and shouted slowly, "Stop. "

His voice was not loud, but the huge wave stopped suddenly.


The sea broke open, and a terrifying monster came out. It was seen that this thing had eight heads and eight tails. The body was covered with moss and trees. The whole body spread hundreds of feet.

"Baqi Orochi..." Young Master Wen Sheng squinted and murmured.

One of the most powerful monsters in Sakura Country!

How did this thing get here?

"Who are you?" The Orochi Yachi, who has always been running rampant, seemed to sense the strength of the man in front of him. He didn't act rashly for a while, but floated quietly on the sea.

"My name is Ta Jiuzhou." Young Master Wen Sheng said indifferently.

"I know you." One of the snake heads said proudly. When it spoke, the other snake heads kept looking around. "The strongest monster in Daxia, the leader of the 'Wan Yaohui', is called the ancestor of the demon!"

"it's me."

"The Demon Ancestor" stepped on Kyushu and nodded. It was not surprising that the other party knew him. After all, he had survived for thousands of years.

They are both monsters, and they are also the most powerful monsters in their respective fields, and they are polite when they talk to each other.

"Why are you here?" Ta Kyushu asked.

"I'm here to find the seven strongest people in Daxia." Yaqi Orochi replied.

"Why are you looking for them?" He asked again after stepping into Kyushu.


Meanwhile, on the coast.

Song Cepeng's eyebrows twitched slightly. Originally, he only felt the breath of the "demon ancestor" stepping on Kyushu alone, but just now, he noticed another powerful demon aura, which was not inferior to that of stepping on Kyushu!

what happened?

It's hard enough to deal with one, but if you have two...

Simply dead!

What the **** happened today, so many powerful monsters appeared on the border at the same time?

But he has no other choice.


Song Heavy Sword raised the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand and flew towards the direction of the two powerful demonic qi.

But he had just flown a few kilometers away when the phone in his pocket rang again.

In this case, as soon as he heard the phone ring, his head was about to explode.

Wouldn't another powerful monster appear?

"Hello?" Song Chongjian picked up the phone and received a message unsurprisingly.

"The Undead" Kesiche, the strongest monster in the Rus country, appeared in the frontier of Mobei!

No one, this time really no one.

"Notify the demon slayer team in Shangjing City to go to the Mobei frontier to stop the 'undead' Kexiche!" Song Cepeng said through gritted teeth.

"The highest of them is the peak, not the opponent of Kesiche!" The other party said worriedly: "Or, call the ancestors of those sects..."

"They are all in retreat, they can't come out!" Song Chongjian directly refused.

"That's called a few heads..."

"It's too far to catch up!"

Song Chongjian rejected the proposal twice in a row, gritted his teeth again and said, "Let them block it for a while, and I will let a few heads to support it."

"...They may die!" The other side reminded softly.

"Monster slayer, you must always be prepared to die! Is such a high salary for white-collar workers?" Song Cepeng said sharply: "No matter what, the 'undead' Kesiche must be kept out of the border, otherwise Come back and deal with it by military law!"

"...Okay, I got it!" The other party said in a deep voice.

Song Cepeng hung up the phone, and suddenly felt wet on his head. When he looked up, there was a shower of rain, and the whole sky became dark.

It suddenly rained before leaving, which is not a good omen.

But Song Cepeng had no time to think about it.

His body quickly flew between the clouds and continued to fly towards the two powerful demonic qi.

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