Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 338: borrow treasure

Wang Qianchen and Jiang Xiaoshu figured out what was going on. Now Daxia is suffering from a suspected premeditated and organized monster invasion. East China Sea has come to the local "demon ancestors" to step on Kyushu. Dragon, Xijiang is the famous Yaksha Mara from Europe, and Mobei is the "undead" Kesice in the legend of Rus!

All of these monsters are famous in their respective fields, and they all have the strength of the peak of the realm, and they are only one step away from the super-dust realm comparable to the gods!

If the seven powerhouses of Daxia are all there, even if they can't be killed, it shouldn't be a problem to stop them. However, the ancestors of some sects are in retreat, and the manpower is seriously insufficient. It is said that the leader of [Tianqi] Chen Wanhe is dispatched. Now - this guy who has always been evil by nature will definitely not take the initiative to help, 80% is Song Epee personally begging, and even promised him what conditions!

At present, only the "undead" Kesiche who appeared in the northern border of Mobei is unstoppable. It is said that he is about to cross the border. The closest to it is the demon slayer team from Shangjing City. Kesiche's opponent, forcibly blocking it, may be dead, but Song Cepian gave a death order. Before the leaders of each faction arrive, Kesiche must be blocked from the border, otherwise, they will be dealt with by military law!

On the edge of the wild lake in the training camp, a farmer with a **** handed a crutch into the hands of a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's name is Yan Qing, he is in his early forties, the captain of the Shangjing City Demon Slayer Team, with the standard peak strength, he is only one step away from the mountain, and there are more than a dozen people standing behind him, of different ages and looks. Different, there are peaks and walls in strength.

It was them who were about to stop the "undead" Koscice.

It's almost a mortal team.

But Yan Qing didn't mean to back down. He solemnly took the cane and said with a serious face: "Master Pan, thank you... If we don't come back, someone else will return the cane to you."

Master Pan stood behind the farmer, nodded and said, "Don't worry, you can't die!"

These are words of comfort.

"The Undead" Kosiche is the most famous monster in the country of Ross. The biggest feature is that it is immortal. It has the ability to regenerate and repair quickly. The key strength is still very strong.

"Xie Pan, Master Ji Yan!" However, Yan Qing still accepted the love, cupped his hands, turned his head, and prepared to leave with the team.

"You two, follow quickly!" Master Pan turned around and said to Wang Qianchen and Jiang Xiaoshu.

The two quickly stood behind Yan Qing and stood with the Shangjing City Demon Slayer Team.

"???" At first, Yan Qing thought that this was the helper that Master Pan came over, but when he checked the strength of the two, they were only in the rock realm. What's the use of going there, Kesi moved his little finger and sent them away It's time for the West!

"I can't explain it to you, but with the two of them there, it's no problem to stop Koscie!" Master Pan said with a serious face, "Trust me!"

Yan Qing looked and looked, but didn't really think there was anything special about Wang Qianchen and Jiang Xiaoshu, she frowned and said, "Master Pan, this is not a child's play, it will really kill people..."

"I know people will die, but with the two of them around, I can't die!" Master Pan was stubborn.

"Master Pan, forgive me, I really can't..." It's really impossible to let them die. Although Yan Qing didn't say the second half of the sentence, everyone understood what he meant.

"If you don't bring the two of them, I won't borrow your crutches!" Master Pan suddenly lost his temper, ran to Yan Qing and took the crutches back.

"Master Pan, don't make trouble, it's too late!" Yan Qing was a little anxious. With just his strength, he could slap Master Pan flying with a slap, but he definitely couldn't do it.

"Whoever is making trouble with you, if you don't bring the two of them, you just don't borrow a cane!"

"But they..."

"I told you, they will help! Are you going to bring it?" Master Pan looked like a rogue.

Yan Qing wanted to say something, but there seemed to be a urging voice coming from the earphones. He had no other choice but to say, "Okay, bring them!"

As soon as Master Pan waved his hand, Wang Qianchen and Jiang Xiaoshu quickly grabbed the clothes of the other team members, and they connected with each other, forming a small circle with Yan Qing as the core.

Master Pan gave Yan Qing the crutches.

Time was running out, and Yan Qing didn't have time to talk nonsense. He immediately clenched his crutches and slammed a pestle on the ground, and the crowd disappeared in an instant.

"Master Pan, why did you let them go? Commander Song asked me to protect them!" Until then, the farmer immediately turned around and asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, it's definitely fine!" Master Pan put his hands behind his back, his eyes full of determination.

He firmly believed that both of them were the children of destiny.

Since it is destiny, it is impossible to die.

In any case, you can turn bad luck into good luck, turn corruption into magic, and turn adversity into prosperity!

Only they can save this demon slaying team that was supposed to die!

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