Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 349: Bada Shanren

Watching Ding Songran's figure running away gradually, gradually calming down, and realizing that he had gotten into trouble, Wang Qianchen couldn't help touching the heart of the blue ocean on his chest.

"It really doesn't work, just give it back to him..." Wang Qianchen muttered, although he was very reluctant, it was indeed a bit inappropriate to do such a tricky thing.


Faculty building, in a conference room.

The recruits have not yet completed the normalization ceremony, and they will start again in half an hour. Taking advantage of this time, Song Epee, Siyao, and the high-level officials of [Monster Slayer] held a meeting.

There are eight high-level people in [Monster Slayer]. Because they are all in the mountains, they are also known as the Eight Great Mountain People.

Usually, they are stationed in eight directions of Daxia, that is, because of the training camp's graduation and regularization ceremony, they gathered here yesterday, and immediately followed Siyao to the South China Sea.

It was them who drove away the Dragon of the Red River!

There are not a few injured people, and one of them lost his arm, but they have no complaints, and it is their duty to serve the country.

Song Chongjian briefly talked about what happened yesterday, but concealed some details, such as the real reason why all the demons appeared together. He only said that it was a sudden and accidental event, but it did not mean that it would not happen again in the future, so it is still necessary to Increase vigilance and intensify patrols.

As for the matter of Jiang Xiaoshu, Song Chongjian also wanted to cover up if he hadn't seen too many people.

Of course, everyone could see that Song Chongjian didn't tell the truth, but they also knew that if the commander-in-chief didn't tell the truth, there must be his reasons.

"I have already agreed with the various sects. If similar things happen in the future, they will send manpower to support them as soon as possible... Fortunately, these monsters are all injured, and they should not come again in a short time." Song Cepeng's expression was solemn. say.

"Are those ancestors still in retreat? Can you call them out, just in case..." said one of the senior executives.

When these words came out, everyone nodded. The reason why it was so difficult this time was because of the absence of several ancestors; if they were there, it would not be so difficult.

"They are at a critical moment, so don't call." Song Chongjian shook his head.

"Aren't they all at the peak of the realm, and there is still a critical moment, is it possible that they want to soar?" Another high-level executive was inexplicable.

"Yes, I just want to soar!" Song Cepeng nodded.

Everyone is even more puzzled. It has been a hundred years since the heavens have lost contact with them, and they have lost the whereabouts and channels of ascension, and it is impossible to succeed.

But Song Chongjian obviously didn't want to say any more, so he got up and said, "Okay, this is the end of the meeting, just follow the plan. Everyone get ready, go to the playground later, and the normalization ceremony will continue."

Everyone got up and walked towards the door.


With a soft sound, Ding Songran stood at the door.

"What's the matter?" One of the middle-aged men walked over. His name was Ding Jianjun, the head of the "Shangjing Ding Family", one of the "Eight Great Mountain People", and he was usually in charge of the northern border.

Ding Songran whispered what happened just now.

"How did you get the heart of the blue ocean?" Ding Jianjun asked with a frown.

"Qing... From the elder Ma of Qingcheng Mountain..." Ding Songran lowered his head and said.

"He can't give you something for no reason, what have you done for him?" Ding Jianjun's tone gradually became sharper.

Ding Songran didn't dare to speak anymore, he also knew that the things he did were not bright.

"Don't say yes, then you were robbed and beaten again, you deserve it! You are so capable, don't look for me, clean up the basket you stabbed yourself!" Ding Jianjun snorted and directly Turn away.

Ding Songran gritted his teeth, clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes gradually turned red.


After Song Chongjian left the conference room, he did not go directly to the playground, but came to a certain room.

"Commander Song!" Elder Ma immediately stood up, his face very ugly.

"..." Looking at him, Song Cepeng sighed deeply.

He knew everything that had happened before.

Because he suddenly received the battle letter from the "demon ancestor" stepping on Kyushu, Song Epee walked in a hurry, and did not take this matter into consideration, but he did not expect that Elder Ma would dare to do it in the training camp!

"Commander Song, I just want to ask him if Wan Long killed him..." Elder Ma said with his head lowered.

"Do you have any evidence?" Song Chongjian asked rhetorically.

"It was because there was no evidence that I went to ask him." Elder Ma had already prepared this set of rhetoric.

"Just asking, I won't say anything... But is it legal for you to beat people like that?" Song Cepeng's voice gradually became lower.

"Commander Song, I really couldn't control it for a while... but he also hit me, and he brought several monsters to hit me!" Elder Ma took off the bandage on his head and showed him his wound.

"Don't show me this, they are just self-defense, you wait for the military court!" Song Cepian waved his hand and turned to leave.

"Commander Song, it's for the sake of Mount Qingcheng..." Elder Ma panicked immediately. He thought it wasn't a big deal, and the most he wanted was an apology. He never expected Song Chongjian to be so serious.

"Don't mention Qingcheng Mountain! If it weren't for Qingcheng Mountain, you would be a hundred times worse than now! Honestly, go to the military court, and the sentence will be as long as you want!" Song Chongjian turned his head, rarely angry, and his tone was very sharp.

Elder Ma was stunned on the spot.

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