Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 352: Heaven, sealed

After a busy day, Wang Qianchen returned to Zhezhe's car wash, and just lay down to rest for a while, when the demon town bell around his waist suddenly vibrated!

Wang Qianchen was taken aback, this was the first time that the demon-suppressing bell rang after he came back!

Wang Qianchen jumped up immediately, holding a brick in one hand and a knife in the other, and quickly rushed out the door, only to see a black cat squatting outside.

"It's you?" Wang Qianchen breathed a sigh of relief.

A white light flashed, and the black cat turned into a graceful girl in black, who was Li Qianqiu's former informant, Black Cat Tangtang.

"You're back." Black Cat Tangtang got up and said.

"Well, come in and talk!" Wang Qianchen reached out and stroked a demon bell, and the thing stopped vibrating temporarily.

In the room, the black cat Tangtang sat obediently on the sofa. She had already sensed the rocky aura emanating from Wang Qianchen, and felt that the [Monster Slayer First Training Camp] was extremely powerful, and at the same time, she did not dare to be reckless.

"It's alright, relax, it's all my own." Wang Qianchen clearly felt that she was a little afraid of herself, so she got up and poured a glass of water, and comforted her again.

"...Well." The black cat Tangtang held the water glass in both hands, and her body was still a little trembling.

"Any new discoveries?" Before Wang Qianchen left, he asked Black Cat Tangtang to pay more attention to the whereabouts of the third master Huang.

"I didn't find the third master Huang, he seems to have disappeared completely... You let me stare especially, I also stared, he has not contacted the third master Huang." Black Cat Tangtang said: "However, there is a nearby Luzhou city. A new rock-level monster, and a member of the Ten Thousand Monsters Association!"

"Oh? Tell me about this monster!" It was Wang Qianchen's vocation to slay monsters and eliminate monsters, not to mention that this monster is a member of the Ten Thousand Monsters Association. As long as it can be related to this organization, there is hope to find the third master Huang.

"It's a fish monster. I don't know what kind of fish it is. It mainly operates around the Zhangze Reservoir, and its whereabouts are uncertain. No one knows his real address. He calls himself Lao Yu, and some people call him President Yu..."

"Mr. Yu? Does he also do business?"

Wang Qianchen grasped the key points keenly.

"Yes, he is mainly in the seafood business, selling fish, shrimp, etc., but he is mainly responsible for the supply of raw materials, and other people are responsible for the sales. He has done a very good job, and the supply of fresh and large goods is in the market. Very popular, in just a few months, he has become a new rich man in Luzhou City, but he is very low-key, and few people have seen him." Black Cat Tangtang continued to introduce.

"He is a fish demon himself, can the seafood he supply be bad? This monster is also wicked enough, and if he cultivates himself, he will harm other brothers!" Wang Qianchen couldn't help laughing, and then said clearly: "Who is responsible for the sale?"

As a monster, Lao Yu is inconvenient to show his face. Naturally, other people will help him, and he is 100% real human. One came forward to perform.

"It's a businessman called 'Jinchuan'. Jinchuan was originally in the aquatic business. He used to be a middle-class at most. After he climbed up to Laoyu, the business expanded rapidly and almost monopolized 70% of the entire market. He is also famous in Luzhou City. He is rich. Unlike Lao Yu, this man likes to show off and attend business gatherings everywhere. He never misses the place where he can be famous. He has also done a lot of charity, repairing orphanages, nursing homes, etc., just pretending.” Black Cat Tangtang snorted disdainfully.

Wang Qianchen nodded, agreeing with Black Cat Tangtang's analysis, since Jinchuan can mix with Lao Yu, it is impossible not to know Lao Yu's identity, and they are all in tune with monsters, what kind of good person can he be?

"Old Yu has done a lot to eliminate competitors. Only he knows how much Jinchuan has helped." Black Cat Tangtang continued.

"So, as long as you find Jinchuan, you can find Laoyu!" Wang Qianchen hit the nail on the head.

"Theoretically, this is the case." Black Cat Tangtang nodded.

"Thank you for the information, and leave it to me next!" Wang Qianchen exhaled.

"Okay." Black Cat Tangtang stood up and said hesitantly, "How is Captain Li now?"

"It's good." Wang Qianchen said: "As long as he finds the third master Huang, he can come back."

"I understand, I will continue to work hard!" Black Cat Tangtang turned and left.

The next day, Wang Qianchen went to the hospital to go through the unfinished procedures again, and at the same time began to inquire about Jinchuan through some contacts. After a busy day, Wang Qianchen came to the Chenghuang Temple again.

Since returning to Luzhou City, he has not seen Zhou Junxian.

Sitting under the statue, Wang Qianchen and Zhou Junxian talked for a long time, while the slabs were put into the Qiankun bag, so as not to speak out and call Zhou Laogou.

Zhou Junxian already knew about Jiang Xiaoshu's incarnation as the third prince of Nezha.

"The heavens are sealed and the gods are imprisoned. It seems that things are worse than I imagined... Once the realm of the gods is exposed, they will be sucked in by the vortex of air above the head. Who has such great ability..." Zhou Junxianbai Can't figure it out.

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