Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 354: little man's heart

Wang Qianchen looked back and saw that it was Jin Shaoming.

It's not surprising that a well-known Xiaokai like him can come to such a party.

Today's Jin Shaoming is extraordinarily handsome, wearing a slim black suit, with a glittering famous watch on his wrist, which sets off his whole person with great temperament.

Wang Qianchen was a little confused, he knew Jin Shaoming.

But how did Jin Shaoming know him?

"Sure enough, it's you!" Jin Shaoming, with a bright face, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Wang Qianchen, I've admired your name for a long time!"

"???" Wang Qianchen is undoubtedly more confused. He is not well-known in Luzhou City. Which one is Jin Shaoming playing?

Seeing Wang Qianchen's confused face, Jin Shaoming smiled and said, "Qi Yan, do you know him?"

Wang Qianchen nodded. He ran to the hospital every three days, but it was not right that he didn't know Qi Yan.

Did Qi Yan say something to him?

No, Qi Yan knows his identity and will never talk nonsense.

Fortunately, Jin Shaoming quickly cleared up his confusion: "I've been pursuing Qi Yan recently, but she's not interested in me. I asked her why, but she didn't say anything. But every time I went to the hospital, two uncles tried their best to find a way. They asked me for trouble, and they said that Qi Yan was their daughter-in-law, which made me want to die. Later, I checked and found out that you and Qi Yan used to be the golden boys and girls in the eyes of many people! Later, I don’t know why , the two of you are not together. I am very curious about this matter, and after investigating privately for a long time, I found out that you quit your job and went to another place, but there is no news... I have also been to Luda Company and asked a lot about About you, for a while, my life is all about you, because I really want to understand why Qi Yan likes you?"

It turned out to be such a "long-awaited name".

No wonder Jin Shaoming could recognize Wang Qianchen, and he guessed that he watched his photos through various channels—that night at the nurse station, Jin Shaoming's thoughts were all on Qi Yan, and he didn't notice Wang Qianchen next to him.

Thinking that during my absence, a man inquired about his news like crazy, I felt a little uncomfortable.

"Really, what did you find out?" Wang Qianchen perfunctoryly continued to observe the surroundings.

"They say that you are a down-to-earth, hard-working, and motivated person. You have already been a manager, but for some reason, you have resigned. I heard that you went to another place to start a business?" Jin Shaoming said uncertainly.

"Haha, yes!" Wang Qianchen smiled, but it saved him from making up his own nonsense.

"It looks like a small success?" Jin Shaoming continued.

"...It's okay!" Those who can come to this reception are all people with a certain identity. Wang Qianchen doesn't really want to chat with Jin Shaoming. After all, his goal is Lao Yu. Gotta find Jinchuan.

But how to approach him?

Several of the leaders who cooperated with him were from the Public Security, Procuratorate and Law Department. Even if he could talk to Jinchuan, it was a little too reluctant, too deliberate, and too conspicuous.

"Can you give me your business card?" Jin Shaoming's stalking skills are not only used on women, but also on men.

Thanks to Wang Qianchen for preparing this thing in advance, otherwise he would be embarrassed now.

Taking the business card handed over by Wang Qianchen, Jin Shaoming's eyes lit up: "Are you in the aquatic business?"

"...Yes!" Because Lao Yu and Jin Chuan were both engaged in aquatic business, when Wang Qianchen printed business cards, he also engaged in the same industry.

"My dad is also in the aquatic business, I can introduce you to each other!" Jin Shaoming laughed.

"...Who is your father?" Wang Qianchen suddenly realized something.



At this moment, Wang Qianchen wanted to cry and laugh at the same time, but it really took no time to find a place to find it. After going around in a big circle, I didn't expect that Jin Shaoming was Jin Chuan's son, and there was quite a feeling of "the world is really too small".

"Is this... suitable?" Wang Qianchen held back for a while.

"What's wrong, if you want to start a aquatic business in Luzhou City, my dad is definitely a mountain that can't be bypassed! If you cooperate with him, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort! Hey, that is, I can't smell the fishy smell, otherwise I will I've done this now. Let's go and introduce my dad to you!" Jin Shaoming was quite enthusiastic, and immediately took Wang Qianchen's arm and left.

Li Xian and Zhou Sheng were both stunned. They didn't expect things to go so smoothly. They couldn't help but feel that the captain was amazing. There were acquaintances everywhere, so they quickly followed.

Halfway through, Wang Qianchen suddenly remembered something, stopped and asked, "Why are you willing to help me?"

Jin Shaoming said with a smile: "You are Qi Yan's friend, my friend. Besides, it's just a little effort, nothing! Don't worry, I don't take you as a rival in love, and you two are not together!"

Wang Qianchen really thought that he had a bad idea about Qi Yan, but now it seems that he is treating the belly of a gentleman with a villain's heart. Besides Jin Shaoming's love of stalking, there is no problem with his character.

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