Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 359: Wang Qianchen's father

However, it is only unimpeded, and it is impossible to be as free as a fish—the Great Sage Monkey King’s underwater skills are also not good. Every time he wants to kill the monsters under the water, he has to let the monk Sha go to lure him. .

In Gaoping City before, Wang Qianchen was able to keep up with the stone crocodile underwater. First, the stone crocodile was seriously injured, and second, the crocodile was not able to swim very fast.

Although Lao Yu was also injured, he was actually an electric eel, and the underwater speed was astonishingly fast, and Wang Qianchen disappeared in a short while.

It is also impossible to smell underwater.

In desperation, Wang Qianchen had no choice but to return to the land. Li Xian and Zhou Sheng had already killed all the monsters in the earth realm and were helping Mr. Honglou to deal with a few monsters in the stone realm.

As soon as Wang Qianchen made his move, all the monsters in the stone realm lay on the ground, and there were piles of oysters, crayfish, octopuses, etc. lying on the ground.

When the bricks were full of blood, Li Xian and Zhou Sheng put all the corpses into the town demon bell, and Mr. Honglou also returned to the Qiankun bag.

After killing so many monsters, this expedition can be said to be a complete victory, but Wang Qianchen is still unhappy, because the most crucial Lao Yu has run away. I overheard Lao Yu and Jin Chuan talking before, and knew that Lao Yu and Huang Sanye were connected. This time Lao Yu ran away and Huang Sanye disappeared, which made Wang Qianchen's depression even more.

And this time, it will be difficult to lure Lao Yu out in the future.

What else can be done?

Wang Qianchen didn't come up with a reason for a long time, so he could only say: "Go back first."


City Hospital.

In a certain ward, looking at the empty hospital bed next to him, Uncle Chen sighed deeply: "Old Wang, you have a good son and sent you to the provincial capital, but unfortunately I don't have the blessing..."

At this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and a thin and tall man like a bamboo pole walked in.

"Who are you?" Uncle Chen asked in confusion.

"Where's Wang Qianchen's father?" Lao Yu asked, looking pale, his chest still hurting, staring at the empty hospital bed.

"I was transferred to another hospital this morning and went to the provincial capital. What's wrong?" Uncle Chen continued to ask.

"..." Lao Yu gritted his teeth, one step late!

Lao Yu had been eyeing Wang Qianchen for a long time, and naturally he understood his bottom line and knew that he had a father who was hospitalized here.

Lao Yu had no plans to attack Wang De. As long as the Demon Slayer didn't look for him, he would not deliberately provoke the Demon Slayer. But today Wang Qianchen killed so many of his men in one go, so angry that after he emerged from the water, he went straight to the hospital, intending to retaliate.

As a result, Wang De had already left.

"Cunning Monster Slayer!" Lao Yu muttered and turned to leave.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Uncle Chen asked cautiously, realizing that something was wrong with the middle-aged man.

"You're not Wang Qianchen's father, what should I tell you?" Lao Yu snorted and continued to walk out.

"Who said I'm not Wang Qianchen's father?" Uncle Chen got out of bed dissatisfied, and said carelessly, "Pharaoh's son is my son! I asked Wang Qianchen to call him father, and he has to call too!"

This is not bragging. With the relationship between Uncle Chen and Wang De, if Uncle Chen really gave such an order, Wang Qianchen would have to shout.

It was these words that hurt Uncle Chen.

"You can also be Wang Qianchen's father?" Lao Yu turned around with a grin on his face.


Outside the ward, in the nurse's station.

Qi Yan was checking the ward records when Jin Shaoming suddenly came over with two bags of fruit.

"Mr. Jin, why are you here again? You take it back, I won't accept it!" Qi Yan felt a special headache when she saw him. Although Jin Shaoming was quite a good person, she already had a place in her heart. In the short term Definitely not going to change my mind.

"Qi Yan, you misunderstood, this is the last time I see you..." Jin Shaoming put the fruit on the table and touched his head.

"Really, then I really thank you!" After seeing Jin Shaoming's stalking kung fu, Qi Yanduo hoped that it was true!

"Hey, why don't you ask me?" Jin Shaoming asked.

"Okay, why?" Qi Yan continued to check the ward records without raising her head.

"Because I have met Wang Qianchen..." Jin Shaoming said quietly.

Qi Yan's heart suddenly "squeaked", but she still said blankly, "Oh, what happened to him?"

"He's really good...I don't think I can compete with him!" Jin Shaoming felt bitter in his heart when he recalled his previous experience at the Cultural Tourism Hotel. He wanted to introduce the business to Wang Qianchen and show his generosity and personality. Fortunately, in front of Qi Yan, he had the capital to brag. As a result, after meeting Wang Qianchen, the leaders took a bite of Mr. Wang, which shocked him a little bit. He felt that his life was really in vain.

What are you arguing with?

Qi Yan didn't know his experience, but knew that he couldn't admit that he had a relationship with Wang Qianchen in front of outsiders, so he said lightly: "He is excellent, what does it have to do with me, we are just a relationship between a nurse and a patient's family... and it's still in the past tense. It's gone!"

"Don't lie to me, I know you both like each other!" Jin Shaoming shook his head and sighed.

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