Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 360: you go abroad

When Wang De and Uncle Chen insulted Jin Shaoming before, they made it clear that Wang Qianchen and Qi Yan were not together for the time being because of work, and they would definitely get married in the future.

"You think too much, we have nothing to do with each other." Qi Yan knew that not having a relationship with Wang Qianchen would be the greatest help to him.

"Really?" Jin Shaoming looked at her in disbelief.

"Really!" Qi Yan nodded solemnly with a serious expression.

"Then I still have a chance?!" Jin Shaoming's eyes lit up.

"No." Qi Yan's tone was firm.

"..." Jin Shaoming's eyes darkened again.

"Okay, you can go." Qi Yan gave an order to evict guests.

"Alas—" Jin Shaoming sighed, and was about to turn to leave when he suddenly saw Lao Yu coming out of a certain ward.

Although few people in Luzhou City have seen this mysterious rich man, Lao Yu and Jin Chuan are partners. As Jin Chuan's son, Jin Shaoming has of course met him.

Jin Shaoming just wanted to say hello, but Lao Yu didn't see him at all and left in a hurry.

"Qi Yan, do you know who that person was just now? Lao Yu, President Yu!" Jin Shaoming said excitedly.

"He's President Yu? How did he come here?" Qi Yan was also quite surprised. Stories about this mysterious rich man had long been rumored in Luzhou City, but unfortunately no one had seen him at all.

"I guess which friend is visiting!" It seems that he finally has the capital to brag in front of Qi Yan, Jin Shaoming whispered: "He and my dad are partners! Hey, don't look at other people's dog-like appearance, in fact..."

A series of whispered whispers entered Qi Yan's ears, and the further back they went, the more unbearable they were.

"Don't tell me this, it's disgusting!" Qi Yan showed a look of disgust.

"Ah—" Jin Shaoming quickly stopped, not daring to say any more.

"Okay, hurry up, I'm going to the ward round, don't come in the future, men have to do what they say!" Qi Yan took the record book and walked out of the nurse station.

Jin Shaoming had no choice but to leave angrily.

Qi Yan checked the wards one by one, and when she came to one of the wards, she screamed "Ah-".

"Uncle Chen, what's the matter with you?!" Qi Yan rushed up immediately.

Uncle Chen was lying on the ground covered in blood.

"Xiao...Xiaochen...Tell him to come..." Uncle Chen grabbed Qi Yan's hand at the last breath.


Half an hour later, Wang Qianchen hurried to the hospital.

Uncle Chen had been sent to the operating room, Qi Yan stood at the door, saw Wang Qianchen coming, and immediately greeted him.

"What's going on?" Wang Qianchen asked anxiously.

Qi Yan talked about what happened before.

The hospital has called 110, and the police have also conducted an investigation. Through the surveillance in the corridor, the suspect has locked Laoyu. A Tianluodi net has been spread throughout Luzhou City, and even Jinchuan, who has a good relationship with Laoyu, has also been taken. investigation.

But how can a monster in the rock realm be caught so easily?

Wang Qianchen sat on the row of chairs at the door, his eyes were terrifyingly heavy.

At this moment, the door of the operating room was pushed open, and a doctor wearing a mask came out and said, "Who is Wang Qianchen? The injured have something to tell you!"

"I am!" Wang Qianchen immediately greeted him.

The next second, Wang Qianchen put on a sterile suit and cap, and walked into the operating room.

"The injured are dying, I told you last words!" the doctor reminded.

Wang Qianchen's heart twitched, and he walked quickly to Uncle Chen.

Uncle Chen was lying on the operating table, his face was almost bloodless, tubes were inserted all over his body, and there were visible scars to the naked eye.

"Xiao...Xiaochen..." Uncle Chen raised his hand tremblingly.

"Uncle Chen!" Wang Qianchen grabbed his hand.

"He...he wants to kill your father...let your father be careful..." After saying these words, Uncle Chen's head tilted and he died of despair.

"Uncle Chen!" Wang Qianchen held his hand, tears streaming down his face.

He sent his father away because he was worried that he would be targeted by monsters. Unexpectedly, Uncle Chen would be...

Why, it's obviously not about Uncle Chen!

If you kill Lao Yu, you must kill Lao Yu!


ten minutes later.

Wang Qianchen wiped away the tears and walked out of the operating room with almost terrifying eyes.

"Xiaochen—" Qi Yan immediately greeted him.

"Qi Yan." Wang Qianchen stopped and said solemnly, "Go out of town."

"Ah?" Qi Yan was taken aback.

"Go out of town, go to the hospital in the provincial capital, and I'll help you arrange... and your parents, too!" Wang Qianchen's voice was hoarse, trying his best to hide his anger.

"...Okay." Wang Qianchen didn't need to say more, just seeing Uncle Chen's tragic state, he knew that the situation had reached the worst moment.

Lao Yu didn't start with Qiyan, but he didn't find her head for a while.

But I can't say for sure after that.

Jin Shaoming can go back to the past, and maybe Lao Yu will know about it one day.

Wang Qianchen's speed was very fast, and he applied to his superiors when he went back. Captain Deng of Dayuan City was also very helpful and made arrangements as soon as possible. That night, Qi Yan moved with his family.

Qi Yan's parents were quite confused and didn't know why they moved, but they were put off by Qi Yan on the grounds of "job transfer".

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