Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 361: count up

Before Qi Yan left, Wang Qianchen escorted them all the way, and he breathed a sigh of relief until he put them in the car.

"Xiaochen, come here."

Before the car started, Qi Yan seemed to finally make up her mind, pulled Wang Qianchen aside, and repeated what Jin Shaoming told her at the nurse's station.

"Lao Yu has raised six or seven women in Runyuan Villa, and he has to go there every three to five?!" Wang Qianchen looked surprised.

"Yes." Qi Yan nodded.

When Jin Shaoming told her about this, she still felt embarrassed, and now she also finds it difficult to say it, and her face turned red after speaking.

"Qi Yan, thank you, this is very important information!" Wang Qianchen couldn't hold back his excitement and put his hands on Qi Yan's shoulders. Before, he thought it would be difficult to find Lao Yu again, but he didn't expect to see him in a blink of an eye. Dawn.

Even if Lao Yu is a frightened bird now and won't reappear in the short term, as long as he guards the house, he will definitely be able to wait until he arrives!

"Xiaochen, you have to pay attention to safety...I'm waiting for you!" After Qi Yan said this, she turned around and got into the car with a blushing face.

Watching the car gradually drive away, Wang Qianchen also turned to leave and went to Runyuan Villa to check where the house was.

in the car.

"Yan Yan, who is that?" Qi Yan's mother asked softly.

"Ah, a family member of a patient..." Qi Yan lowered her head, naturally a little guilty.

"Is it just the patient's family? I don't think it's that simple, right?" Qi Yan's mother smiled slightly, her daughter is so beautiful, and her mother is naturally not bad, and every move is gentle.

"Oh, don't say it anymore!" Qi Yan's face started to turn red.

"Okay, let's change the subject, what does he do?" Mom asked again.

Isn't that still the topic?

"He doesn't have a serious job!" Qi Yan pouted and said, and this is not a lie, [Monster Slayer] is indeed not a serious job.

"Oh...it's good." Mom still smiled lightly.

"Is it fine without a serious job?" Qi Yan asked curiously.

"I believe in my daughter's vision. Even if he doesn't have a serious job, he will definitely not be an ordinary person!" Mom said firmly.

"He...is really not an ordinary person..." Qi Yan murmured softly, turning her head to look out the window.


Two days later.

City Council, the gate.

When a middle-aged man came out, Jin Shaoming immediately greeted him.

"Dad, how are you?" Jin Shaoming looked anxious.

"It's okay, let's go home first!" Jin Chuan's face was exhausted, and his legs were a little weak.

Jin Chuan was tried for two consecutive days. Although he did not suffer any corporal punishment, he did not suffer less. Fortunately, he survived. Ever since he climbed up to the monster Lao Yu, he has imagined today's scene many times, and he has been prepared to deal with everything. He only said that he and Lao Yu are in a cooperative relationship. identity.

So, like You You, he couldn't get any handle!

After returning home, Jin Shaoming helped him pour a glass of water.

Jin Chuan sat on the sofa, leaned his head back, closed his eyes and rested, wondering what he was thinking.

"How could President Yu kill...why do you want to kill..." Jin Shaoming rubbed his hands together, still unable to believe this fact, "Dad, when President Yu killed, I was actually there..."

"Huh?" Jin Chuan opened his eyes immediately: "Why are you there?"

"I'm in the medical supplies business. I must often go to the hospital, and then..." Jin Shaoming gritted his teeth, but still told the truth: "I fell in love with a girl, and the other day, in order to brag in front of her, I put President Yu in the The matter of Runyuan Villa has been said... I don't know if she will tell others, but if you can contact President Yu, let him never go to Runyuan Villa again!"

"Hehe, how could I contact President Yu, he's a murderer!" Jin Chuan's heart turned upside down, but the ancient well was unwavering on his face.

"Um...um..." Jin Shaoming didn't say much, and after fulfilling the responsibility of reminding, he returned to his bedroom.

Jin Chuan rested on the sofa for a while and walked into his bedroom.

He locked the bedroom door, then pried open a brick on the ground, and a dark corridor appeared in front of him.

He crossed the corridor and went underground.

The basement is not very dark, there are some weak lights, and there is the sound of "guru" water. It turns out that there are many fish tanks, dozens of them, large, small, round, square, several Hundreds of fish of various shapes swim in it.

"President Yu! President Yu!"

Jin Chuan called out twice, and then heard the sound of "crashing", an electric eel that was more than one meter long jumped out, and then a white light flashed, Lao Yu appeared in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Lao Yu's face was still pale, and it was obvious that he was not healed.

"Something went wrong, my son has exposed your treasured golden house..." Jin Chuan repeated the previous incident and added, "Whether the police and Monster Slayer know about it or not, don't go there again. It's gone!"

"Haha, I'm already like this, and I didn't plan to go again..." A sly smile flashed across Lao Yu's mouth: "But now, I'm really ready to go!"

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