Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 366: Hurry up, you can't fight

afraid of what?

Of course, he was afraid that Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua would still misunderstand him. What happened to Wanlong at the beginning really left him speechless! You especially thought that Wei Zihua had beaten him so firmly that he must have betrayed him. Presumably Tan Zuo and Du Hong were also influenced by him, right?

If there is only Wang Qianchen alone, He Jun still has the idea to explain. Although he is very cruel to his enemies, he is very warm to his friends. But Wei Zihua, Du Hong, and Tan Zuo are also there, will they not listen to him at all?

Thinking of this, He Jun gritted his teeth, squatted in the shadows without moving, and planned to observe for a while before talking.


Wei Zihua, Du Hong, and Tan Zuo did come.

They were called by Wang Qianchen. Wang Qianchen observed Lao Yu for several days before. Although he didn't see any clues, he still felt that something was wrong. The whole city is looking for Lao Yu, no matter how lustful people are, it will take a while, and come back after the limelight passes? To this end, Wang Qianchen has been prepared to follow him for a long time, maybe a month, maybe two months, but he didn't expect Lao Yu to appear in the Runyuan villa area in just a few days.

This thing is full of weirdness.

Push it further down, and things will be easy to understand. Eighty percent of the time, Lao Yu is fully prepared, waiting for him to take the bait here.

So Wang Qianchen simply called Wei Zihua and others over. Even if Lao Yu called for help from the people in the wall, this team should be enough.

"Xiaochen, it's still you, this guy is really hiding someone!" As soon as Wei Zihua rushed in, he immediately charged towards one of the rock-level killers with the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand.

"It's not just hiding people, it's also a quick sword!" Wang Qianchen became more and more excited. After catching this guy, he could ask He Jun's whereabouts; Lao Yu didn't have to worry, that guy was seriously injured and would definitely not be able to run far. Yes, there is no lake around, so don't worry about him losing track.

"I also said that your EQ is too low. How about calling us all over to deal with an old Yu? In the blink of an eye, so many big fish came! It's okay, I admire you one more level!" Du Hong also clenched the demon-slaying sword, which was filled with flaming flames, and also stared at a rock-level killer.

"Everyone, hurry up, don't let anyone run away!" Tan Zuo was still using his sword, all kinds of elements surging on the sword, and he also fought against a rock-level killer.

In addition, he took out a few yellow human-shaped pieces of paper from his arms, recruited a few stone-level zombies, and entangled the last rock-level killer.

Wang Qianchen and Mr. Honglou dealt with Kuaijian Xiaofang together. What they have to do is to entangle this guy, wait for the others to solve their respective opponents, and then besiege the notorious [Tianqi] killer together.

Unexpectedly, when Xiaofang saw the situation, he didn't entangle with Wang Qianchen at all, he just took his sword and ran out!

Xiao Fang is not stupid.

He was able to become famous not only because of his talent, but also because of his brain.

If it were just a few monsters, Xiaofang would still have the confidence to deal with it, and he would be sure to kill Wang Qianchen, but they were all monster slayers and genius disciples of various sects. The killers under his subordinates were definitely not opponents. Six counts are the best!

"Don't run!" Wang Qianchen and Mr. Honglou immediately chased after him.

Wei Zihua and others were also anxious and shouted loudly, "Xiaochen, follow him and leave a mark along the way, we will be there soon!"

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Fang rushed out of the Qingming space. This guy has the strength of a wall, and the speed is so fast. In addition, he turned back and slashed two swords from time to time, which also interfered with Wang Qianchen's tracking.

"What are you doing here?!"

Xiao Fang was running forward, and suddenly found He Jun standing up from a shadow.

He Jun originally wanted to stop Xiao Fang and cooperate with Wang Qianchen and others to kill him, but the moment he faced Xiao Fang, he was a little cowardly and stammered: "I...I..."

"Let's go, we can't fight!" Xiao Fang gritted his teeth, grabbed He Jun's back collar, and disappeared in the villa area after a few ups and downs.

Wang Qianchen used both hands and feet, but after chasing for a while, he still failed to catch up. He felt that the rock realm was indeed a bit far behind.

At the same time, Wei Zihua, Du Hong, and Tan Zuo had already settled their opponents and came to Wang Qianchen's side one after another.

Several people stood on the edge of the villa area and asked worriedly: "Run?"

"Run! But with me here, I can still catch him! Prepare to move on!" Wang Qianchen sniffed confidently, and his expression changed again.

"What's wrong?" Wei Zihua asked immediately.

"Not only Xiao Fang, but also... He Jun!" Wang Qianchen took a few more breaths, "Yes, it's He Jun, they are together!"

Although I haven't seen He Jun for a few months, I will never mistake his smell!

"Great, He Jun is still alive!" Wang Qianchen became more and more excited.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!" Wei Zihua also became excited. He always apologized to He Jun and always wanted to apologize in person. Now he finally had the chance.

"Let's go!" Wang Qianchen drank a few times, and several people immediately ran out towards the dark mountain forest.

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