Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 367: what He Jun did

Runyuan Villa itself is in the outskirts, and further out there are rugged mountains and quiet villages. I don’t know what kind of monsters and evil spirits are lurking in it. Fortunately, with his companions by his side, Wang Qianchen keeps moving forward and has no distractions.

Following the scents of Kuaijian Xiaofang and He Jun, the group of people ran fast, but as the sound of water splashing against the shore gradually came from their ears, Wang Qianchen felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, after another ten minutes, several people came to the bank of Zhangze Reservoir.

The smell of Kuaijian Xiaofang and He Jun disappeared here.

"Damn..." Wang Qianchen cursed fiercely, kicking the rocks beside him into powder with one kick.

"Let's go back quickly, there may be some clues in the house they rushed out of!" Wei Zihua reminded immediately.

So half an hour later, several people returned to the villa area and entered the room where Xiao Fang and others jumped out. There are large and small fish tanks in the hall. Hundreds of thousands of fish swim around. The huge fishy smell spreads throughout the space, and the ubiquitous water pump is also humming.

"This is to obstruct my ears and nose..." Wang Qianchen thought to himself that this killer was finally known to many people.

"There's a bunch of cell phones here!" Wei Zihua pulled out a plastic bag from under the coffee table.

Several people immediately surrounded, Du Hong immediately pointed to one of the mobile phones and said, "This is He Jun's!"

Everyone lived with He Jun for a while, and naturally knew his mobile phone. Wang Qianchen tried to turn it on, but found that the phone was out of power at all. After finding the charger to charge it, a bunch of missed calls and text messages popped up, including He Jun's family, Qingcheng Mountain disciples, and Wang Qianchen and others.

In other words, since He Jun disappeared, he hasn't opened his phone!

"His movements must be restricted..." Wang Qianchen said in a deep voice.

"It's good to be alive." Wei Zihua breathed a sigh of relief.

Several people were silent for a while, and Du Hong suddenly said incredulously: "Wouldn't it be joining [Tianqi]?"

This idea actually flashed in everyone's head, but no one said it, only Du Hong was so direct.

Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and said, "He won't, it's impossible!"

"Hey, I'll just say it casually, don't take it seriously..." Du Hong quickly waved his hand.

"Can you say anything nonsense? Your emotional intelligence is too low!" Tan Zuo said it first this time.

"Just live, just live..." Wei Zihua kept repeating these words, no matter whether He Junjia joined Tianqi or not, the shame finally disappeared.

"By the way, where's Lao Yu?!" Tan Zuo reminded suddenly.

Tonight, the main target of everyone is Lao Yu. The appearance of Kuaijian Xiaofang and He Jun is a complete accident. They have disappeared. If Lao Yu disappears again, it means that there is nothing to gain!

Wang Qianchen immediately rushed out the door, following the smell of Lao Yu in the air, and soon found the body of an electric eel in some grass.

The old man is dead!

who killed it?

Because Wang Qianchen still wanted to find out the whereabouts of the third master Huang from Lao Yu's mouth, so he didn't kill him before, just cut a few knives, not fatal!

Wang Qianchen squatted down and carefully inspected the injury on the electric eel, and found that the fatal injury was on the neck.

"It's the sword! He Jun did it, he didn't betray us!" Wang Qianchen's voice became excited. He had fought with Wanlong, Hu Yan and others many times, and he knew too much about the swordsmanship of Qingcheng Mountain.


Zhangze Reservoir, a certain bank.

Two wet figures emerged from the water, lying among the weeds and rubble.

"In this way, the smell will definitely disappear, and he won't be able to track us..." Kuaijian Xiaofang gasped for breath, and then gritted his teeth: "The third time! I didn't kill this kid again! Wait for me. Go back and call a few helpers from the wall, if you don't believe that you can't kill that guy!"

He Jun groaned in his heart and looked at him with a complicated expression.

"The mobile phone is also in the villa, and luckily there is no secret inside..." Xiaofang stood up and muttered, "Let's go, find a place to stay, the water is too uncomfortable, I will call someone later. go get him..."

Xiaofang walked towards the opposite side. There was a road on the river bank, and many cars came and went.

Looking at his back, He Jun gritted his teeth and fought at least a thousand rounds in his heart before slowly pulling out his sword and stabbing him in the back with a slap.


Xiaofang turned back suddenly, pinched the sword edge between two fingers, frowned and said, "He Jun, what are you doing?"

"I can't let you kill Wang Qianchen!" God knows how much courage He Jun mustered to make this decision!

But now that he has done it, there is no turning back. The voice of "Shuhuhuhu" kept sounding, and He Jun made the Qingcheng School's swordsmanship to the extreme.

"You're crazy, Commander Chen is so good to you, but you still think about Wang Qianchen?!" Xiao Fang was furious: "Comparing with me, you are still far behind!"


Xiao Fang drew his sword, he was confident enough to kill He Jun in one move!

This is the foundation of the wall!

He Jun's hands flashed white light, the rapid horn and the huge roar sounded, and a Dongfeng truck with nearly 100 tons roared!

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