Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 368: Cha, Mr. Huang

Inside the truck, the driver looked panicked, stepped on the brakes like crazy, and honked the horn "dididi" at the same time, but unfortunately the car just didn't listen to his orders. Seeing that the car was about to rush into the dam, the driver didn't hesitate any longer, he pushed open the car door suddenly, jumped out with a "huh", and fell into the grass next to him.

At the same time, Xiao Fang slammed a sword, and the huge Dongfeng truck was torn apart on the spot, and many parts exploded towards the surrounding with a "bang".

But the next second, it's the second car, the third car, the fourth car...

Taking advantage of the crazy overload of the night, the big truck that was rampant on the road, at this moment, unexpectedly rushed towards Xiaofang at the same time.

Xiao Fang knew that this was He Jun's ability, but he didn't panic. He jumped up high, and the sword in his hand slashed in all directions with a sharp sword energy.

After entering the wall, Xiao Fang, who was originally a "swordsman" aware person, made more use of the sword, and saw white lights flashing, and the out-of-control large trucks were smashed by him one by one, huge and huge. The hard parts hit different directions like a torrential rain.

No matter how many cars come, Xiao Fang is confident that he can handle it. At the same time, he also looks around to prevent other things from being used by He Jun, such as the thick trees on the edge of the reservoir, or the more turbulent lake water at night. He Jun's weapon!


At this moment, a long sword suddenly passed through Xiaofang's back center and came out of his chest without any accident.

Xiao Fanglu was shocked and looked down at the tip of the sword, which was already stained with bright red blood.

No doubt it was his blood.

At the same time, the big trucks whistling all around stopped, the drivers in the trucks were pale and sweaty, and the surroundings were silent, only the sound of the lake water constantly lapping on the shore.

Xiaofang focused on the "objects" around him that might be used by He Jun, but forgot the most important protagonist.

He couldn't believe that he would die at the hands of He Jun, and he was the one who introduced He Jun to Chen Wanhe at the beginning.

"White... white-eyed wolf..." Xiao Fang shouted weakly.

"Whatever, you're not alone in scolding like that." He Jun stood behind Xiao Fang and slowly drew out his sword.

Wan Long scolds him, Wei Zihua scolds him, but he only needs to be worthy of one person.

Although I don't know what that person thinks.

Xiao Fang fell to the ground.

He Jun threw Xiao Fang into the reservoir and let the fish eat his corpse, leaving only his sword. The name of the sword is Longyin. It is a top-grade sword. It is as famous as Xiaofang. Such a good thing must not be wasted.

When he got the sword, He Jun was a little confused. He didn't know where he should go next. Should he go back to find Wang Qianchen, but Wei Zihua and others were all there...

Moreover, Xiao Fang and others were wiped out. If no one cleans up this mess, Wang Qianchen will be hunted down even more fiercely, right?

In the past, He Jun was always hesitant and undecided, but this time, he was decisive, and he quickly made up his mind and walked forward. But before he took two steps, a large truck suddenly lost control and hit him directly...

The next morning, He Jun, who was almost covered in bandages and leaning on a cane, limped to a manor somewhere.

Using the ability to kill a wall, this is backlash.

"What's going on?!" Seeing his tragic state, Chen Wanhe, who was sitting on the roof, frowned.

"The entire army is wiped out, Xiao Fang and his employer are dead!" He Jun raised his head in pain.

"Who did it?!" Chen Wanhe's expression changed suddenly, his whole body was full of breath, and the strong wind ruffled his long hair and clothes.

"Wan Yaohui, Third Master Huang!" He Jun read out the name.

"What's going on?!" Chen Wanhe asked again.

He Jun told the lie that he had prepared for a long time. In the whole incident, apart from Wang Qianchen and others, he was the only survivor. Of course, let him say what he said.

He heard Wei Zihua tell the story of Wang Qianchen, and at this moment, he poured all the dirty water on Huang Sanye's body, which was regarded as a modest contribution to Wang Qianchen's affairs.

Chen Wanhe was furious after hearing this. Xiao Fang, one of his most important killers in recent years, died at the hands of a member of the Ten Thousand Demons Guild.

Chen Wanhe immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Check the third master Huang for me!"


Luzhou City, Zhezhe Car Wash.

Although it is certain that He Jun killed Lao Yu, the controversy about him has not subsided.

Du Hong said bluntly: "I admit that I have a low EQ, but what I don't understand is, why didn't He Jun run? Don't say he was bound, I didn't see any ropes in that room! Yes, why didn't Xiaofang kill him, why keep him? His mobile phone and those of the group of people are together, obviously they belong to the same group!"

Du Hong's statement was well-founded, but Wang Qianchen still said: "Even if he joins, he is forced to join! I can't doubt anything about killing Lao Yu at him!"

"I won't doubt him either." Wei Zihua said immediately.

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