Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 369: Contact Eight Kings

Wei Zihua had already wronged He Jun once, and he didn't want to wrong him a second time.

Du Hong said, "I don't mean anything else. I don't believe that He Jun has betrayed. I just pointed out the unreasonableness of the whole thing."

Tan Zuo interjected: "You say this and that, don't you still doubt him?"

"I said I didn't doubt him, are you low in emotional intelligence and can't understand words?" Du Hong was a little anxious.

Several people were arguing, and Li Xian and Zhou Sheng didn't dare to let out the air next to them.

I don't know how long it took, Tan Zuo suddenly looked at the phone, got up and said, "I have to go, I have something to do over there."

"Well, everyone, go back, you have worked hard this time!" Wang Qianchen also stood up.

Tan Zuo and Du Hong left one after another, and Wei Zihua, who was half the host, was the last to leave. Because Dayuan City is only more than two hours away from Luzhou City, Wei Zihua came by car. Wang Qianchen said to him, "Go back and say hello to Captain Deng for me."

Captain Deng helped arrange Wang De and Qi Yan's family. Although it was part of official business, Wang Qianchen was also grateful.

"Okay." Wei Zihua nodded, sat in the car and asked, "Old Yu is dead, what are your plans next?"

Wang Qianchen originally wanted to find out the whereabouts of the third master Huang from Lao Yu's mouth, but He Jun killed him by mistake, and now he has no direction.

Wang Qianchen thought for a while and said, "The Eighth Prince should send new monsters here."

"I don't know when the news of Lao Yu's death will reach the ears of the Eighth Prince... What will I do when the Eighth Prince is staring at you?" Wei Zihua asked worriedly.

"Just keep an eye on it. The soldiers will block the water and cover it with the soil. Captain Jiang and the others didn't think about it when they killed Mo Xiao." Wang Qianchen said nonchalantly.

Wei Zihua was silent for a while, and said, "Are you trying to call the Eighth Prince?"

Wang Qianchen stopped talking.

"I knew you wanted to do this." Wei Zihua continued: "From Shi Crocodile to Lao Yu, the whereabouts of the third master Huang have not been found. You must be in a hurry, thinking about the sword going sideways, right? But that's too much. Dangerous, that is the Eighth Prince, the master of the Taihang Cave of Wan Yaohui!"

"Then what do you think I should do? It's been a long time, let alone killing the third master Huang, I didn't even touch a single hair of him!" The Eighth Prince looked at Fenghuang Mountain in Gaoping City by accident. Going to Wang Qianchen, he promised to introduce him to the Ten Thousand Demons Association when he waited for him in the rock realm. In his opinion, this must be an opportunity.

"Don't take this road until it is a last resort." Perceiving Wang Qianchen's agitated emotions, Wei Zihua softly reassured: "The demon slayer team in Dayuan City has been tracking down the whereabouts of the Eighth Prince, and there has been a breakthrough recently. , you might as well wait a moment, if we catch him alive, maybe we can help you find out the trace of the third master Huang."

"Okay." Wang Qianchen agreed: "Then I'll leave it to you."

"Well, see you later." Wei Zihua then drove away.

When Wang Qianchen returned to Zhezhe's car wash, Li Xian and Zhou Sheng had already set up a table of dishes and uprooted Lao Yu and a group of monsters, which was definitely something to celebrate.

Although Wang Qianchen was still hiding his thoughts, he didn't want to spoil the happiness of the two, so he happily ate a meal.

In the following period of time, Wang Qianchen, Li Xian, and Zhou Sheng worked step by step, patrolling the urban areas they were responsible for every day, and beheading a few little monsters, but most of them were not good enough.

In addition, Wang Qianchen also stared at You You, but since the disappearance of the third master Huang, this guy seems to have returned to be a businessman of his duty, without showing any flaws.

Wang Qianchen also called Wei Zihua at the beginning to ask about the progress on his side, but Wei Zihua always said that it was soon, and he had some clues about the Eighth Prince, but it was inconvenient to disclose the specific situation, and slowly he did not ask. .

As for He Jun, there is no whereabouts.

Wang Qianchen originally thought that Kuaijian Xiaofang would come back to take revenge, and then he would be able to rescue He Jun by taking the opportunity, but as a result, there was no news of this guy.

There was no progress in the two matters, which made Wang Qianchen very depressed for a while. Until one night, after having a little drink in a bar alone, he took out his mobile phone in a daze and dialed a number that he had memorized thousands of times.

"Hello? Who is it?" A voice with a less clear signal came from the phone.

Wang Qianchen was jolted, suddenly woke up, and immediately went out the door, saying nervously, "Eight... Eighth Prince, do you still remember me? We met in Fenghuang Mountain in Gaoping City before..."

"Oh, you're that dog demon, right?" The Eighth Prince had a good memory and said it immediately.

"That's right, that's me!" Wang Qianchen's heart was raised in his throat.

"Hey, why did you suddenly look for me, are you in the rock realm?" The Eighth Prince laughed, his attitude towards Wang Qianchen was always good.

"Yes, I am in the rock realm, so I will call you as soon as possible!" Wang Qianchen rehearsed these words thousands of times in his mind, and at this moment, he said it without any stumbling.

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