Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 371: no rules

"But what if I'm not their opponent?" Wang Qianchen asked nervously.

"It's okay, I'll help you." Dashan leaned down and transformed into a huge mountain eagle.

Wang Qianchen immediately climbed up.

"...What are you doing?" Shan Ying frowned.

"Don't you want to go together?" Wang Qianchen asked strangely.

"...I'm going to mine, you're going to yours, the base of the Luzhou City Demon Slayer Team is at the Zhezhe Car Wash in the north of the city, take a taxi and go there." Shan Ying was silent for a while, then said, "Go down!"

"Hey, don't be so stingy, take me with you!" Wang Qianchen hugged the neck of the mountain eagle, holding its feathers tightly with both hands.

"Not everyone can sit on me!" Shan Ying seemed to be angry, his body shook violently, and he threw Wang Qianchen down, and then flew high into the sky with a "huh".

"The Eighth Lord said, you are the mountain, I am the dog, and we will be his right-hand man from now on, how can you treat your partner like this... a cheapskate!" Watching the mountain eagle fly farther and farther, Wang Qianchen could only step towards the wetlands Run outside the park.

——Of course he can also fly, but firstly, flying low, it is easy to scare people on the ground, and secondly, he does not want Dashan to know that he has this ability.

I took a taxi to the door of Zhezhe's car wash, and contacted Dashan by phone, and finally came to a certain alley, where Dashan was already waiting.

Dashan said: "The investigation is clear. There are five people in Luzhou City's Monster Slaying Team. The captain and vice-captain are all in the stone realm, and the other three members are in the soil realm. There is no one in the Zhezhe car wash now, so they should all go out to inspect. , from now on, restrain the demonic energy, be careful of their demon-suppressing bell."

Wang Qianchen responded.

The higher the level of the monsters, the more they know how to restrain the demonic energy, but it is ineffective against the demon slayers of the same level—in other words, except for those monsters who are naturally good at concealing the demonic energy, they must be at least one level higher than the demon slayers. Do not disturb the town demon bell.

The previous Mrs. Mouse, Huang Sanye, and Mo Xiao were all like this. This is the reason why Wan Yaohui requires its members to start at the rock realm. If they want to stand firm in the fourth-tier cities, they will not disturb the town demon bell, the captain of the monster-slayer Shijing. is a must-have skill.

Wang Qianchen was not a monster in the first place, so there was no way to talk about restraining his demonic energy. Fortunately, there was Mr. Honglou who could help.

As for the situation investigated by Dashan, of course, Wang Qianchen arranged it in advance. After the phone call with the Eighth Prince last night, he began to work on it overnight. He deliberately left some photos, tableware, shoes and other items in the car wash, forging signs of multiple people living. Dashan is no better than Lao Yu. Lao Yu has stayed in Luzhou City for a long time, and he has already figured out the situation of the monster slayer. However, Dashan came too quickly, and there was not enough time, so he was relatively easy to fool.

The two waited in the alley until noon, and sure enough, several "monster slayers" returned to Zhezhe's car wash one after another. Two stone realms and three soil realms were all wearing black cloaks, holding demon-slayer knives, and waist town demon bells.

"This is really their base... How did you know?" Wang Qianchen said sincerely.

"You can't find out about this kind of thing, it's really a waste of money." Dashan snorted coldly and said, "Get ready to act!"

"Okay!" Wang Qianchen agreed immediately.

Immediately, Dashan took out a cooked copper rod, and Wang Qianchen held a brick.

"Hahaha, I'm going to kill the demon beheading!" Banzhuan shouted excitedly.

"Tell the one in your hand to be quiet!" Dashan cursed in disgust.

"Okay!" Wang Qianchen quickly slapped the brick, and the guy finally quieted down.

The two, one after the other, crossed the road together and entered the Zhezhe car wash shop. Several "Monster Slayers" were eating, and they were shocked to see them coming in. They got up and asked who they were.

"Lao Yu, did you kill them?" Dashan asked coldly.

"Yes, what?" A "captain" from the Stone Realm drew out the Demon Slayer Sword.

Wang Qianchen and Dashan didn't talk nonsense, they went on a killing spree and killed several "Monster Slayers". The screams and mourning were endless, and the blood flowed into a river in the end, which was quite miserable.

After finishing these "Monster Slayers", the two walked out of the store one after another and quickly headed towards the opposite alley.

Of course, Dashan would not see that the Zhezhe car wash behind him, and even the entire road and block, collapsed and disappeared as he quickly left...

That's right, all this is an illusion created by Wang Qianchen!

Last night, Wang Qianchen guessed the intention of the Eighth Prince to send Dashan, so he left Li Xian and Zhou Shengzhi in advance, leaving only an empty Zhezhe car wash shop.

While in the alley, Wang Qianchen dragged the mountain into the illusion.

Because both of them are rock realms, the skills of [Marriage Dream] are strong enough, and the setting of the whole scene is reasonable enough, and there are no suspicious accidents in the middle, so Dashan did not realize himself from the beginning to the end. In a fantasy.

The two went through several blocks in a row, and Dashan finally realized that something was wrong, turned his head to look at Wang Qianchen, and said doubtfully, "Why are you so tired?"

After performing [Marriage Dream], Wang Qianchen's spiritual power was almost exhausted, so his face was pale and his head was sweating coldly, and he reluctantly rushed to catch up with the footsteps of the mountains. It's my first time killing a monster... a little, a little scared!"

Dashan snorted, and was about to say something when the bricks hiding behind Wang Qianchen's waist had already spoken first: "Look at your potential, it's not as good as me! Brother Shan, he is not qualified to join the Wan Yaohui, let me come. !"

"Are all your monsters so unruly?" Dashan asked with a frown.

"I made you unruly!" Wang Qianchen grabbed the brick and threw it to the ground.

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