Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 380: King's Air

Wang Qianchen heard the Eight Princes talk about the composition of the Ten Thousand Demons Association yesterday, and knew that there is a Lingzhu above the cave owner. Although the Eight Princes are the cave owners of Taihang Cave, this Langling Lord is the real owner of Taihang Mountain.

Monsters are different from humans. Most of them hide in the mountains and mountains. They occupy the mountains as kings and use the mountains to demarcate the land.

The Taihang Mountains stretch for 800 miles, spanning the western Shanxi province and southern Henan province. There are endless monsters, but Lord Langling is the absolute king.

Lord Langling's true appearance is a white wolf, and he already has the strength of the peak. If he is here, the monster slayers called by Wang Qianchen and Sun Ming are not opponents at all!

Seeing that there were twice as many monsters around, and there were many walls and rocks, Wang Qianchen's head really had a headache. Fortunately, if Sun Ming didn't have his signal, he would not have rashly shot.

Dashan didn't know what Wang Qianchen was thinking, and was still introducing him enthusiastically: "You all know us here, and I'll introduce you to Lord Langling's side. Brother Mastiff, this is a puppy, the Eighth Prince. The newly acquired brother is currently in charge of the monsters around Luzhou City."

Then he whispered again: "Little dog, this Mastiff brother is a Tibetan Mastiff. The big red man around Lord Langling happens to be of the same kind as you. Hurry up and make friends."

There are also people and sophistication among monsters, especially the same kind, which naturally has a layer of intimacy.

Wang Qianchen quickly said hello: "Brother Mastiff!"

This mastiff brother has curly hair and shows sharp teeth from time to time, and his face looks very fierce. He was talking to the monsters around him, and when he heard Dashan introduce a new monster, he turned his head and said, "Oh, are you the same kind as me..."

Just as his eyes fell on Wang Qianchen, his body suddenly trembled, his legs suddenly softened, and he knelt down for some reason!

Brother Mastiff does not have a position in the Ten Thousand Demons Association, but he has the strength of a wall anyway, and he follows the Lord Langling all the year round. The Eighth Prince has to be polite to him.

Among the many monsters at the entrance of the cave, Brother Mastiff is definitely second to none, and the monsters such as Dashan dare not even breathe out in front of him. It was such a monster who suddenly knelt down to Wang Qianchen, and of course the surroundings were shocked!

"Brother Mastiff, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother Mastiff, what's the matter with you?"

The demons asked one after another, and Wang Qianchen was also at a loss, not knowing what plane Brother Mastiff was doing.

Brother Mastiff was still kneeling on the ground, his body was shaking into a ball, and his legs were numb. He looked at Wang Qianchen in surprise, wiped the sweat from his forehead again, and motioned for the demon beside him to help him up.

Several monsters immediately stepped forward to help him up.

Brother Mastiff stared at Wang Qianchen for a while before asking, "What kind of dog are you?"

Wang Qianchen thought that Brother Mastiff wanted to see his true appearance, and immediately changed into a white dog, the one that bit him before. Because of his deep impression, he changed his appearance every time.

After a few seconds, Wang Qianchen became an adult again.

Brother Mastiff was still staring at him closely, his eyes were full of shock, and sweat was dripping from his forehead.

"Brother Mastiff, what's going on?" Dashan couldn't help but ask.

"This guy actually has the breath of an emperor in a dog. When I saw him, my whole body became weak, and I couldn't help but want to kneel!" Brother Mastiff was supported and looked at Wang Qianchen up and down, but he didn't dare to straighten Seeing, with an instinctive fear.

All the monsters also looked at Wang Qianchen in astonishment. Some animals were born with the breath of emperors, just like the real dragons in the world. This kind of breath is of course unique. It is very likely to be called a king or emperor when placed on a human being, and it has absolute dominance when placed on an animal.

And Wang Qianchen also understood in his heart.

He has long discovered that he can command a group of dogs and even communicate with them without barriers. When he was in Luzhou City before, every dog ​​that saw him would crawl on the ground and be dispatched.

He had asked the dogs why they were doing this, and the dogs said they didn't know, but they wanted to surrender when they saw him.

Although Brother Mastiff has the strength of the wall, he is a dog after all, so he also has this instinct.

Needless to say, it must be the reason for that layer of demonic energy!

After all, this demonic energy came from the sky, and 80% of it was the mount or pet of some immortal. Can these mortal dogs not be afraid when they see him?

Wang Qianchen knew what was going on, but he still pretended to be silly and said, "Brother Mastiff, don't scare me, I don't have the air of an emperor!"

"No, you have." Brother Mastiff said firmly.

In the end, the strength of the wall is a big level beyond Wang Qianchen's rock. After a while of adaptation, he finally stopped shaking and softening, but there was still deep fear in his eyes.

He circled Wang Qianchen twice and said solemnly, "I won't read it wrong, you do have the spirit of a dog emperor, and your future must be limitless!"

In the human world, a dog may be a low-level animal. Although it is known as a "good friend of human beings", many people still look down on dogs, and sometimes use dogs to scold people, such as licking dogs, dog things, too dog wait.

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