Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 393: a tough fight

The tortoise spread out its limbs and was more than ten meters long, covering the entire street tightly and protecting Wang Qianchen behind him.

When the flying swords struck, the Eighth Prince retracted his limbs, leaving only a pair of tortoise shells. He heard the sound of "ding, ding, ding". Those flying swords seemed to hit the copper wall and iron wall, and then fell to the ground and turned into air.

At the same time, Elder Ma ran to the Eighth Prince, pulled out his sword, and stabbed fiercely in the direction of the Eighth Prince's head.

The Eighth Prince moved forward instead of retreating, stuck out his head suddenly, and bit Elder Ma's wrist.

Elder Ma screamed, blood dripping from his wrist, but the long sword still stretched forward and slashed on the neck of the Eighth Prince. Just this sword, almost cut off half of the Eighth Prince's head.

The Eighth Prince clenched his wrist tightly, preventing his sword from taking another step forward. One person and one demon were stuck in such a stalemate, and it was already at the most critical moment.

The Eighth Prince's neck was dripping with blood, and he was almost dying, while Elder Ma only injured his wrist, and at most he would lose one hand. From the point of view of race, Wang Qianchen should not and cannot help the monster, but Elder Ma killed him, and the Eighth Prince protected him, and if the Eighth Prince died, Elder Ma would not let him go!

Between the lightning and flint, Wang Qianchen no longer hesitated, and suddenly sprang from behind the Eighth Prince, slashing at Elder Ma's wrist with a fierce sword.

With a "click", Elder Ma's wrist was cut off at the root, and the long sword also fell to the ground with a "click".

Elder Ma screamed and stepped back while clutching his bleeding wrist.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Eighth Prince poked his head forward again and bit Elder Ma's neck fiercely. Blood splashed, Elder Ma staggered back a few steps, and finally collapsed to the ground with a "bang".

With a sound of "咻", the Eighth Prince turned into an adult again, with blood dripping from his neck, and half of his head almost fell off. He quickly took out the medicine bottle and sprinkled it in a circle, finally stopping the surging blood.

Looking at Elder Ma's body, Wang Qianchen's heart was full of mixed feelings, and he actually helped the monster kill a person, but he seemed to have no choice.

"Come on!" The Eighth Prince took Wang Qianchen and quickly left this virtual space.


On the long street, it was still lively and noisy. It was not until the effect of [Qingming Space] dissipated that the bodies of Elder Ma and others were revealed, which immediately attracted a lot of screams, and soon someone called the police, and the relevant departments came to deal with it.

On the other side, the eldest brother who sold fried dough sticks called Wei Zihua's mobile number.

"Someone asked me to make this call, saying that he was controlled by pyramid schemes, and there were more than 100 people on the opposite side." The elder brother said honestly.

"Where are you?!" Wei Zihua asked immediately.

"Luzhou City, the morning market on Jianshe Road." Big Brother continued.

Wei Zihua immediately understood that it was near Zhezhe's car wash.

The Eighth Prince is really a master of art and daring, and he actually hid in the base of Luzhou City's Monster Slayer, which was indeed something none of them thought of. After Du Hong and others heard the news, they immediately went to Luzhou City, but Wei Zihua refused.

Wei Zihua analyzed rationally: "Wang Qianchen said it clearly, there are more than 100 people on the opposite side! These 100 people are definitely not people, but monsters. Where does Luzhou City come from so many monsters? There is only one answer. , The Eighth Prince has summoned the monsters from the whole of Shanxi Province and is ready to come to Dayuan City to launch a counter-offensive!

"Will Xiaochen be in danger?" Du Hong asked with a frown.

"According to the current situation, it should not." Wei Zihua said: "He can still pass on news, indicating that the Eighth Prince still trusts him. We need to prepare for the next battle, the Eighth Prince's counterattack. It cannot be underestimated, this is bound to be a tough battle!"


Luzhou City.

The Eighth Prince took Wang Qianchen, jumped into the Zhangze Reservoir again, and found a deserted suburb to land.

"These guys are coming too fast, we just arrived in Luzhou City for a day... How did it leak?" In the eyes of the Eighth Prince, the elders of Qingcheng Mountain appeared, 100% for him. "Chou" is just a cover, I don't want to startle the snake, but I still startle him!

"He originally wanted to break them down, kill you first, and then kill me... But he didn't expect that I would come out too, just to see them trap you in the Qingming space!" There is a feeling of being left behind.

From the point of view of the Eighth Prince, it is not surprising to think about the problem in this way, Wang Qianchen also breathed a sigh of relief, saving him from racking his brains to explain.

Wang Qianchen pretended to be afraid and said, "Thank you for coming out just in time, otherwise I would really die!"

The Eighth Prince was silent for a while, but still said: "Little dog, I have to tell you the truth, I didn't come out just by chance, I came out with you."

"Ah? Why?" Wang Qianchen knew it for a long time, but he still pretended to be surprised.

"Because I doubt you." The Eighth Prince said word by word.

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